Sebastian has accompanied him to a cluster of buildings. McMillan tells Ciel to get ready at once for the victory boat parade. [267] Sebastian asks Grelle to let them pass; if she refuses, he will be compelled to use force. Nevertheless, Ciel requests for another "game," saying that kids have a greed for games. [515], Later, Ciel, along with Edward, is surprised when Sebastian returns with an unconscious Elizabeth. [439] Ciel responds that there's no reason for her to be surprised since she herself is a witch. [156] They conclude that their objective is to compete with Agni's legendary skill in curry-making. [380], Ciel and Sebastian then take the four servants to London. Kelvin cries that it is painful and begs to be killed like how the other cultists were killed. [65] Several days later, Ciel summoned Sebastian to the Phantomhive Room. On the way, Sieglinde, speaking in German, asks how old Ciel is. Amongst the confusion that follows, Sebastian reveals that the "werewolves" are people in costumes. [480], The following day, at the outside of Buckingham Palace, a tensed and anxious Sieglinde is greeted by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, who subsequently lead her, Wolfram, and Ciel into the palace, up the stairs, and down a hallway. Unexpectedly, Aleister Chamber also appears before them. While Sebastian prepares the carriage, Ciel muses on Elizabeths cryptic words. After examining it, Sebastian decided to forcibly take it out, much to Ciel's chagrin. When Ronald and Grelle attack Undertaker, Sebastian intervenes. Undertaker then parades "Ciel", whom he rescued from the fire at the cathedral and whom he refined through trial and error, as his finest creation. Black Butler: Ciel Phantomhive Tea - Adagio Teas [223], After Jeremy's request is carried out, Jeremy examines the corpses individually. [289], Sebastian tightly holds onto Ciel as they both fall to the floor. After a whole day of fun, lightheartedness, and more misunderstandings (mainly between Ciel and Elizabeth Midford because of Sieglinde), Ciel finally retires for the day with Sebastian in tow. He is dangerously close to letting go of the chandelier and Grey nearly breaks their raw egg when, out of the blue, Grey and Phipps' egg hatches, revealing a baby chick. Ciel is dumbfounded since Aleister Chamber didn't go anywhere last night. [228] Sebastian had cunningly set up everything to make Jeremy look more believable, and Ciel was forced to help with the act on numerous occasions. After they leave this area, they enter the second boiler room. [115] William apologizes and drags Grelle away. [53], Over the years, Ciel's condition improved and he could join his family outside more often. The other attendees announce that it is time for caroling. Ciel called for their attention, stating that they must undergo special training. [345] Finally, Clayton tells him that Professor Michaelis recommended himhe should thank him for his glowing praise. Sebastian, Ciel and the servants of the Phantomhive Manor. In the club room, Ciel and Sebastian encounter one of the members and do the "Phoenix Pose." Sebastian unexpectedly returns and teasingly asks Ciel what he's grinning about. He declares that Ciel's hard work and efforts demonstrate his commitment to his team and his pure desire to defeat Green Househe may be small, but "the owl came to hunt the lion in earnest."[359]. At the end of the second season, Ciel is reborn as a. Ciel is portrayed by various actors in the musicals. Elizabeth throws the ring on the floor forcefully, and it shatters into pieces. "Ciel" states it's so unlike Ciel to be brought to a halt. Ciel and Sebastian note that the missing children are all here and they act like servants to Kelvin. Edward is surprised that Ciel knows the name. However, Lau assists them in their escape and escorts them to one of his opium dens, where they are accommodated with a bath, a change of clothing, and a meal. [91] Ciel and Sebastian ride on a carriage to London and arrive at Ciel's London townhouse. This tea will entrance even the most devilish of companions. Although they are surprised, he adds determinedly that they will never see him in such a sorry state again. Ciel, then, suggests bribing the tradesmen who enter and leave the building daily, but admits that Blavat will be the first to hear about it if negotiations fail. For example, when Ciel addresses, A notable exception is Joker. Moreover, batting is not their only counterattackmembers of Team Red are suddenly overcome by acute gastricular discomfort. [29], Moreover, Ciel is accustomed to luxury. [421] In his sleep, Ciel has entered his inner world. Shocked, Ciel orders Sebastian to make him something sweet to eat. The Kuroshitsuji fandom has always been up for Yana's mastermind-like antics, but nobody was prepared for this. [301] Sebastian answers affirmatively and viciously destroys all the dolls. However, he blows too hard on the warm milk (at the speed of 50m/s). Ciel refuses to continue living humbly. Sebastian and Ciel discuss the situation. Sebastian is invited onstage where he gets bitten by a tiger. [419] Sieglinde says something about a ritual and leaves with Wolfram. Ciel then says he cannot let Sebastian stay like thiswhen they get back, Sebastian must have a thorough rest because he did well today. Ciel notes wickedly it has an even greater impact on Herman. Ciel declared that he wanted the power to take revenge on those who mistreated him. When it is time to inspect Sebastian's body, Ciel staggers, claiming that seeing his butler's corpse so many times has a negative effect on him. After he narrates the entire story, Ciel cannot believe that his predecessor was in Blue House. She explains that their village, Wolfsschlucht, doesn't allow visitors. [186] Ciel then runs away and hides. [371] Sebastian then turns to the P4; he asks them what was so important that they would resort to murder. While screaming at her to get up, he fires his gun at the Bizarre Dolls. Regaining consciousness, with blood flowing out of his mouth, Sebastian agonizingly roarswith all his strength, he clasps Ciel's outstretched hand. Because of the eye-patch he has to wear to cover. Alias When Ciel returns to his room, an invitation for the Midnight Tea Party is on his bed. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. [494], Ciel, Edward, and the crowd look over at the stage. When Sebastian returns, he explains everything to an irritated Ciel. Why was Ciel Phantomhive tortured? - Answers Ciel declares that they will have to witness it for themselves and orders Sebastian to prepare a carriage for them. Sebastian and Ciel watch, horrified, as the Bizarre Dolls attack her.[270]. Ciel acknowledges that he knew his technique would not work against him. [312] At the dining table, Grey and Phipps deliver a "love letter" from Queen Victoria to Ciel. While she argues, Francis gets the first point, already shooting a bird. Sebastian agrees, and says he will wait outside and that Ciel can summon him if he wishes. CA License # A-588676-HAZ / DIR Contractor Registration #1000009744 Once he deposits Ciel back in his room, Sebastian heads out once more. "Ciel" tells Alexis that Ciel has been posing as him. He cannot rest until he has met with Derrick Arden or his friends. [317], Later, Ciel is summoned to the headmaster's office. Ciel Phantomhive has been having dreams about his butler, Sebastian Michaelis. Soma is pleased by Ciel's admittance that they are friends and hugs him joyfully. After rendering Soma unconscious, Sebastian comments that Soma is understandably confused. Ciel later took his place as the Earl of Phantomhive and the Queen's Watchdog. He calls for Sebastian to come and orders him to go the crest office and find out who owns the hallmark they saw in the photo. After Sebastian leaves, Ciel turns his attention back to Rianhe instructs him to be brief because he is not patient and points his gun at Rian's head. Water starts pouring in, and the ship's workers yell at everyone to get escape before the watertight doors shut. [323] He plans to use Lawrence's fag to get closer to the P4. Upon realizing what they are, Ciel asks Sebastian for confirmation that he would never lie to him. Ciel Phantomhive gets tortured when he was younger because he was supposed to be sacrificed to a religion. how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea Be intelligent. She acknowledges him worthy of being her future son-in-law, and they decide to go home. The gruesome show includes children unwittingly killing themselves, much to Ciel's horror. [416] Finnian happily points out that she is speaking English now. Ciel states that Snake is another person; therefore, it is fine if he is different from the rest. [314], On his first day, Ciel is almost late, but he manages to slip inside the gate before it is closed. Confused, Lau and Ciel question this; Soma adds that Sebastian is making the naan in incorrectly. The one on his left thumb is an ornate silver piece that holds an emerald-cut deep-blue sapphire; it is a one-of-a-kind family heirloom that has been passed down for generations. Next, Elizabeth Midford arrives[236] and joyfully asks Ciel to join her and her family on April 17th for a three-week vacation on a luxury cruise liner, the Campania. He also had the components of the antidote analyzed. Baldroy, Mey-Rin, and Finnian worked together to eliminate them. One day during lunch, McMillan tells him about "fags," who are like little brothers to the prefects. Sebastian shows him the dessert he has already preparedunfortunately, he smiles, Ciel will have to eat it later. She takes her leave after informing Ciel that she will have the Grand Chamberlain's office send the authorization documents for the Royal Warrant to Ciel soon. Ciel orders Karl to sit down. [402] After countless misunderstandings,[403] Sieglinde tells them about her ancestor the Emerald Witch. When Sebastian questions his motives, Undertaker admits that he cannot bear to lose another Phantomhive. Sebastian quietly laughs when Ciel enters with his team "God Only Knows", and they receive an awkward reaction from the guests. Status When Sebastian demurs from rescuing him immediately, Ciel asks Sebastian if he is daring to go against the Faustian contract. Ciel had never seen either one of his parents cooking until the day his father tried to make his mother feel better by preparing some of his favorite dishes. Ciel questions why she needed to specifically ask him to go abroad, when he had only done so once before. [21], Ciel is a proud, shrewd boy whom Sebastian Michaelis commends for his "presence of mind" and "keen intuition. Ciel Phantomhive AniList [450] Entering another room, they find it full of giant cylinders. Sebastian suddenly grabs Ciel and clamps his hand over his mouth, startling him. Karl Woodley wants to leave, but Ciel does not let him, so he attempts to attribute the murders to Ciel's doing as the Queen's Watchdog. [150] They all return to Ciel's London townhouse, and they discuss Agni's amazing powers. [467] Ciel orders Sebastian to rescue Wolfram. Later, Ciel informs a shocked Edward that they are establishing their own music hall, as well as their own group, and explains that when given two options which cost the same, customers would choose the one of higher quality. a process in the weather of the heart; marlin 336 white spacer replacement; milburn stone singing; miami central high school football; horizon eye care mallard creek Ciel offers to help, and Soma hugs him joyfully. When the Kaiser and government refused her offer of assistance, she decided to send Ciel to investigate. Meanwhile, a troubled Finnian watches over Ciel as he sleeps. Their next meeting will be aboard a luxury cruise liner on April 19th. [117], Outside, in the graveyard, Lau asks if Ciel told the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity, which Ciel responds that he found that to be unnecessary, as the Jack the Ripper killings had been stopped. He also points out that the meetings, strangely, charge no fees; instead, Blavat hands out bracelets of pure silver. Ciel retorts that he, the Aristocrat of Evil, took action when Fred, the "righteous police," could not. Sebastian then identifies the owner of the hallmark as Baron Kelvin. Ciel sadly wondered why no one was there to help him. [387] Ciel thinks the idea is ridiculous. Infuriated that Agni went against his orders, Soma loudly complains to an upset Agni. Raising his Death Scythe, Undertaker announces that he has decided to make Sebastian disappear after all. Undertaker suddenly throws Ciel off of the staircase, shocking Sebastian. how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea. What does Ciel Phantomhive think of you? - Quiz - Quotev Grelle comes up with a feeble excuse for why she is there, despite unequivocally being covered in the prostitute's blood. [533], At his townhouse, Ciel informs a shocked Soma and Sieglinde that he is putting the Phantom Five on a hiatus, for a number of reasons: First, the frontman, Edward, was dragged off by his mother mid-performance; second, the Phantom Five consists mostly of students who have their own responsibilities; third, Ciel has achieved what he wanted with the Phantom Five. [205], Back at Phantomhive Manor, with Elizabeth's insistence, Ciel agrees to calling Nina Hopkins over to tailor their clothes. Sebastian assures him that he does not tell lies, and Ciel is horrified. by | Jun 1, 2022 | Uncategorized | griechisches lied sagapo | Jun 1, 2022 | Uncategorized | griechisches lied sagapo [487], After Ciel, Sebastian, and Edward arrive at the Sphere Music Hall, Edward points out the absence of Elizabeth, Herman, Edgar Redmond, Lawrence Bluewer, and Gregory Violet. Ciel comments that in this country, the best place to look for news of a person is by going to a club or a pub (which is what Agni and Soma are doing); so, they are not up to something insidious. Sebastian says that Fred stated that, while their methods may be different, they share the goal of protecting people. [155] Ciel decides to participate and obtain the Royal Warrant for the Funtom Corporation, even if they only have a week to prepare. Distressed by Ciel's "lazing about" and Sebastian's "indecency," Francis decides to begin retraining, and they later end up at the stables. [397] Sebastian leaves Ciel with Sieglinde in the dining room and proceeds to the kitchen. Lau, Sebastian, Ciel, and Soma follow Agni, and they reach a building where their target has entered. Gender However, she quickly recovers and announces she thought of a great idea; whoever is able to find the egg that she specially made will become the winner of the competition. "My Lord, I hardly require a payment for doing exactly what is expected of a Phantomhive butler." It was no secret that Sebastian gained no pleasure from consuming human food. Ciel immediately scolds him for being late. Ciel Phantomhive | InsideTheBox Wiki | Fandom They settle in the private meeting room to discuss the situation. "Come to speak of it, when I checked Hanks' long line about Ciel's profile in the musical, I told *him [*the actor who played Hanks] 'I haven't decided on Ciel's height yet, so let's put it like 'as tall as 12 Scones', but when I heard that line during the actual play I realised that that's extremely small. [449] They can't believe that the villagers managed to use such an advanced trick. He warns William to stop making them seem suspicious to the rest of the circus. They then agree to not interfere with each other. [340], When the fire starts spreading, Sebastian suddenly grabs Ciel, and they both continue to observe from atop a tree. Ciel responds that it was a terrible wake-up call. Ciel plans to discuss their team's strategy, but their "coach" has "disappeared." [477] Before Ciel leaves, Diedrich tells him to be careful. Alarmed, Herman rushes to his side, but Ciel keeps his nerves together, grabs the ball, and hits the ball with the wicket. A distraught Ciel, seeing Agni's corpse and the state Soma is in, says that he told Soma and Agni to stay out of his business. The Phantomhive family is a royal family. [528], After a Phantom Five performance, Ciel, along with Sebastian, comes down the stairs in Funtom Music Hall, spots Blavat among the crowd, and greets him. He hears the Viscount's voice talking to a certain audience, announcing that Ciel is the item they have been anticipating. [517], The doorbell sounds, and Agni leaves to get the door. Ciel tells an astounded Grelle that it is old-fashioned for a Grim Reaper to rely solely on the Death Scythe. At the same time, Sieglinde's horror continues to grow. [488], Afterward, Blavat laughs, stating that, now, Sebastian and Ciel must be assuming that he is not human, either. He snaps at Soma before going to his bedroom. Ciel then smells a strange scent, notes that he is getting sleepy, and blacks out. Blue House energetically celebrates with an elated Ciel as their hero. A Phantomhive in Night Raven College or A Butler, in Twisted Wonderland Lau calls them over; he has already knocked out the guard personnel by rendering them asleep with a special technique, much to Soma's and Ciel's surprise. There, she explains in detail her association with Blavat and the music hall, and also admits that she never met "those with the names of stars," who are of higher status than the S4. [160] West approaches them and exchanges pleasantries with Ciel. Toboso calls him "Ciel" or "the one with the eyepatch." Sebastian changes them at once and then assists Ciel and Elizabeth down. Soma says that if he had never encountered Ciel, he would have stayed selfish and ignorant. Lawrence declines assistance and leaves. Unable to take any more, Sieglinde bursts out and accuses them of deceiving her. Ciel replies that he wants a strong wife now. Thus, both Angelina and Grelle are acting together as Jack the Ripper. [139] At his fencing time, Ciel challenges Soma to a duel; if he wins, Soma must remain quiet and stay out of Ciel's way. Ciel asserts that she will need a lot of money for new knowledge, for even Wolfsschlucht operated on national-level amounts of money, and that Wolfram is too awkward to raise that kind of money, much to Wolfram's chagrin. Ciel is one of the characters whose character design was only slightly changed during the pre-production. [433] They all respond with "Yes, My Lord. Sebastian reveals it was Snake, who he has captured. During a pause in the fight, Ciel states that the Indians are the ones to blame since they picked a fight with them first. While the group is journeying by boat, they are accosted by the Scotland Yard's Thames Division, which monitors the River Thames. [272], Ciel orders Sebastian to go after Rian. Sascha thinks that it may be because Ciel himself is close to death or because of his lineage. [96], During the carriage ride home, they speculate that anyone with medical training could be the murderer, and that the womb and organs were most likely removed for use in a black magic ritual. [499], Sebastian shows the bracelet he stole, and narrates his conversation with a prostitute who recognized the bracelet. Ciel goes to the Sapphire Owl dormitory's library at night to meet Sebastian. Ciel retorts with the 15th rule. Edward, then, reveals that Elizabeth Midford has run away from the Midford Manor, to Ciel's and Sebastian's shock. [536], When Ciel asks them if they have an idea where Blavat went, Edgar recalls that Blavat talked about a second music hall being built, and Lawrence declares that it is in Bath. At night, McMillan talks with Ciel. [523], Afterward, the Phantom Five gather at Ciel's office, where Ciel commends them for their performance. Sebastian then informs him that Tanaka has called and said that Elizabeth Midford is currently at Phantomhive Manor and she refuses to go home before seeing Ciel. [245] Immediately afterwards, they hear a familiar laugh; both of them whirl around and are face to face with Undertaker. Upon his return, the ring was given to him by Angelina Dalles, who told him that it was the only ring that had not been destroyed in the fire that killed his parents. *smiles* 4. [85], Sebastian and Ciel banter for a while, which distresses Azzurro greatly, and he threatens to shoot Ciel in the head. However, when Soma rushes up to him, Ciel takes advantage of his lowered defences and breaks his egg. [33] Furthermore, he is merciless with his enemies; on numerous occasions, he had Sebastian slaughter them. [274], Sebastian and Ciel encounter Viscount Druitt in the 1st Class Passenger Hallway. [137][138] Despite this, Soma continuously interrupts Ciel throughout the day. [118], They part ways, and Ciel and Sebastian go to speak to Undertaker. Lau informs them that he is delivering "flowers," or girls, to his clients, and bribes them. For years, the Phantomhive family has been well-known for making toys and sweets for small children. After Blavat leaves, Ciel angrily breaks a Meissen vase, to which Sebastian responds by saying that the outburst of rage is futile and uncharacteristic of him. :Oadditionally, i forget to mention the flashback scene with baron kelvin. Just like Sebastian, Ciel often annoys her. Sebastian then helps Ciel out of his robeshe apologizes for being rough, but he knew Ciel was being followed. [319] Out loud, Ciel mentions that he would find it difficult to play against his friend from the Scarlet Fox dormitory, Derrick Arden. Lau arrives, and after their slight banter, he tells Ciel all the details. Therefore, it's time to choosehe points a gun at her head, asking her if she wants to live or get it over with right now. Ciel provides a genuine smile and thanks everyone. Snake does not respond as he stares straight ahead. Joanne, a spin bowler, tries his best to defeat Ciel, but Ciel resolutely defends the wicket. [18][19], Ciel sports two rings. Soma then enters the room, and the investigators wonder who they are. [525], On Halloween, Sebastian welcomes Ciel home, and shows him the extravagantly decorated garden. [99], That evening, Angelina and Grelle attend the party as themselves, Ciel as a girl (respectively Madam Red's niece from the countryside), Sebastian as Ciel's home tutor, and Lau as Angelina's lover. Even though Ciel does not like sports and even hates to walk, he is very fond of horseback riding. When Fred suggests that they request aid from Queen Victoria, Ciel states that, by the word of law, she cannot intervene in domestic affairs, and assures him that he will handle it, as the Queen's Watchdog. Twin Ciels Theory | Why does Ciel hide his asthma? - YouTube Ciel is of above average intellegence and plans everything strategically, and it is unknown whether he . Although the other players are worried, Ciel tells them to leave it to him. Ciel says he does not know and shows the bracelet to him, disclosing the fact that the bracelet is made of pure silver; he observes that the bracelet, thus, is far too opulent to be bestowed as a souvenir upon persons who get their fortunes told. Sebastian tells "Ciel" he would not be there, if "Ciel" had not lost his life that night. This disqualifies the duo; Sebastian and Ciel continue to seek hidden Easter eggs. Sebastian, then, breaks open the door, to a room where Soma is, and sets Agni down. Ciel's Faustian contract displayed on his right eye. Edward asks what it is that has enchanted her, and Ciel suggests that Blavat has brainwashed her, to which Edward admits is possible. After examining Agni, Sebastian reports to Ciel that he is not breathing, to Ciel's shock. He kisses her on the cheek goodnight, saying he had a happy time playing with her, and he retires for the night. What does Ciel Phantomhive put in his tea? Sebastian states that Ciel is so admirablethats how an English gentleman should be. Slightly piqued, Ciel tells Sebastian to also seek out anyone else who may have been deceived by Maurice. [557], Grelle crashes through the window, to their collective surprise, while Othello walks through the door. She snatches it, claiming he cares more about the ring than her feelings. They are shocked that he can see them. [210], The day of the banquet arrives, and Ciel talks to Diedrich on the phone, who warns him not to overdo it. Ciel then orders Sebastian to end her life. Ciel tells him to explain Patrick's murder. [214] At this time, Sebastian makes arrangements with the other servants of the house, giving them instructions to last several days. Ciel and the others disguised as "flowers" on a boat. Ciel reinforces the idea that he is the Queen's Watchdog, and that this entire incident was nothing more than a game where the Queen reconfirmed whether or not he had the talent to maintain his position. Sebastian smiles, asking Ciel if he is going to cry because of this minor setback. Ciel admonishes Pitt, while Soma asks him why he is so upset. While gazing at the scene, Ciel remembers all of the critical events that transpired in his life. He has difficulty in dressing himself and doing household chores. Holding it, Ciel remarks he can't understand why Lawrence would throw a ball when he knew would lose. Ciel suddenly recognizes one of the names as his grandmother's. That Butler, Friendship He states that there is something wrong in this forest, and he must take Ciel back. Lau says this decision will cause him to "sink into the mud," because of his refusal to seek help. Phantomhive ManorPhantomhive townhouse, LondonThe Campania (briefly)Weston College (former) Sebastian offers Ciel his tailcoat, but Ciel refuses to wear it because it is too long. [166][167], Soma thanks Ciel for winning, and Ciel claims he did it for himself. Ciel thinks that Sebastian is really dependable at times like thisaloud, he tells Clayton he wants to thank Professor Michaelis right away. The P4 tell him that only they are permitted to meet with the headmaster. Ciel says that he is always impressed with the Queen's sharp intuition and that it was a shock to discover that toxic gas was the real cause of the curse. He continues to laugh, saying humans are nothing but evil creatures that are more devilish than real devils. Ciel is about to answer negatively; however, exceedingly embarrassed after catching sight of Sebastian's laughing face, he stops and tells her they do not have time for this. [556], When Ciel asks where "Ciel" was all along, "Ciel" reveals that he has always been by Ciels side: "Ciel" was inside the coffin Ciel sat on when the latter visited Undertaker's funeral parlor to inquire into the Jack the Ripper incident; Undertaker had "Ciel" watch from afar on a cliff when Ciel and Sebastian walked out of the burning Kelvin Manor; "Ciel" was in one of the many coffins stowed in the deck of the Campania, where he bit Undertaker; "Ciel" was concealed under Johann Agares's cloak as he watched Ciel play cricket at Weston College. He uses "that" strategy (Lau's girls) to distract Team Green's boys. He's the head of the Phantomhive clan and directly serves the Queen of England as her watchdog. [291] Ciel grabs Sebastian as the ship starts to tilt. He hesitated in killing Angelina, even when Sebastian insisted. Baldroy tries shooting it, but he can't put a scratch on it. Sebastian tells him that the eccentric experience will motivate Arthur to write, recalling that Ciel is fond of Arthur's novel. After telling him to eat them all, he strides off. [571] Initially, Ciel and Sebastian assume that Lau is cooperating with Scotland Yard to claim the bounty placed on Ciel. [406] Sebastian thinks that he cannot sense anything or feel any presence. Although Sebastian tutored him, Ciel is unable to understand the "East Franconian dialect of Southern Germany. [363], Sebastian gives Ciel a new, slim fitting outfit for the parade. Sebastian congratulates an exhausted Ciel for working so hard and communicating with the simple words he knew[405] Suddenly, Wolfram comes in; he apologizes for Sieglinde's behavior and carries her out. [222], Just then, the Phantomhive servants haul in the "thirteenth person," but Ciel quickly recognizes him as Jeremy Rathbone. He then tells Sebastian to burn the place, regardless of the children. Victoria says that it frightens her even though they may not be doing anything malicious. Ciel, then, says that he is tired and wishes to hurry home to sleep. They move to a table filled with cakes and tea, which Sieglinde marvels at; Ciel advises her to only take one cake and not indulge. First of all, read attentively. Sebastian, taking note of the attack, moves to kill her, but Ciel orders him to stop. Ciel orders Sebastian to ask the man about the curse. Ciel notes that Tanaka is as strict as ever. Ciel announces that they will settle everything tomorrow. He adds that he still has a photograph of Ciel's family, to Soma's excitement, but an angered Ciel snatches it from Pitt before he can reveal it. After describing the hospital's illicit activities, Sebastian tells him the director, Rian Stoker, is part of an underground organization called the Aurora Society. Apart from Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian's greatest lover would be Grell Sutcliff, the red-headed grim reaper who's utterly in love with the demon. [110], Angelina comments that it is sad Ciel has figured it out, because now they cannot play chess together anymore.
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