(LN moral choice) -, We should strive to live in harmony with nature. - the, [Pay 200 BP] I command you to begin renovating the slums. -, Order your men to patrol the slums more frequently. " -, The land must bear fruit and feed the people . -, I dont want any problems with the merchants. -. If you can't make Jhod your High Priest, make sure that you don't have Harrim already in the spot and working on an event or project. The curse projects have to be done either by the priest or the magister, they have no second option. But, her shrewdness for Lawful answers may make Chaotic leaders prefer Octavia. For example, you can end the game with over 1 million gold and a ton of BP but still be told that your treasury's empty since you didn't sufficiently grind down the proletariat with oppressive taxes. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hey everyone. -. Possible Warden candidates include Regongar (CE), Ekundayo (LG), or Kesten Garess (LN) and relies on Constitution. -. A trusted but inadequate staff tends to function better than one filled with superb, yet angry advisers. Execute the slanderers! Select those who have ambition. I will allow Abadars followers to erect a temple in his honor." Community Rank 7: Rich bandits want to go straight and are asking for pardons. The rewards aren't worth the worsened unrest state. Divine Rank 7A: This event occurs if you destroyed the idols in the Rank 1 event. Ranadiel's reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker/comments/ptjnls/kingmaker_breaking_down_rankup_events_and_their/, Recommended Kingdom Stat Development Path. Larzio dies, Community +3, Loyalty -3, Relations +10, Stability -3, Culture +5. The Curator maintains the Stolen Lands art, literature, and historical archives. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Community Rank 2: A shepherd has a dispute with his neighbor over a cow. These variable names will be taken from the names listed on this post, which are based on the variable names in the code (under slight protest, since I feel like the variable names could be more accurate). I wish to influence the minds of my subjects. - gain a, Leave the charm to the one who found it. -, [Pay 500 gold] Buy the charm and give it to the appraiser. -, Seize the charm by force and give it to the appraiser. -, I forbid this necromancer from practicing his dark arts in my realm. -, From now on there will be no more magical experiments within the city walls. Note that the Effects lists assume no Ability score improvements have been applied to that Candidate, Companions can have a greater effect with ability score increases . Economy Rank 8: The Treasurer proposes minting your own coins. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. I know it will be spoilerish to answer my question, but why do you prefer Shandra over Kassil? FMK Tsanna :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Discussions - Steam Community -, [Pay 100 BP] Finance more guards from the treasury. If you venture to foreign lands, you will need to return to your borders. The Regent advises over the needs of the common people and day-to-day problems that they can help with; it's important to keep not only those who are influential happy but also everyone within your kingdom; no one should be more important than the other. Your Advisors will give you different takes on the situations and different advice based on their alignments and personal beliefs. NPC auto - No change. Jhod Kavken is a Pathfinder: Kingmaker NPC that may serve your kingdom as an advisor in the capacity of High Priest. Relations Rank 2: Theres an offer for a trade agreement from Razmiran. This throne room event unlocks the Projects: Scouting the Central Regions and Scouting the Northern Regions. Military Rank 3: The General asks you to appoint a Warden and asks you where to build barracks (60 exp). -, I demand the preacher be executed. Arcane Rank 6: A barbarian shaman wishes to serve you. But, all mercenaries take a -4 penalty on their assignments and have a preference for True Neutral actions. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. I wouldnt recommend completing this Project if you are aiming to get the Achievement for 100 random encounters. In other words, feel free to put there whoever you like more. However, not all of them may best suit your realm and leader. Regarding reimbursement the Brevan will have to do without it." Once youve assigned an Advisor to a position, you will get a special throne room event each time you unlock the next Rank Up Project for the associated kingdom stat. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Defenders of the Land II (+1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls in kingdom). -, We shall hold a fair for the common people. However, her leadership will lead to a path of pure Chaos, making Kassil a suitable alternative. is one of the best light crossbows in the game against the Fey. If Concealment > Fear, Assassins. Your choice here determines what result you get in the Stability Rank 9 throne room event. The High Priest will complete tasks involving allowing people to build temples for their respective gods and deciding on the best way to let everyone believe in those gods without conflict. That title belongs to Lander by far. Although if you ask me, Harrim's just a whiner - a one of a kind! Culture Rank 2: An aasimar asks for funds to found a society for the appreciation of the fine arts. Information on this event 3B comes courtesy of Runetooth. The Curator's role is to preserve the Stolen Lands' art, keeping the Kingdom's culture alive, and the three potential candidates for this are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), and The Storyteller (TN). This event occurs if you did not ban necromancy during the Rank 3 Event. (If, "The free market isn't going anywhere." -, Our gallows cannot wait to meet them. -, (Jaethal only) [Pay 200 BP] Give Lorzio a sense of just how much he owes us. -, (Linzi and the Storyteller only) [Pay 100 BP] Larzio may build his stage upon the main square. - the, [Pay 100 BP] I will take the risk. (Bartholomew's choice). There are two pretty significant ways to play this role, you can go down the route of treating these people with the same amount of respect as you do anyone, or you can go lenient on them if you're playing with more of a chaotic evil run. -, [Gain 30 BP] Arrest that shifty merchant immediately! They'll influence the Economy, Relations, Stability, and Loyalty stats. My dilemma is that I don't want to go too long without advisors and I know that The Witch Hunt Quest won't become available until after Troll Trouble. This triggers the Event: Gardeners of Faith. I'm on the bloom chapter and I've never had that option. Should it be my top priorty to recruit advisors that fit my Alignment, or should I prioritise story companions who seem to have better stats. Culture Rank 1: The Curator asks about building schools. Relations Rank 1: Hunters from Pitax are crossing the border. : The merchants want all trade to go through the trade guild. For example, Kanerah gives some unique options as Treasurer, and Jaethal is the only Curator who gives you the options that can lead to the best results on the opera. The Treasurer oversees the kingdoms wealth and taxation. This has led to the Pathfinder system being referred to as Dungeons and Dragons 3.75 by fans. (Amiris and Regongars choice, Kassil disapproves). This triggers the Event: Exodus to Kyonin [General, Warden, Curator]. Ekundayo is still great if you want a more Lawful option, even if Constitution isnt as needed on an archer. Pathfinder Kingmaker: How To Recruit Advisers (& Which - ScreenRant -. Community Rank 4a: A noble from Brevoy wants to open up tanneries. Thanks! (LE moral choice) -, Throw the mercenaries out of the capital. Jubilost makes a fine replacement as Alchemists favor medium to high Dexterity as well. Espionage Rank 5B: This event occurs if you reported the treachery to Gralton under the Rank 3 event. The daughter of a well-known merchant has gone missing. (Linzi and the Storyteller disapprove). The role can be filled by Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), or Kassil Aldori (LG) and is improved with Strength. It was basically pure propaganda. -, [Pay 75 BP] I wish to support this art society financially. -, [Pay 50 BP] We shall help them found and promote this society. -, Well support the provincial teacher. -, Lets order the series of etchings from the artist. -, (Jaethal only) Assist the composer and see how hes progressing! -, (Linzi/the Storyteller only) We shall grant this young composer what he asks. -, [Pay 2 BP each week] Well meet all their accusations by issuing our own newspaper. You need to investigate your people to discover the spies. However, this listing appears to include the +1 point that is reported on the Event card, and the actual rewards are largely the same as if you had made the choice yourself (with minor exceptions that appear to be bugs). Bartholomew can be a good back up if you decide to play without the DLC. During Chapter 2 you will be crowned master of the Stolen Lands. If you denied support (no theme): Stats (6) - Community, Loyalty, Economy, Divine, Stability, and Espionage. svensson1066. Leaders will act according to their position in government, beliefs and alignment. Cultists are bringing human sacrifices to the idols. I know about the other guy. (NE moral choice) -, "I'd prefer a payment in the form of a magical artifact." The Regent also helps renovate the size of the capital. -. You'll get some kingdom stats based on your prior choices. The flowering season in Pathfinder Kingmaker is one of the most enigmatic missions and, if you like, a little confusing to do. The Magister affects not only the Arcane stat but also Divine and Community. As well, if you kill her, the followers will give you some minor curse. Take care of the merchant and reimburse him for the stolen goods." For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Several major bandit leaders recognize you as a leader and ask how they can thank you. -. Trading also plays a notable role in a Treasurer's job, as does Economic status. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Being lawful evil you might just want to stick with him. While the Divine stat is their main duty, they can also influence Arcane, Community, and Relations. Advisor Rank Up Events - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough - GameFAQs I did not include the number of the choices, since the ordering can change depending on the Advisor and it's too confusing to try to list the choice numbers by Advisor. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Laying the Foundation (-10% cost of buildings with a static Stability bonus). If your choice matched the higher variable: (Linzi and Storyteller only): Forget about schools. [SPOILER] Master List of Kingdom Advisors :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights.
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