Also I can't imagine someone wanting this type of fake image. And totally adorable. His worshippers will buy whatever he chooses to sell (some of them would probably even buy his bottled farts). R344 thanks this rings true and explains a lot. There's no way Vin Diesel is gonna allow another film, even one of his own, to get in the way of Fast9, the next entry in his Fast and Furious money machine, which IS a summer movie, due out in May. You supposedly like the idea of space travel so why not teleport to our Mardi Gras parade tonight - almost 200 floats (including floats of police, military, emergency services - all in uniform), 12,000 in the parade. 22 on The Independents Rainbow List 2014. He moved to Glasgow and openly joined the same gym as Sam minimum 2 years ago. ! But the stalking thing is the real concern. Then why does Purv re-invent, extrapolate, fabricate and pretzel herself so hard into selling the straight narrative? A bit of a hitch, though, they aren't passing the name on because they don't want to do his PR work for him - burned before, were they? What I saw in all the Fotos and videos from the last couple of days: Every Sam greeting the audience shouts: Mary! No frump and she looks relaxed. r344 He was sick and a lot of the irritation could have been the meds but he could also be really fed up that the ship, despite his determined efforts, has finally sunk, although some diehards will continue to see a few bubbles from the deep, and insist that it's still all real, they are married and they have kids. If you lock your doors at night, do you expect safety for your efforts, or do you expect your neighbors to break in and go rummaging through your house? Feel sorry for the guy, this is the second HW film he's failed to make an impression in. I loved her yellow pants.. All $$ in the coffers. If , by using pyramid style recruiting methods with ambassadors , he could increase the membership to 50,000 or more, the revenue from extra merchandise , from new colour tea shirts etc. Much to my surprise I thought he looked kinda sexy in the suit he wears for Bloodshot. Interview April 2015 - another time, another Heughan _________ BROWN: Is there a lot of pressure to capitalize on your current success? simply because the need their king of men to be straight? R449 seems like a plausible explanation for the way things are going. and Hannah, and Christina and god know who else. I also wonder when Sam will return from the US, will there be a Bloodshot "promo tour" like for OL? Why are you researching my archives? Because a gay Heughan is not acceptable but we all know better.. hopefully he will find the courage to lose this shit. When he is with OL his stance is more tight indicating a nervousness. Be good to yourself more. Bit of a track record, SH. Perhaps he realised he overdid the barely out of teens look? Can't help wondering if Heughan isn't being exploited by the guys who work for him [ Alex etc ] as much as he is exploiting the fans. {R419]Not only fans who were extreme conservatives would react badly to news of his true sexuality. ?They speak like they have moles all over the world (Greater LA area) verifying facts and responds to commenters on that site like they are total idiots, just for asking a question. This could be Purv blathering on by herself, but if it is in any way even semi-orchestrated by JA, come on, guys. And Purv is at it again - re-posting an anonymous (of course) tip off about pics of SH and Kat McNamara at JFK (while expressing some scepticism, of course), a-n-d Georgia is in NYC for a competition on Feb 8, a-n-d Hannah posted on IG an iconic scene from, you guessed it, NYC. Obviously, the cultists are afraid this will wake Sam up and end the con game. You had to find out about the PI report. that must be one of the other two women he's dating at the same time according to Purv. [quote]Cree has been at it again, nominating Heughan for The Uranus Award after he won the Saturn Award for best actor in a tv series. Anyway they will not make significant money in Europe cause of Corona at the theatres. And we have Jonathon Van Ness as a guest Compere! These cultists would never accept a gay Heughan. I love being his pebble.. r530 Maybe he'll do a presentation of a bottle of it to someone on the red carpet like he did to Balfe at the OL premiere - that was a bit awkward. And now he's puffing away on cigars for the camera. And that took precedence over protecting my life, because in protecting it, I was ruining it.". Moving goalposts to suit the narratives: "Its too bad it will never be for the Highlander and the Viking Goddess shes too old for his usual tastes, and given her multiple black belts, would likely kicks his ass. He needs to get a clue about celebrity stalking, and fast. Well, we tried Sassenach Spirit last night (a bottle brought back from US yesterday after a tasting event there). Sam Heughan. Yeh, McTavish seems one hell of a greedy guy. A hell of a lot of celebrities are on it, and it probably attracts a lot of wannabees and IG posers - if they can get on of course. Heughan prefers not to use a stunt double, and do as many stunts as he can by himself. But not all, and even one mega-hit with an openly gay actor, particularly in a heroic role, could be a game-changer. ", Henry Cavill in an August 13, 2015 interview in Cosmopolitan. [R537] Or should I have said Whiskying his fame for all it's worth !! (Some fans just didn't get that he doesn't like being objectified. Even comments about him possibly being gay, on his biggest fan website have been deleted. What an utter embarrassment. patterns. Why wasn't he carrying a bottle of Sassenach whisky ? selizz liked this. Purv is weird (but tolerably amusing) - how long did it take her to come up with that description of a guy's dick? R69 Nah, "Sam fraus" are still here in the form of trolls like ConTROLLing Troll and SpazPurvMuso Troll, homophobic haters who slobber all over a guy who regularly drain$ and shills products like booze to his middle-aged female fanbase. As soon as SH shows TMGD, there'll be freeze frames, screen caps, wall posters, 3D modelling and plaster casting so the OL obsessives can rub it like some old-time holy relic, battery operated replicas even - hey, maybe another thing for SH to market. But the strange Balfe marriage put a spanner in that. He commented in November 2013, Mercifully, these days people don't see being gay as a character flaw. And we choose to respect that. So in the Late Late Show SH said that as a teen he wanted to be like the 1980s band Bros. Read next post for some of Fury's views. Thoughts on OL s05e01? Not sure why this little flurry again now - maybe(?) Well, ask and you shall receive. He showed up at the LandCon in Paris in a disturbing unprofessional way with his three day worn jeans, his wtf uncleanless, not dressing well for the female! To gain access, you need a WordPress account. Well, maybe/ maybe not, but seems a bit suss. Sure. Ive written an addendum to this blog post. [R512] You make a good point about a liquor distribution trip but surely that would be a job for an employee/salesman not for directors. [quote]gotta love Cree. Yep - And the latest acrobatic effort seems to be insisting that calling Heughan gay is a 'default explanation' due to shippers' sadness and anger at finally seeing through the PR fuckery that has gone on for so long. Sam Heughan he should just come out like Luke Evans and others but he can't because of his Outlander role and his fanatical fan base, and of the potential loss of other roles like the Bond role. Gee - so IG is removing the 'following activity' tab, and no longer showing account likes, followers and comments. Take the L, Tumblr ladies. And it may just be coincidence that she is young, blonde, thin, athletic, US-based etc etc but IF, and it IS IF, this is another breadcrumbs episode, he's looking predictable, boring, and desperate to present that hetero player frat boy image - getting a bit old for it, mate. Sam seems to be a touchy/feely kind of guy, physical, fanpics and also with his co workers male and female so that arm around her shoulder means shit if you ask me. Imagine if the idea that you werent a part of a private blog kept you up at night, and tormented you. All grist to the rumour mill that promotes his name and image - attention is everything. It is their already existing target group. As is usual with JA, it was overdone and obvious. Fury of the Gods' Fan Event in Rome with Co-Stars. And another attendee, Georgia Ellenwood, while very young, short, blonde, athletic, lives offshore from his home base, just the type of woman he was supposed to be attracted to etc, is associated with Under armour and had a business reason to be there too. May be raised without a father, the missing man in the family, being openly gay before Outlander, leads him now to the way he is acting. Heughan is a gorgeous guy and can look stunning but not often when Monty and Melissa gets their paws on him - he's too old, too follicle challenged, too upper body heavy etc etc to wear a wannabe Justin Beiber look like he did on Fallon. "I think it's more about the characters you tell. I've just attended a meeting on ways to face down a group of zealots who are pushing for a law making it compulsory for doctors to refer their gay patients for gay conversion therapy. Surely they won't drag out another beard, but you never know. The bearding is sad, not only because HW shouldn't make it necessary, but because it just doesn't look believable. Onward and upward. Thats the objectionable part of the deal, not whether he likes meat or seafood." source didnt do her homework Batman Live had two co-directors Anthony Van Laast (straight, married) and James Powell (nfi) basic info error. I think Sam is doing the same thing with his following of trashy blondes on IG. An interesting SM challenge. Actors, through illusion, seek to convince their audience. Doubt it's the case though - all too familiar innuendo, bearding, I'm straight!! Here we go again - anon feed into some blogs saying Heughan was seen out to dinner with an attractive blonde and he was whispering in her ear and she was rubbing his thigh - same old, same old, and just before the Bloodshot premiere.) Don't blame him..and of course as a closeted gay man he's living a lie, a life of concealment. Poor guy was out of the closet and had to go right back in when they cast him. The gay rumours started because its the norm for any actor who is pretty the way Sam is and because he played some gay roles. Money wins out - it always does, but at least it's not all bad news. No way would fans like her ever accept a gay Sam. He has a new watch again too Asprey, never hear of. Heughan gives every impression of a man determined to take as much money as he can, in any way he can, from his legion of blindly worshipping fans..he'll be laughing all the way to the bank. Others sprang from an SH IG like or follow, with a breadcrumb or two fed into selected tumblr/facebook sites, and the more obsessive fans did the rest in speculation and dot connection (or manufacture). Sam is good at marketing (apart from the straight Sam image of course, which he just cannot credibly bring off). Hmm musi, huhmight I suggest: IT gremlins - posts 114 and 115 sent prematurely- twice! But she's desperate to believe he's straight so she can fantasize about him. Bit of a giggle posting from a tumblr-ite, and she's right. Also, yes confirmed SS at Reverve Bar Top Shelf event, even though SS has not been heavily featured in the promo, and is a new addition, it's nit not confirm Sam himself will be there. I'm not buying it. There may be a bounce in numbers with new Netflix viewers, but not guaranteed. outlanderfandomfollies: khccbc1745: Y'all there really is no worse troll of Sam Heughan hate than @bootsaucepunk. He went way over the top cuddling up to Balfe, and, with the Mauzy fauxmance, toward the end he looked sick when he turned up every few months for the PR effort. Awww! But she's desperate to believe he's straight so she can fantasize about him. You don't hire a rottweiler like Jennifer Allen unless you're shamed into it -- or as Heughan put it in a red carpet interview at the 2016 Golden Globes, they were going to "lock me in a box. " And this will persist as long as the powerbrokers maintain their entrenched view that Gay don't Pay. Wonder whatever happened to this guy, Ross Morrell MrRoss86? In Chicago, the Blackhawks are owned by Mirz, a company with extensive liquor promotion avenues, and Under armour (so classily displayed in his prat fall at LandCon) also has business links with the team. It has been said before here on DL it's soul erroding, you will lose yourself living like this. Hello and thank you for registering. Purv says so!! In the two months since the blog has gone private, Ive written extensively about Sam and Cait but Ive only written about Paul Camuso twice. What?). Personally, if I enjoyed reading Jess blog every day but was only a lurker, Id be super bummed that she decided to go private. Plenty of celebrities had the means to travel during the height of the pandemic last year, and they chose to proceed at their own risk. r366 Yeh, it can be pretty frustrating. Gee, they were there together!! I find it interesting to venture in every now and again to see what opinions are out there and to revisit my own views if you dont you can get into your own bubble of repetition. But hey, it all helps that manly image he really really wants. On the other hand she pushed his photoshoots obviously since he hit the American continent. Botox in her forehead is rather obvious. Shitner, Purv and Camuso will hang around often being enthusiastically less than helpful , the Bond speculation will wax and wane - watch this space, the parade of cookie-cutter gfs may continue or a more steady candidate may emerge, or (please) he may keep his private life really private and lay off the PR games. Yea the thing is it looks like he seems fine living this way, as long as its for his career.
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