Stefan is seen for the last time with Caroline, Tyler, Elena, Jeremy and Alaric watching to Bonnie who is preparing to disappear with the other side. Stefan says that Elijah can tell him where they are and they can all talk it through. Stefan helps Katherine to discover what is happening to Matt and what are the intentions of Gregor, Nadia's boyfriend . They start talking and fiddling, Stefan invites her to the car because they got to get out of there. She mentions that he cares about killing Klaus more than anything and Stefan says she's not wrong, though he has a conflicted look in his expression. She is still suspicious, so he dangles the offer to talk Matt into giving her another chance, and finally Rebekah gives in. Answer (1 of 3): Stefan had this guilt that he destroyed his brother 's life by bringing human on which Damon has feed first time thus completing his transition.He was now happy that Damon has a happy life with Elena .And someone needed to die along with katherine to stop hell fire. After being freed from the school, Stefan is at home with a drink when Rebekah walks through the door. Caroline and Stefan at first had no close relationship. Hearing a noise down the end of the corridor, he starts to text Caroline yet Rebekah soon shows up, pushing him against the locker, stating she wants the cure. Stefan gives a few one-word answers and Damon calls him out on being shady again. Klaus then asks how can they stop him and Stefan says that Silas has to complete the third massacre so that Bonnie could do the spell and if he's here that's what he's doing so they need to find him and stop him. Damon returns to Elena. Caroline then gets up to say thank you to everyone that came, and then began to sing "Go In Peace". Because of this, Stefan always seemed to be much older than his actual age. Elena reveals that she never stopped loving him but Stefan seems troubled at the notion that she has feelings for Damon. Enzo still insists that Stefan tells him what he believes is the truth, so he decides to threaten Bonnie, Stefan sees that Bonnie is in danger, so he admits that he was the one who killed Maggie. Stefan remains adamant until Damon reveals that Elena hasn't been able to keep any blood down, including animal blood, human blood from a blood bag and Damon's blood. She's trying to play them but Damon says that they're not falling for her trap. Flashback again and Stefan is taking Valerie to Lily's grave. She brings Elena and shows her how to get him to feel something, by torturing him. Silas however refuses to help them because he prefers Amara dead and gone to the other side so he can reunite with her. Caroline was disgusted and horrified by what she had done and freaked out when she saw her eyes change to black. Rebekah, continuing to divulge information sarcastically asks Stefan why Elena would hurt him like that to which he responds 'she was sired to Damon'. [7] This stuck true to Memories' Stefan's pattern soon after he became a vampire. He scoffs when she says she fought through her grief over Bonnie all by herself. Stefan is skeptical and leaves him. In the novels, Stefan is born in during the Renaissance period in the fifteenth century in Florence, Italy. Stefan sat there all day and into night, feeling like an idiot. Stefan says, "Some girl I use to date," as tears form in his eyes. They kiss and Stefan hints that he is a virgin as they undress. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." The girls give up Ray Sutton' s location, a werewolf, but Klaus tells Stefan to kill the blonde quickly and make the runner suffer, before walking out. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. Stefan is the only character amongst the main trio that has never killed. Stefan leaves the classroom with Elena, trying to talk her down from her building rage. Katherine tells him that if she "starts to sag. After Stefan interrupts the plan, which results in Mikael's death, Klaus undoes his compulsion, and Stefan and Katherine leave. Stefan is of slightly above average height, about 5'11", and he has a lean, flat-muscled and athletic physique. Later, Stefan and Caroline are waiting on Bonnie near their car, they are concerned that Bonnie hasn't arrived, at that moment Julian approaches them. Lexi told Stefan that he was a Ripper, and that there are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts, and that he was the bad parts. Enzo tells them that Wes was experimenting with him and so discovered the antidote, Caroline ask what does that have to do with them, Sloan say that when Wes died, the Travelers took it. Stefan called her and convinces her to join forces in the race to the cure, saying they both hate their brothers, both have nothing, so they're better off as partners as if they find the cure first, they can decide what to do with it. She didn't think she was ready to go on her own, but her mom knew she was. When Enzo is digging a grave in the woods, Stefan arrives and Enzo asks for help but Stefan threatens him and tells him to leave and that leave his brother alone, because he is afraid of Enzo's bad influence on Damon. After being picked up by the Traveler that freed them, the trio head back to Mystic Falls in her car, Maria tells them that It was too risky to haul them out of there for herself, so she had to circle back. Born Klaus laughs at this and jokes about "The Salvatores and their unshakable bond." While Stefan is headed to one of the possible spots for the massacre he speaks with his brother on the phone and explains him what's going on. The next morning, Stefan woke up confused and dazed. The death of his mother was something that Stefan never got over and he never really moved on from her absence. The remorseless man choked on his own blood as he clawed at his neck in an attempt to stem the flow. On one such night of revelry, the club was attacked by what appeared to be the police. As their relationship progressed, he discovered her vampiric nature and became frightened of her. Stefan retorts that he never asked her for it and he doesn't really care what she does. Damon tells him the truth about Bonnie's sacrifice but asks him to lie to others so that they don't have to go through the pain of losing her again. While reading, Elena finds out that Stefan attacked Jonathan and tried to kill him but Jonathan did not die because of the Gilbert ring. Word Count: 610. Elena and Jeremy's life, Stefan had to kill her. Valerie and Stefan's relationship started out complicated. Finishing up, she flashes a smile and wonders why the director has no comments. Stefan is still mad at her for her decision to sacrifice herself to save her family and friends. During this time, he begins to grow close to Elena again and they are able to form a close friendship. After that Caroline and Stefan talk on the porch. They're about to leave but Caroline asks him if they are friends, she is still upset because she thinks that Stefan doesn't trust her and if he trusts Elena more. This is when Katherine had first seen Stefan and described that she was instantly drawn to him and attracted to him. Stefan was supposed to be the one to take over the Salvatore family business from Giuseppe when he turned 18. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear. Because of this, Stefan often feels immense guilt and remorse if he hurts, harms or kills a human. When Katherine went to see Stefan that night and bit him so that she could feed on his blood as a form of foreplay, the vervain within Stefan's blood had poisoned and incapacitated her. Elena was screaming through the phone telling Stefan not to do it, however, Stefan responded with "bring me back" and closed his eyes, turning off his humanity. Stefan says that she had him but the elder Salvatore disagrees by saying that her brother just died and he's not enough, not this time. He touches his abdomen and his hands become covered in his own blood. Caroline told Liam not to tell him, but he didn't listen and told them anyway. When Stefan gives into his blood lust, Stefan was unstable, volatile, unpredictable, rash, reckless, careless and can become highly destructive. She was looking for a bottle opener in a drawer when she found the little black box he didn't want her to see. Stefan tells Damon that could be a bit of a problem, then Nadia appears asking for it. When they were human, they both fell in love with and fought over Katherine von Swartzschild, the vampire who turned them both. She smirks at Elena, at least she knows how Stefan really feels before looking back to Stefan declaring his pain is her revenge. After Stefan says his goodbye to Katherine he and Damon talk about their eventful days. Stefan is about to leave but Elena asks him why she not run like she normally does and and what was the reason for Katherine to stay , Stefan tells her that for Katherine staying alive wasn't enough and that she wanted it all, she wanted him. Stefan apologizes before nodding to Jeremy, who then decapitates Chris with a meat cleaver. When Qetsiyah is distracted, Stefan stabs her and he escapes with Elena after Silas' spell is over. In Yellow Ledbetter, Stefan is surprised to see his Ivy still at his house in the morning, cooking breakfast. Stefan, Damon and Klaus finally agree to save Elena and Caroline together. Stefan gives Katherine one last peaceful dream. After he was newly transformed into a vampire, Stefan was seen to be extremely dependent towards Damon. She goes to Jeremy and Bonnie who are trying to get the cure out of Silas' hands, but Vaughn is trying to prevent them from doing it. Damon thinks Connor was supernatural for several reasons, including that fact that Klaus mentioned something about Connor being connected with the Five. He turns around to see Ivy, covered in blood. Stefan sees Enzo dead lying on the ground, and takes his phone, he sees that Damon had sent a message to Enzo before. He tells that he will meet with her in the car and leaves. Elena gives into Stefan's high spirits and pops open the bottle, laughing gleefully as it overflows. Stefan and Caroline figure out that Katherine is in Elena's body. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. Stefan Salvatore is the main male protagonist in The Vampire Diaries. She says that there is no science here, only magic and that they need to find Bonnie because she'll be able to bring her brother back. Initially, Damon Salvatore filled the passionate and angsty role of the "Other Guy" in every triangle. He was thinking about killing Damon. Stefan is visibly angered at her approach and demands 'how many more ways is there for you to rip my heart out?'. Caroline interrupts them and tells him that Katherine promised to join her at the shredding station, Stefan is agrees, so she and Katherine leave him alone. Stefan helps Elena take down and feed on her first deer. Klaus tells him he's not going to the train station and that he has a witch who might help him with his Rayna Cruz problem. Upon meeting each other, Stefan and Elena are instantly, undeniably drawn to each other and the two instantly connect. While they continue to search for Julian's coffin, Stefan tells Valerie that Nora siphoned her spell from Caroline. Stefan arrives at Alaric's loft to meet Damon and Elena, and explains his plan to have one of Klaus' hybrids enter the Grill first, as they are immune to werewolf venom. She tells him she is very sorry. On the show, Stefan is born in the nineteenth century period during the Civil War era in Mystic Falls, Virginia. In Home, Stefan watches as Damon, Elena, and Caroline mourn his death until he is nearly sucked up on the Other Side and saved by Lexi. She finds them and finds out that Silas chose to be with Qetsiyah's hand-maiden, Amara, the original doppelgnger of Elena. "New plan. Stefan tells her that not yet, but she won't open her eyes again. Stefan is known to be the heroic character on the series who is a martyr and is constantly willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves. However, Stefan was not entirely different from the person he had been before the memory loss. They find Bonnie and Abby knocked out and the coffin opened. Under compulsion, Stefan reveals Elena slept with Damon. Damon is unimpressed by his brother's behavior, most importantly the way he is feeding off of girls in the house. Unknown to Stefan, it was actually his mother who took the money, trying to flee from her husband with her sons. She asks him if he feels bad for Katherine's death, but he says that he is fine with it. He questions why everyone trusts him and tells him that at the end of the day Stefan is just like Enzo. Stefan mentions that he would have given anything to have spent one more day with her before her death. At the rave, Stefan offers Caroline a shot. Katherine was Stefan's, as well as his brother Damon's creator. Tyler starts a fight, ending with him accidentally stabbing Matt. "Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?". Still, he was strongly intrigued by her and decided to pose as a new transfer student at Mystic Falls High School to get to know her. Caroline is standing in front of the fireplace, and Stefan arrives, Stefan ask her when she get there, she shakes a glass a little bit, causing the ice cubes to jingle, telling him that about one and half of these ago. They decide to kill the doppelgnger in Atlanta so Stefan can live, since it's revealed that there can only be two living. Upstairs, Katherine asks Stefan if they're talking about her. "He doesn't deserve your grief" she says. Stefan tells her that he will always love her, Elena tells him the same, she leans on his shoulder and asking him if she may someday have that kind of conversation with Damon, Stefan tells her "I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. He calls Elena, but when she picks up he remains silent, Elena realizes who is on the phone. Stefan thrusts a stake in his hand and demands that Jeremy kill the vampire, who protests but stakes the vampire after Stefan threatens he will let the vampire loose. They restrained him and tried to get information from him about the other vampire hunters, and he then tells them that they know about Caroline. It is assumed that the Travelers have found him. While in Limbo he talks to Elena and informs her of his death and sacrifice before giving her a message to Caroline who he had just married on the day of his death. He suggests they leave the party instead, and Elena finally hands over the stake. Ivy's neck was snapped by Enzo after he feed her his blood. She states that she doesn't understand why is he so concerned on whom does she feed or who she kills. As a vampire, Stefan was described as mysterious, brooding, inscrutable, intense, kind, caring, empathetic, compassionate, loving, affectionate, heroic, noble, selfless, brave, intelligent, protective, and loyal. She decides to go but suddenly stops because she smells something and asks Stefan what is it. In the novels, Stefan was named after the first Christian martyr, St. Stephen. He already looked into the Gemini Coven, the one which Enzo found out about. While driving back to New Orleans, Stefan says he can drop him off a nearby train station and Klaus hands his phone back to him. After 8 seasons of protecting Mystic Falls from supernatural threats, Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) died in the series finale of The Vampire Diaries . When she mentions home, however, she remembers that Klaus would still want to avenge his brother's death. In American Gothic, Stefan and Damon manage to track Damon's car that Elena and Rebekah stole from New York. He can sometimes be somewhat sarcastic or display a dry, sarcastic wit. Then, Stefan gets a call from Caroline, she tells him that the virus that have Damon and Elena isn't the same virus, Caroline says that Wes was working on the next phase of the virus that when Nadia was sick, he was experimenting on her blood and he figured out a way to extract werewolf venom from her blood and put it in the virus. Though everything is very bad when she looks at her it makes Caroline wanna let go. He then hits Damon due to kissing Elena. Stefan's hair was styled much differently; flatter and much longer in length with a part in the side. All of a sudden Stefan takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. He asks her if this is really the memory she wants to revisit? Stefan tells Damon that he wants Elena to try the animal blood diet so that maybe she can avoid hurting or killing anyone, something that Stefan feels would be especially hard for Elena. Realizing she's been beaten at her own game, Katherine concedes, she starts to guess who is going to kill her and when she has already talked to everyone she looks at Stefan, she says to him that she always wanted to know what it felt like to be loved by him, and that she think that they both agree that for a fleeting moment their feelings were real and that this has truly been the role of a lifetime. After making his way through the tunnels and into the back room of the Grill, Stefan tells Matt and April to leave before he cautiously makes his way into the main restaurant, ducking behind the bar as Connor shoots at him. After making viewers think Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) compelled Stefan ( Paul Wesley) into letting the eldest Salvatore sacrifice himself to save Mystic Falls, "I Was Feeling Epic" delivered the . Lying on the ground, Damon asks what that was for, but Stefan merely responds, "You know what," referring to Damon letting Elena feed on him, and he leaves. She says there is a way to transfer the mark to Damon since it was meant for him all along. After a while comes Elena but Stefan can't remember her, then Stefan disappears, Damon and Elena are worried about him. Later, Elena asks him what made him come back to Mystic Falls after 15 years and he tells her it was her. Enzo anyway replied her talking about Markos, the leader of Travelers, he says them that Markos wants the blood from the last remaining pair of doppelgngers, Stefan and Elena, they need to use Stefan to find his doppelgnger, Stefan comes to the conclusion that they will do a locator spell until they find his doppelgnger and then they will kill him. Stefan then asks if she has ever been to Portland and then he sees that Lexi has returned to the other side because the veil is back up. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. They go to a bar and Stefan asks for Elena's daylight ring then and then gets down on one knee and proposes to Elena Williams (an alternate identity). He searched for his gunshot wound but found he had been healed, and noticed that he was a wearing an unfamiliar, large silver ring, with a deep blue stone and the Salvatore family crest with the letter 'S' on it. Things turn ugly when Rebekah learns Elena and Stefan broke up and taunts them into knowing the reason. She adds that they've both been down the revenge road and it's not worth it. When they came back, Damon told him two things. In the meantime Damon decides to use Qetsiyah's help so he could bring Bonnie back. In the meantime Rebekah and Damon are attacked by Vaughn and manage to overpower him while Bonnie is talking with Shane (who is actually Silas pretending to be Shane) who is trying to convince her that there is a way to bring Jeremy back to life. Elena finally agrees to skip the rest of the school day and have fun, and leaves to go home and change. Stefan replies that she's been waiting for Jeremy to wake up ever since they found his body. Damon Salvatore Kills Count (Part 1) - YouTube 0:00 / 7:23 Damon Salvatore Kills Count (Part 1) 2,554 views Nov 19, 2016 30 Dislike Share Save Dark Kat 3.89K subscribers Show The. Bonnie tagged along to keep Damon in check. After Klaus reveals that Alexander had claimed that the Five possessed a special weapon that could destroy all vampires. In Never Let Me Go, Stefan is driving down the abandoned streets of Mystic Falls while leaving Caroline a voicemail. Later, Stefan watches as Damon and Elena begin to dance but as the waltz shifts to a sequence that switches partners, Elena runs into Stefan. He then calls Klaus and tells him that, despite fulfilling his promise and undoing the compulsions, he took everything from Stefan. After finding her personal records and observing her from afar, Stefan determined that Elena was definitely not Katherine. Damon admits that he didn't do anything to stop Rebekah but he thought that if she takes it all of his problems go away and then when she really took it he realized how badly he screwed up. Stefan grew up in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. He was always willing to save people, especially those who need saving the most at a particular time. Three days of suffering hasn't changed Caroline's mind. Later that night, Tyler and Brady wanted to retrieve the Petrova Doppelgnger, Elena. In the meantime back at Mystic Falls Caroline tries to help Klaus and finally they realize that his pain is caused just from an illusion. Then they hook up and agree to not include feelings or any attachments in their relationship. In Mystic Falls, Caroline sits upon a bench dedicated to her mom while writing. Caroline told Elena about Ivy, but doesn't know she's dead. Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist, Alaric and Stefan (Friends/Frenemies/Former Allies).
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