The plane crash put a strain on their relationship. Arizona says. Did Arizona added that that's what made Lauren so attractive, as she was still attracted to Arizona, even though she never knew her before the accident. They later agreed to get drinks. She is also on a first name basis with the Head of Pediatric Surgery at Johns Hopkins, as she studied under him during her residency. In the scrub room, Arizona asked Callie to set aside their problems for the patient. Later, Amelia told her that all she could do to make it right was to wait and hope that April would eventually forgive her. As she gathered up the courage to ask Charlotte out, she was surprised when Charlotte introduced her to her girlfriend. Back at the hospital, Owen found out the insurance company wasn't going to pay, because with Arizona having taken Alex's place on the plane, there were more attendings on the plane than are normally allowed. When Callie joined Arizona in surgery, she told her wife that it was a good thing for her, as the goal of the research was to get Arizona a leg that's as sensitive and responsive as the leg she lost. Arizona agreed to continue to work with her without telling anyone else. She then coughed up blood again. They started flirting somewhat, until Jackson entered the scrub room too. [7], Arizona being fitted for a prosthetic leg, Hearing how Callie was struggling with Arizona, Bailey planned to get Arizona back to work. Arizona Robbins saw Karev as a promising peds surgeon who was dedicated despite his temper and personal issues and continued to maintain a good mentor-student relationship with him until the end of Alex's residency. Arizona went to help April to get dressed up, and broke down in the dressing room. She gave Arizona time to think about it and left. They discovered they studied under the same surgeon, which made Lauren allow Arizona to do part of the surgery. "So please, don't run," Arizona asked her wife. [10], While waiting for Bailey to come to the wedding after the surgery, Callie assured Arizona that her comment to Bailey was just a joke, but this made Arizona think about their marriage. At the hospital, Arizona and Callie found out they both made different costumes for Sofia. McSteamy was involved in a deadly plane crash (with fellow surgeons Arizona Robbins, Meredith Grey, Cristina Yang, Originally, Alex was on the plane to Boise to represent Arizona's department, but then Arizona heard that he had chosen to take the fellowship at Johns Hopkins instead of staying in Seattle to study under her. Greys Anatomy has had its fair dose of tragedies, and one of the most unforgettable ones is the plane crash, which saw the death of two beloved characters, while the rest struggled to recover physically and mentally. When Arizona won a grant to advance pediatric surgery in less developed countries, she gave her notice and resigned. After learning that Sofia was coming back home, Arizona inadvertently broke things off with Carina. Arizona then went back into her hotel room, where she asked a naked Leah to get dressed and leave right now. Arizona walked away and discussed the problem with Richard, who understood her urge to protect herself but also exemplified April and Jackson's turbulent situation, caused by overreactions and misunderstandings. [58], After losing her first child patient, Eliza was distraught and Arizona coached her on how to get through that loss. But as time went on, Karev realized that Arizona was one of the few people who actually believed in him. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Later that night, April confessed that she had overheard Catherine saying Jackson wanted to sue for full custody over their child and that, refusing to be a victim, she filed for a restraining order against Jackson. Callie was dismayed to learn that Arizona didn't want children. She told Leah a similar story to reach out to her. When Dr. Kenley died Dr. Bailey took offense to Arizona changing Jackson Prescott's course of treatment and proceeded to complain to the Chief and call her an "infant". Callie tried to cheer her up, but it didn't really work. Because of brain tumor, Nicole is very harsh on Arizona, as she wants to teach Arizona years worth of fetal surgery knowledge within the six months she has left. As she wasn't sure their relationship would survive that, Arizona pointed out there were plenty of ways to make it work if she wanted it to work. Grandparents She was in a coma for a long time after the crash, but has since recovered. Callie and Arizona later reconciled and they moved back in together. After a pause, Arizona said, "Marry me." Does Arizona Robbins Die [Must-Know Tips] - StateGuy [61], After they'd been seeing each other for a while, Eliza told Arizona she was ready for them to have sex. She later met with Alana, who understood that she was having a moment. She then gave him some remarks about the prosthetic and he told her he'd do something about it. To better the happiness of her daughter, she decided to move to New York to be closer to Callie. What happened to Arizona Robbins? Arizona was named after the battleship, the U.S.S. Robbins has a romantic interest in orthopedic fifth-year resident Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and later goes on to kiss her. Arizona thought she was going crazy, as she felt pain in a part of her that no longer existed, but Owen assured her phantom limb was a very real thing. She suggested that she take the next day off and take Sofia to find an adventure. [74], Before Arizona undertook Nicole's fetal surgery fellowship, they seemed to have a close professional relationship, with Nicole often teasing Arizona about how fetal surgery was more difficult than pediatric surgery. They soon started to look through several sperm donors and eventually decided on an Ivy League poet, smart and creative. They made up when Nicole returned to Grey Sloan and offered her money to open a center for women's health together.[75]. When Owen informed his staff that they had to cancel all elective procedures as preparation for the superstorm heading towards Seattle, Callie asked Arizona if she was going to postpone Tyler's surgery. Plane Crash | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki | Fandom Wish You Were Here In the episode, 6 doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital who are victims of an aviation accident fight to stay alive, but Dr. Lexie Grey ( Chyler Leigh) ultimately dies. Teddy did a little exam and found that the boy had cardiac asthma. Callie then acknowledged the wedding would just be another reminder of the leg, but told her she was still more beautiful than the other women at the wedding. When the lights came back on, Arizona pushed Lauren off and walked towards the door, saying she couldn't do this. Arizona rebuffed her obsession and ended things. Arizona then decided to explain that sometimes she doesn't always make the right choice under pressure and that she was wrong. Lexie was crushed by a piece of the plane, severely injuring her pelvis, legs, and left arm. My family of 4 spent $2,149 for one day at Universal Orlando. She then said they went "everywhere." At the beginning of the 2014-2015 residency year, Arizona decided to start a fetal surgery fellowship under Dr. Nicole Herman. Lauren then said she would want her back at some point, and Arizona replied that would be great. Meanwhile, Arizona was introduced to her prosthetist, David Moore. She joked about taking Penny home, until the dinner party was blown when Meredith revealed that Penny was the doctor who had failed to save Derek. Cristina interfered and made Callie allow it. They finally married at a ceremony officiated by Miranda Bailey. Arizona took her daughter to the deck, where she told Sofia that she loved and missed her. During a break in court, Arizona met Callie in the bathroom of the courthouse, where Callie was changing her pantyhose. Eliza told her she couldn't. With fake promises to deliver the patient's chart, she managed to get Arizona walking to the door of her apartment. [32] However, she began to suspect that Dr. Herman's behavior change was due to the tumor and had her scans sent over for her to look at. Alive Arizona yelled back that Callie didn't lose anything, while she did, alluding to her amputation and her miscarriage. They had shocked faces as they approached a stopped truck and crashed. He told Arizona that the guy she trained and raised was still there since he was determined to work at the clinic to get his job back rather than quitting. Arizona makes Callie promise not to cut off her leg. Arizona tried to tell Callie who Lauren was (as her name was on the cup of coffee), but Callie was too occupied with trying to get through to Bailey, who had locked herself in her lab. Eventually, both Arizona and Mark made up and together with Callie, the three raised Sofia together until Mark's death. [13], Soon after her miscarriage, Arizona met a woman named Lauren Boswell at the coffee cart when she accidentally took Lauren's coffee. Lexie was on the plane that crashed when she, Meredith, Cristina, Mark, Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw), and Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) were traveling to another hospital to perform surgery to separate conjoined twins. After not seeing Arizona for a few days, Carina asked her if she was okay. They both often jointly spent several nights at the hospital, even going to great lengths as to steal the attendings' lounge sofa together, to continue working on Arizona's crash course. Arizona went to the hospital and started crying in a supply closet, only to be found by April, who was sent back to the hospital by Jackson to get cooling blankets for the champagne bottles. While Bailey confessed to Callie that she may have pushed Arizona too hard, they saw her walking in the hallway. Callie thought she was trying to pick a fight and said that they both lost the baby. However, Arizona confessed to Callie that she slept with someone more than ten times while they were broken up but assured her that it was over. You might be immortal. Arizona said that she was back, but not to be Callie's whipping boy and then demanded to sleep in the bed again. Biographical Information The two of them had sex and accidentally exchanged scrub tops, which is how Callie noticed later that Arizona had cheated on her. [44] Arizona continued to push April to tell Jackson since she worried April was doing this alone. [69] Shortly thereafter, Leah called to make sure the girls arrived home safely and ended up visiting Arizona at her apartment. She told him the ortho metaphor she worked out to tell Callie, but Alex wasn't enthusiastic about it and advised her to stick to apologizing for being such a slut. Arizona Robbins - Wikipedia On the day of the first ultrasound, Callie was unable to come to the appointment because her surgery on Travis Reed ran long. Timothy Robbins Callie came home to get Arizona for the meeting anyway, only to find her sitting in a pool of her own urine in the bathroom, having fired the homecare nurse for not liking her. She was unaware that Alex was the surgeon who cut off her leg until years later. On the second go, day 29, Callie and Arizona slept together, but agreed not to tell their marriage counselor. At the end of the day, when Arizona was leaving work, she saw Eliza crying in her car and hitting the steering wheel. At the hospital, Leah gets bit in the neck by a drug addict and is tested for HIV. Callie later came to apologize, she brought up that Penny was moving to New York after winning the Preminger Grant. At the end of the surgery, Lauren left to go the bathroom and Jackson then said that Lauren was just one of these people who could make you feel great. She suffered from phantom limb at night, but when it started to happen during the day too, she didn't want to talk to Callie about it. Arizona then asked if Callie wanted the badge of honor and the warrior wounds for having survived the plane crash. She told Arizona that Arizona promised to allow her to scrub in on the surgery on the night of the gala. However, the two ended up making out on a different occasion, causing Leah to become somewhat obsessed with Arizona (much like she did with Alex). The next day at the hospital, Callie told Arizona, who started apologizing for the previous night, that they were going to take a break and live apart for a while, with switching off Sofia every two nights. Arizona made up an excuse and told April she was fine, but started crying again as soon as April left the room. At the time of her first appearance, Arizona was a cheerful and bubbly person, waking up happy every day. You're one of the Seattle Grace Five. Arizona later approached Callie and Callie told her the real reason was because she didn't have the money for four-star restaurants anymore but Arizona told her that they could stay in and eat sandwiches. After Callie was informed that both she and the hospital were being sued by Travis Reed, a board meeting was called. Mark then informed Arizona that Lexie died. Richard accompanied Arizona to a lesbian bar as her wingman and became her go-to person for dating troubles. She initially dismissed it as just fine, but he insisted to hear more so he could improve his wingman project. Arizona confessed that she hadn't told Callie, as she wanted to be Callie's wife again after having been her patient for so long. She then turns her back towards Callie again, while Callie left her alone.[5]. Arizona then put her flat shoe on her prosthetic foot and they left for the wedding, where they waited for Bailey. She informed Bailey on the disease, who was actually just playing stupid to make Arizona feel comfortable at work again. [63], Eliza "ghosted" Arizona, not replying to her messages and moving out of her apartment without saying a word to Arizona about it. However, at the party, April overheard Callie tell everyone that Arizona died in the plane crash they were in. Arizona handed over the mortgage slips to Callie, who snapped at her. He went to Callie, who was in the middle of the surgery on Derek's hand, and she ordered him to cut off the leg and do his best at it. The hospital was found negligent, and each of the survivors was granted 15 million dollars. While Mark seems totally fine, we later learn that he has severe chest wounds from the crash, and he ends up hospitalized and in a coma for a month. She then flirtatiously said, in Polish, that once Arizona had her pierogi, she'd never want anyone else's. After witnessing Sofia leave with a happy Callie and Penny, Arizona took to Lucinda Gamble herself to start a custody battle over Sofia as she refused to let Callie move across the country with her daughter. How does Arizona Robbins die? [51], Before the custody hearing started, Arizona and Callie's respective lawyers tried to negotiate to prevent going to court, but failed to come to a compromise. Callie thought she was joking at first, but she did what Arizona asked her to when she noticed how serious she was. At the end of the season 8, Robbins is hurt badly in a plane crash, resulting in her left leg being amputated. In the aftermath of the plane accident, in which Sloan and Lexie Grey were killed, the hospital is sued and eventually found liable for negligence.