2023 Greatest Physiques. Yes if your budget allows it, a good fat burner will not only increase the amount of calories your body burns through each day, but it will provide you with appetite suppression that can be exponentially helpful in maintaining the willpower to avoid cheating on your diet. You will get leaner faster, but you will also lose lean muscle at a faster rate. 2) Tumeric/Curcumin 1200mg per day Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. The average natural male produces 3 mg to 10 mg of Testosterone per day, with the average being 6-7 mg per day. Anybody can starve themselves and get ripped, but that is NOT the way you should approach your fat loss goals, as you will just end up damaging your metabolism, and strip all the lean muscle mass off your body, leaving you looking like a bone rack. Freeze,The Governator,and to many of his fans justArnie. This makes it as effective as 20% protein synthesis, better than dianabol [5, 6]. More details about Derek can be found at: https://www.instagram.com/moreplates_moredates/. Verified. Jacked Gorilla was founded in 2013, and began publishing bodybuilding supplement reviews, and famous workout routines. Public figure. For suggested bodybuilding foods my friend Chris from, FOR HIGH QUALITY NON-CLUMPY BCAAS THAT DONT TASTE LIKE ASS: CLICK HERE. The second best time of day to do your cardio is immediately post-workout. When you factor in ester weight with Testosterone Enanthate, 500 mg per week might actually only end up being between 300 350 mg of usable Testosterone. 292 following. His channel is very successful and has achieved over . Men all over the world are interested in steroids because of their powerful muscle-building effects. Even if you're side effect free, the higher your dosage is, the less potential muscle growth you will get out of each dosage increment as Myostatin will increase regardless to inhibit you from gaining too much muscle in the presence of supraphysiological androgens. He was posting blog articles and YouTube videos during the early days of YouTube. More Plates More Dates is my social media platform and what most who follow my content know me for. Indeed, studies show that steroids are extremely effective at boosting muscle mass and strength [2]. Derek, also known by his YouTube channel name as More Plates More Dates, is an American YouTuber who is known for his videos and podcasts that are related to self-improvement. I easily lost 1-2 years of progress by not aggressively investing in myself sooner. The platform has also attracted high-profile clients such as professional bodybuilders, Hollywood actors, and massive social media influencers. Im constantly learning, and thats what keeps me going and is also why I am so passionate about what I talk about. Ive experimented with quite a few and I found the best one to be Scivations Xtend product. I started working out when I was in grade 11 in high school because my friends would drag me there. Right now I am focused on building up the More Plates More Dates brand, my supplement company Gorilla Mind and my hormone replacement therapy (HRT) clinic Marek Health. This inspired me to start writing blog articles and recording videos shortly afterwards. But does that mean he actually uses them? Now that you know how many calories you're supposed to eat every day, you need to decide how to break those calories down into each of the 3 individual macro-nutrients. Then youve come to the right place. This is partially because we have all been brainwashed into thinking that there is no ceiling on the returns from AAS, when in reality, once you hit a gram or two per week, the diminishing returns are so drastic that even if you tripled the dosage at that point, you would just end up with more side effects and no additional muscle gain. Owner: @gorillamind | @intelligentshop | @marekhealth Best of all, ecdysterone is perfectly safe, with virtually zero side effects. However, research is not considered conclusive. Sometimes, diagnosing an underlying condition and being properly medicated could be enough to fix any issues you may have had in the past with losing stubborn fat. We won't share your information with anyone. I didn't need nearly that much gear for where I was at. The industry of health, fitness and the like is already filled with many passionate people and successful names, but Derek has managed to create his own niche in it with a unique combination of content. For someone with substantially less muscle, they may need to be doing cardio every single day for 40 minutes per session to get that lean. I suggest getting blood work done to see if you have a hormonal deficiency. When your weight loss plateaus, then you can choose at that time to either add another cardio session to your weekly routine, increase the length of your current cardio sessions (cardio burns calories), or decrease your caloric intake by another 100-200 calories. I always had a strong feeling that the path I had laid out for myself was selling myself short. Fortunately, I already had the confidence in myself to invest in my own future, and once I had a clear path of what I needed to do in front of me, I started investing in myself heavily. While many will argue the benefits of different types of dieting such as ketogenic diets, paleo diets, carb-cycling diets, super high protein no fat no carb diets, etc. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Derek decided to transform his physique and turn his life around, and the rest, as they say, is history. No, and even though I am often lumped into the same category as fitness YouTubers I dont really consider myself a fitness industry specific platform. His focus is on self-improvement, bodybuilding, supplements, fitness, and dating. I couldnt even bench press the bar when I started. So for example lets just say your body burns 3000 calories a day hypothetically, and you are eating 2700 calories each day. Dereks continuous research coupled with his vast personal experience and experimentation has earned him great momentum and a strong following on his YouTube channel and website. Been wondering and can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Derek of More Plates More Dates: a Fitness YouTuber on the Rise - Techie Of those calories, you will want to set aside a percentage of those calories to protein, carbs, and fats. I tried a keto diet once and lost fat at a much slower rate than I had with a carb-cycling approach and lost a pile of muscle. Derek, the man behind "More Plates More Dates", explains why optimising your health should feel like a seamless lifestyle integration rather than a conscious choice on a daily basis. Is to slowly restrict your body of energy. That absolutely doesn't mean that macronutrient ratios or food quality doesnt matter. Funniest thing on reddit for weeks, Bro had us in the first half, not gonna lie. I didn't even use an aromatase inhibitor because I was so uneducated and haphazardly jumped into the cycle thinking I knew everything already. This must factor in your estimated activity level as well. Each new activity should be memorable choose quality over quantity. Listen to this episode from The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify. Marek Health is a telemedicine-based HRT clinic that I launched last year. Patients suffering from any of these conditions should consult their physician prior to using prescription medication. Determining the best training schedule has allowed Derek to focus on running his businesses, building up the More Plates More Dates website and platform, and filming video content for his YouTube channel and various social media platforms. 1,589 posts. Steroids work because they mimic the effects of testosterone and other muscle-building hormones inside the human body. While it is most beneficial to complete your cardio in a fasted state right upon waking up, if it doesnt fit your schedule, it is far more important that you simply get it done at some point in the day then not doing it at all because you couldnt do it at the optimal time of day. Derek is the owner of the supplement brand Gorilla Mind, which he started in 2017. So I just started with Marek recently. More Plates More Dates has dialed in the workout schedule that works for him and his fitness goals. Or did he use anabolic steroids to take his physique to the next level? This is obviously impossible for a natural trainee, and another dead giveaway for steroid use. Derek, aka More Plates More Dates is one of the biggest fitness YouTubers in the world today. Research shows that TRT has the following benefits for men [7, 8, 9]: You may not look like Derek from More Plates More Dates overnight, but a doctor-supervised TRT program has the potential to improve almost every area of your life. If it werent for social media, many of us would not have the opportunity to get our information out at scale. He takes it upon himself to do extensive research on any diets, challenges, PEDs, and supplements that hes interested in trying. Required fields are marked *. Exclusive Interview: Derek From More Plates More Dates Sits - Yahoo! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Here are a few of the benefits that you can expect when using ecdysterone: Ecdysterone may not turn you into Derek from More Plates More Dates overnight, but it is still one of the best legal steroid alternatives in the world today. Derek, of the fitness and health platform More Plates More Dates, is a fitness YouTuber who shares self-improvement advice, tips for working out and navigating the gym, along with dating advice and other lifestyle content on his website and other social media platforms. Fortunately, there are many legal steroid alternatives that deliver similar results to traditional steroids, but without any side effects. What is Derek stats? (height and weight) : r/moreplatesmoredates - reddit Its hard to say, but you can always look to see if they have any signs of steroid use to get a better idea. NetNewsLedger - Meet Derek, the Mind and the Man Behind the Self In later installations I will delve into more complex and specific topics such as: What you should do to speed your metabolism back up once you have achieved your desired level of leanness, reefed days, metabolism boosting drugs, contest prep, how to peak for a photo shoot or a special event, among a myriad of other relevant topics. If you dont have an extraordinary personality or physique, the likelihood of getting traction doing those videos is low. 335 talking about this. In this first installation of the get shredded series I will cover getting very lean in a more general aspect, making the information more palatable for everyone, even beginners. Order Ecdysterone from our top-rated USA vendor Get hormone therapy today with Fountain TRT Add a header to begin generating the table of contents. Derek More Plates More Dates has a host of videos with useful advice. The truth is, Derek used to be borderline obese! Derek is the fitness educator and entrepreneur behind the "More Plates, More Dates" YouTube channel, podcast and companion website. Derek from More Plates More Dates is a big fan of ecdysterone because recent studies show it increases muscle protein synthesis in humans by as much as 20%! Shortly thereafter I aligned myself with some great mentors who helped me wrap my head around some of the basics of entrepreneurship. Derek transformed More Plates More Dates into a one-stop-shop where people can go to learn about fitness, health, self-confidence, and a variety of other unique . As a result, they could lose weight too fast and lose more muscle than they should, or lose weight very slowly because their caloric deficit is too small, or they could not lose weight at all if they arent calorie counting and they are eating a greater than or equal amount of calories to their Basal Metabolic Rate (the level of calories your body will maintain its weight on). However, he regrets taking so much at first, as he didnt gain nearly as much muscle mass from the first cycle as he wanted to. In his first Youtube videos, Derek focused on training issues, including how to add on bulk without getting fat. It was almost like I knew deep down that I should do this myself, but I just didnt know where to start. The only other time I saw it was supposedly about Layne Norton, so I thought that OP copied it trying to pass it off as real, but after searching it seems like this is a somewhat common meme? Or if the calculator says your maintenance is 3000 and you eat at 3000 everyday for a week and you lose no weight, nor gain any weight, then it can be concluded that 3000 calories is indeed your actual maintenance level of calories. Is Derek From More Plates More Dates Natural Bodybuilder? Testosterone.org makes no claims that the products referenced can cure, treat or prevent any conditions, including any conditions referenced on its website or in print materials. This allows me to train 3-4 days per week at most and get in and out of the gym in an hour. When you go to your local gym, how many people actually look like they lift weights. Thinking outside the box, continuously researching and keeping up with the latest trends has helped him build a presence in the supplement industry as well. Regarding how much you do, this will be determined by how much fat you need to lose, as well as how you respond to a caloric deficit. Knowing what I know now, and seeing first hand how much size I can hold with only 100 mg of Testosterone Propionate per week, I brutally regret using 500 mg of Testosterone per week for my first cycle. I didnt know what I wanted to do in high school, so I got the best grades I could so I could get accepted into one of the best business programs in the country. Alongside suggesting practical steps towards improvement, Derek also discusses emotional issues such as self-esteem, lack of confidence, and insecurity, offering men new perspectives on how they view the world and themselves. derek more plates more dates height and weight Obviously this will be determined more by your availability then when it is optimal, as if you have a full time job or a very tight schedule, you may not be able to do your cardio and weight training at optimal times. While doing this with calorie reduction, weight training, and cardio, you can slowly peel weight off your body without slowing your metabolism down too much, and eventually (and ideally) end up in the middle single digits body fat % wise (4-9) without having sacrificed much (if any) lean muscle mass. Always consult your healthcare provider with any questions. Keep in mind, there is no ester that needs to be cleaved from the molecule, so 21 70 mg is literally 21 70 mg when it comes to endogenous production. Your email address will not be published. This solidifies why its very important to take measures to maintain as much muscle mass as you can while cutting down, as simply having more muscle on your body in itself will make your body burn more calories even when you are doing nothing, making getting lean a much easier feat. If it is actually fitness and you arent just posting fitness videos because you think becoming a fitness influencer would be cool, then by all means start posting about it, but be unique. As he learned more about bodybuilding, Derek has been able to maintain his physique and build muscle mass by doing 3 workouts a week. This is entirely up to you, but any supplement or drug that delivers anabolic benefits above and beyond what your body can deliver naturally will help you maintain a substantial amount more muscle during your cut phase (or even all of it), thus allowing you to get leaner much easier, and have a more favorable body composition by the end of the cut phase with more muscle on your frame than you would have ended up with otherwise. Another key sign of steroid use is a rapid body transformation. Once you start to get really lean, you will start really looking forward to sipping on your BCAAs as this stuff below actually tastes GOOD and when you have been eating clean and in a calorie deficit for a long period of time, literally everything starts tasting better. Our content is continually monitored by an internal peer-review process to ensure accuracy. There were forums, but it wasn't like it is now. huh? Your email address will not be published. Follow. These are all things that will cost you money up front, but will earn you exponentially more down the line. Is More Plates More Dates good? [Fact Checked!] However, if your schedule allows it, the best time to do your cardio is first thing in the morning upon waking on an empty stomach as your glycogen stores will be most depleted at this point as you have not taken in any energy yet for the day (you havent ate yet and have been essentially fasting in your sleep), thus your body will tap into stored fat to provide the energy it needs to get through the cardio session. Saved the best for last! Picking fibrous carbs is a good plan of attack as it will satiate you easier and leave you feeling fuller. The official subreddit community for the Youtube channel More Plates More Dates. How hard, heavy, and frequently you train, how fat you are, and how much muscle you have on your body already should all be factors you take into consideration before determining what type of diet you will be following. He doesnt try to push his body too hard anymore with grueling exercises; hes working hard to remain injury-free, he doesnt experiment with steroids and hes taking steps to find the right foods and supplements to fuel his body, support muscle recovery, and to improve his eating habits. Meet Derek, the Mind and the Man Behind the Self-improvement Brand More https://www.instagram.com/moreplates_moredates/, SIU Clears Two Thunder Bay Officers in Death of Man Ten Days After Thunder Bay Arrest, Azzah F Akhtar Effective Lead Generation Using Facebook for Realtors & Business Owners Entrepreneurs, NetNewsLedger Statement of Journalistic Standards, Two Minutes: Dealing with a Loved One Who is Abusing Drugs, March 4, 2023 Western and Northern Ontario Weather Outlook, Massive Blizzard on March 4, 1966 Shut Down Winnipeg.