The grammar is similar to English, and many vocabulary words will sound familiar, like samme (same), ham (him) and op (up). The natural rhythm of Persian spoken aloud is just as important, as it is a syllable-timed language that requires the right pronunciation to get your meaning across. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. On the bright side, because it is so widely spoken with many different varieties there is a wealth of resources out there to help you. Less than 22 percent of the U.S. population speaks a language other than . However, once you have the grammar down the rest is much simpler. You will be glad you did when you hold your first conversation in your new language with a native speaker! You may come across a challenge or two, like mastering Portuguese pronunciation and nasal sounds. Its also an easier language to learn for English speakers than, for example, Russian or Chinese, which take much longer to learn and reach fluency. Lastly, brush up on your Colloquial Persian with Abdi Rafiee's 3rd edition copy of this classic conversational sourcebook. For example, the language register used by the speaker depends on who he or she is speaking to. Of course, there are some challenging things about learning Swedish. There are some challenging aspects of learning French though. The Empire stretched over areas such as Macedonia, Thrace, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, and even parts of Egypt and Libya. Thats why Norwegian words like morgen, glass, and papir sound so familiar. Start with PersianPod101 for basic lessons and vocabulary, Lingua Boost Persian for experience in real life conversations, and Persian PodGap for culture, literature, and interviews. So, why is Indonesian easy to learn? Or, easier than other languages, to be more precise. For instance, to change a singular word to plural, all you have to do is repeat the word or add an extra one. They often descend from the same common parental or ancestral language and can branch off to form many other unique languages. Learn about the best language resources that I've personally test-driven. So many languages are arguably easier to pick up than others for English speakers. Since its a phonetic language, most words are pronounced as they are spelled, so you should have any problems with it. Obviously, this can be confusing to someone who is new to learning languages. The Best Language For A Writer To Learn - Persian is an important language of the Middle East and Central Asia, spoken by over 100 million people and ranked among the world's top 20 most widely spoken languages. One of the best ways that you can learn a language is to fully immerse yourself in all aspects of it, including different types of media in that particular language. Grammar and tones The reason it is so simple to pick up is because of the similarities it shares with English. You can listen to Italian music, watch Italian movies, prepare Italian recipes There are so many ways to make your language learning a fun and engaging process, especially if youre learning a beautiful and artistic language like Italian. For starters, Indonesian spoken natively by nearly 23 million people is one of the few Asian languages that uses the Latin alphabet. German is, as the name suggests, a Germanic language. There are over 30 varieties of Arabic worldwide. The easiest languages for English speakers to learn - Over 2000 of them are commonly used, so you need to know at least all of those. You may even know some Spanish from high school, meaning you have some basic knowledge to build upon. That's because it's the closest language to English today, both in words and structure. These new letters and the fact that Polish words also have more consonants than English words can mean that pronunciations are very difficult to grasp for a beginner, and can make spelling difficult. Persian is most likely known to you under one of the names of its dialects. 7 Easiest Language To Learn For Hindi Speakers In 2023 There is also a welcome lack of verb conjugation, which is great news for learners, especially since this means that the sentence structure stays simple and short. Afrikaans - the easiest language to learn for both English and Dutch speakers Afrikaans, the same as English, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, is a Germanic language. For example, improving listening skills should be. For example, the word frolic meaning to play and move around cheerfully (e.g. Kanji is a character-based system with thousands of characters to learn. 10 Easiest Languages for English Speakers - StudyFrenchSpanish And that will make your learning process a whole lot easier. We approve.) Hungarian belongs to the language family known as Uralic (this also includes Finnish). You can learn Persian from basics to advance level. If you prefer the feeling of a book in your hands while learning a language, you are not alone. The Spanish language is phonetic (meaning the spelling tells you the pronunciation of the word). Sure, it is a little more difficult because it takes around 900 hours, but the alphabet is Latin script, meaning it is something you will be used to, and the words are phonetic meaning they are said how they are spelled. You just need to get used to it. Top 8 is spanish hard to learn for english speakers 2022 As one of the intonational languages of the world, Persian vocabulary changes meaning depending on the rise and fall of your voice. Which languages are easiest and most difficult for native English speakers to learn? They also write right to left, which is very different from English writing. On the bright side, the spellings are largely phonetic, and once you have learned the grammar rules the language becomes easier. If the writer wants to be able to communicate with a large audience, then a widely-spoken language like English, Spanish, or Mandarin Chinese is a good choice. Then, of course, there is the Korean alphabet and writing system to consider. The Top 11 Easiest Languages To Learn (Even For English Speakers) A Russian word could look identical to another when it is written down, but may have two very different meanings. In Spanish, a always sounds more or less like a (even with an accent mark), which we as learners appreciate. If you are learning Spanish, get some Spanish music on or tune into a Spanish soap opera. They do use Latin script, but there are many grammatical cases that can make it much more complex to get to grips with than English. Download: Portuguese is spoken by around 234 million people around the world. This selection may also come as a surprise, but Indonesian has several qualities that make it a logical choice for English speakers. There are some shared cognates such as ja which means yes and veld which means field. To do so, its time to journey back in time to the roots of many countries in the Middle East Persia itself, and the Persian Empire. In order to put this list together, we took into account the numerous factors which should be considered when deciding whether or not a language is difficult, or easy to learn. We find evidence of this languages changes in many inscriptions as it changed throughout three primary eras: Old, Middle, and New, between 525 BC and modern times. With many languages not connected to the Latin alphabet, you'll need 1,100 hours of practice to proficiently speak Category III languages, according to Rosetta Stone. Many of their words are very long with unfamiliar letters and letter sounds such as and . Easiest should be Norwegian and Swedish. However, it will take considerably less time to learn conversational Spanish. Swahili is perhaps not as easy as other languages on this list, but its arguably the easiest African language to learn. Are you thinking about taking Portuguese lessons? Although it doesn't seem so at first, Norwegian is one of the easiest languages for English native speakers. In terms of vocabulary, youll learn new Swedish words very quickly. Italian is the primary language for around 64 million people, and although its not as widely used as Spanish or Portuguese, its still spoken in many countries outside of Italy, including in Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia, and even Argentina., French is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with around 77 million first-language speakers and 203 million second-language speakers. Its also an official language of 29 countries, including Switzerland, Luxembourg, Seychelles and Rwanda.. Because of its Latin roots, Romanian does share some cognates with the English language, and because of its phonetic form, pronunciations are easier to get to grips with. The rhythm of Italian when you are in a conversation also makes it a little easier to grasp for beginners. Sure, they will likely be dubbed, but it will be extremely beneficial as you will already know what is going on and you will have a chance to hear the language in a familiar setting. Of course, as with any language, there will be lots of new vocabulary to learn, but if you need to spend any amount of time in Southeast Asia, its an excellent second language to have under your belt., Swahili is a Bantu language and another very useful second language to have, as its widely used in East Africa, including in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. What are the easiest languages to learn for Hebrew speakers? A person of authority will have a different word ending to a normal person when someone is addressing them. You can also find some of your favorite movies and shows that you already know well and watch them in another language. This can help you practice more and learn it far quicker. He expanded on culture and infrastructure by building roads, introducing standard currencies, weighing and measuring systems, and pronouncing Aramaic as the official language of the Empire. Furthermore, Norwegian has an SVO (subject-verb-object) sentence structure, the same as English. If you speak English, youll be very comfortable with the grammatical structure of Norwegian, so you can focus on learning vocabulary. These languages share many similarities with English, both in terms of grammar and vocabulary. The grammar is ridiculously simple, and there are only about 120 to 130 words. The German language is thought to take slightly longer to learn than this. This location of spoken Persian in Iran is where another term is used for the language. They use nasal sounds which can be a little bit more tricky to master, but given the wide variety of resources out there, it is a modestly easy language to learn. FluentU brings a language to life with real-world videos. With 24 languages to choose from, Rosetta Stone makes it easy to learn as many languages as you'd like. After Cyrus the Great transformed the groups of nomadic tribesmen into Persians and unified the lands under the name of an Empire, nearby Middle Eastern kingdoms like Media, Babylon, and Lydia soon fell under his rule to create the first superpower of the ancient world: the connection of Mesopotamia, the Nile, and the Indus Valley. This may seem strange since it is a Germanic language, and Germanic languages are meant to be easier for native English speakers to learn. Amharic Amharic is the first language of Amharas, an ethnic group from the Highlands of Ethiopia. It is full of mutations and consonants that are unfamiliar to an English speaker, but with some memorization and an eagerness to learn, it is certainly possible. However, this doesnt mean learning one language will make you able to speak the other. This means that in order to learn Arabic you have to learn a whole new bunch of letters and characters. Compared to Korean and Japanese, grammar is much easier to learn, mostly because their writing systems make learning challenging. Indeed, the Empire of the Persians was one of the most expansive ones in the ancient world, spanning from the Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe to the Indus Valley in India at the height of its influence. And others might be easier to learn because youre exposed to them in one way or another. Welsh, the language of Wales (Englands neighbor) is a beautiful ancient language spoken by around 29% of the population in Wales. Persian is the easiest, and there is little dialectal difference compared to Arabic where each type is basically its own language, though as always in language learning, personal interest trumps everything else. At the end of the day, it all comes down to your motivation and persistence. The most important thing that we want you to take away from this article is that even though some languages may be easier for a native English speaker to learn than others, it does not mean the harder languages are out of your reach. Swedish is spoken by somewhere around 10 million people, and while most of them live in Sweden, a small minority can be found in Finland, where Swedish is also a national language., Swedish is on the easier side for English speakers to learn, because again, its a Germanic language. Dutch 7. That is a huge amount of time, and even then you will only be at intermediate, conversational level. Spanish is a close relative of French. In Afghanistan, it is called Dari, and in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, it is known as Tajik. This is another language on the list that might surprise you. The change to New Persian was initially sparked by the rise of Islam and the Arabic nations of the area, including the adoption of Arabic script for writing, illumination for manuscripts, and a wider spread of poetry. If you are interesting in learning Korean, it is worth looking at the Rocket Korean language course, part of the Rocket Languages series. However, you can use this as ageneral guide. But since Norwegian and English have a lot of similarities, if you decide to take Norwegian lessons, you shouldnt come across too many obstacles. Nowadays, Latin script is used, which is why native English speakers find it a little easier. Creole, for example, both Haitian and Louisianan are derived from the French language. That being said, it is one of the widest spoken languages in the world, with over 900 million people speaking it daily. The Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers A large part of learning a language is learning how to write it. By the way, why not check out our list of the best apps to learn French? The 28 Easiest and Hardest Languages to Learn for English Speakers Afrikaans 9. Indonesian grammar has no concept of plurals or tenses and no grammatical genders. Thai has five tones while Chinese has four. These two words look almost identical, but notice the very small differences of the and the . Dont worry according to FSIs language difficulty ranking, Portuguese is also in Category 1. As an Austronesian language, Indonesian does differ quite a bit from the Germanic and Romance languages on this list, but its actually surprisingly straightforward for English-speakers to learn. With dedication, motivation, lots of passion, and enthusiasm to learn, you will be able to master any language you want. Also, waffle, those delicious breakfast-dessert foods, comes from the Dutch wafel. For scheduling 1-on-1 conversation sessions with native Persian speakers, you absolutely should have an italki account. Some of them are phonetic, which means that reading and pronunciation shouldnt be a problem for you. Some of the easiest languages for Americans to learn include Spanish, French, and Italian. According to the FSI, professional working proficiency in this set of languages might take 23-24 weeks. It has Dutch at its core but it is also intertwined with other dialects and indigenous languages from Africa. The main goal of the language was to create something that was universally simple. 9 Easiest Languages For English Speakers To Learn - Babbel Magazine Learning a new language can be made much easier when immersed completely, so opting for an on-site language school is a great option. You might be surprised to find out that Finnish is a very unique language. Easiest Languages for English Speakers - Rocket Languages So if you're curious about the easiest languages to learn, I've got 10 great suggestions to help you out. Frisian was once the primary language of what during the Middle Ages was known as Frisia. Though Persian expansion arrived at a standstill after a failed attempt to colonize Greece during the Greco-Persian Wars following the Ionian Revolt of 499 BC, the Persian defeat at Marathon, and Dariuss death, his successor was still determined to continue the legacy of previous kings. This toneless African language is thought to be one of the easier African languages for native English speakers to learn. Rosetta Stone is a well-established course but isnt suitable for everybody. Georgian is a language that is very unique as it has its own script. It is thought that the language may begin to rise in popularity, though, since it is featured on the popular language immersion app, Duolingo. In fact, did you know that for most English speakers, Persian is one of the easiest Middle Eastern languages to learn? Like English, Norwegian or "Norsk" is a Germanic language, which makes it easier for English-speakers to learn. However, a welcome difference between Polish and other Slavic languages is the fact that it uses an alphabet that you will be more familiar with: the Latin script. 11 Of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers. Along with natives and Spanish language learners, there are more than 572 million Spanish speakers worldwide. And whether you find a certain language difficult or not also depends on your previous experience. Norwegian 4. You can't get much easier than this. It is known as the "daughter language" to Dutch (it shares 90 to 95% of its vocabulary with the language. Read on to start your journey into the beautiful and intriguing world of the Persian language, and good luck! Many popular world languages have very different grammatical structures to English. The word order format here follows a particular pattern of subject-object-verb, with prepositional phrases nestled between the subject and object. But there are also many cognates that are not food-related futuro (future), controllare (control), concerto (concert), and so on. The only verb ending that needs to be used is -r!). Malay is spoken in Malaysia and Indonesian in Indonesia. For instance, He comes from Norway translates to Han kommer fra Norge., Norwegian is spoken by around 5 million people, primarily in Norway. Unlike many other languages in the world, Persian does not include grammatical gender, and pronouns are not marked with natural gender, either, making them all gender-neutral. easiest languages to learn for persian speakers Menu fatal shooting in los angeles today. Alternatively, Persian Language Online offers a variety of free lessons that cover everything from grammar to tenses, vowels to intonation. This problem is observed among many students, so they often turn to services like Thesis Rush, which helps with all kinds of writing theses, dissertations, or papers. Its got a few more vowels than its cousin over in Spain, but Italians big advantage is that most of its consonants and vowels are among the most common sounds found in world languages. Korean has a reputation for being notoriously difficult for a native English speaker to learn. Some tonal languages may be particularly difficult for English speakers, as this is not something that they are used to. Top 10 Easiest Languages To Learn | Mondly Blog SHOW ME HOW! To support such a diverse and ancient culture, the Persian language was able to develop over the course of centuries, into the version we have today, and that is spoken in places like modern-day Iran. Although every foreign language comes with its own unique set of challenges, the reality is that some languages will simply be easier for fluent English speakers to become proficient in. Its the official language of both Portugal and Brazil, as well as six African countries, including Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique, making it an extremely useful second language to have under your belt., Like Spanish, Portuguese stems from Latin and uses the same alphabet as the English language, which gives English speakers a slight advantage when learning it., One thing to keep in mind is that there are some distinct differences between European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. This is because you have less chance of being able to interact with other speakers as you go about your daily life, and also because the language may incorporate cultural concepts that you are not familiar with. It shares quite a bit of vocabulary with English, and unlike some Germanic languages, the pronunciation of most Norwegian words is fairly straightforward., For the most part, the sentence structure is also quite comparable to English, although not identical. In fact, everything from the pronunciation to the vocabulary may vary, depending on which type of Portuguese you are learning. This is because the grammar, pronunciation, and even writing of Hindi is very difficult to get to grips with as it is so unfamiliar. This is because the Dutch were some of the first colonizers of the States. To learn Persian (Farsi), you will need about 1,100 hours, according to the Foreign Service Institute. I have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Online English self-study + private lessons, Online Spanish self-study + private lessons, 15 of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers - ranked. Norwegian grammar is generally pretty straightforward, so it wont take you long to take a hang of it. Verb conjugations are logical, for example. With the wide range of smartphone applications available for every purpose under the sun, its no wonder you can find language learning there too! This is where, to keep the sounds in harmony, suffixes are added to words. Learning Mandarin Persian language will help you in learning Traditional Persian Language in an effective way. This is one of the reasons why Persian speakers sound so melodic when pronouncing words aloud. Iceland is known to have some pretty difficult words to pronounce, from place names to everyday words. In fact, it shares many similarities with Indonesian due to the fact that a similar variety of the language is used in Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore., But, although Malay and Indonesian speakers can generally understand each other, there are some differences in terms of spelling, pronunciation, and vocabulary, with Malay based more on loanwords from English, and Indonesian having more loanwords from Dutch., Malay is widely considered to be one of the easiest Asian languages to learn, because its grammatical rules are simple and its easy to pronounce. For average native Turkish speakers, is it less difficult to learn/pronounce other non-Turkic agglutinative languages like Korean and Japanese or the languages of the neighbors with whom the Oghuz Turks have historically interacted frequently, like Armenian, Arabic, Farsi, Bulgarian, and Greek