Raised AI priority for South Africas industrial decisions. Fixed Bircher being replaced by a generic for puppet NatPop Switzerland. Fixed some missing countries in the Ottoman Association of Muslim Nations decisions. Fixed Austria having two Seconds in Command. Slightly tweaked Irelands starting templates, units and technologies. Clarified event lines that lead to war between Peru and Ecuador and added a little bit more flavour. Fixed puppet Cuba having inappropriate national focuses and spirits. Fixed Fengtian not leaving Japan's faction when revolting. The CSA no longer has a 1% chance to be denied entry into the Internationale. Increased the completion time for some German economic national focuses. Xinjiang may now be given to the Central Asian Federation, Updated AI factors for the conscription laws. MarLibs will be added as a coalition partner of the Industrial Corps in Sichuan, if Liu Xiang and Liu Wenhui make an alliance. Re-added the Howard Hughes aviation event. Fixed Paraguay's victory event against Argentina not firing. Decreased the state size category for some Belgian states. Slightly buffed some of the United Baltic Duchy advisors. Fixed Quentin Roosevelt being incorrectly sworn in. Added a failsafe for players forgetting to annex Hawaii in the ACW. Fixed Latvia not being able to purchase French equipment if in faction with Socialist Russia. Fixed the Left Kuomintangs AI not starting its focus tree. Changed Chile national spirit icon to something that fits even non-socialist Chile. Fixed Xinjiang giving industry to a Left Kuomintang that doesnt exist. Portugal's collapse can no longer be triggered after they join the Entente. Fixed LEP being unable to get rid of KMT and ANQ unrest. Fixed the wrong event firing as part of a Flanders-Wallonia event chain. Rebalanced the traits and skills of several Left Kuomintang commanders. Socialist Russia now attacks all of Central Asia at once. Persia's peace with Germany over the Caucasus will now only include Georgia if they've gone autocratic. Yunnans Kuomintang are a bit faster in progressing towards intervening in China to make up for the longer civil war. Fixed Transamur not losing the Japanese national spirits if conquered by a third party. Fixed Burgenland not going to Danubia when the latter is formed in the Austrian annexation event. In games where Qings Manchu Coup has occurred, the ideologies of the Zongshe Party, Young China Party and NCERA are now changed. Fixed Ethiopias Nasibu Zeamanuel not being locked behind the Professional Army national focus. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Switzerland's Georges Oltramare has been removed, and replaced with the more fitting Jakob Herzog. Added republican Heads of State for puppet Japan. Fixed several Chinese splinters not having access to the Army Reform decisions. Added Aleksi Shiukashvili as an air-related Military High Command member for Georgia. Slightly reduced the cost of some of Patagonias decisions. Fixed the MarLibs not gaining party popularity when elected in Centroamerica. Fixed several countries joining factions without the permission of the faction leader. Fixed post-Ottoman Turkey being able to annex Iranian Kurdistan. Equatorial Guinea now has a Spanish claim. Fixed the IMRO not winning their revolt at 100% resistance. Fixed Legation Cities not being able to join with Fengtian, and a missing trigger tooltip. Fixed PatAut Lianguang being unable to integrate the rest of China. Ottoman's Armed Neutrality is now only removed if they join a faction. Added a decision for Indian countries to attack one of the others if a war between them has started before they can use their war focuses. Removed German East Asia's cores on Indochina during the war. Iceland also now leaves its old faction when joining a new one during the Cod War, Iceland can no longer do its resistance decisions once it has broken free. Fixed South Africas missing claim on Nyasaland upon completing the Recover British Africa national focus. Added starting naval production to Britain, the Commune of France, Germany and Russia. Fixed New England getting the Reconstruction tree if they never entered the war. Fixed Abdlmecid II staying as leader of Turkey. Fixed Ottoman troops being teleported to Anatolia if Armenia rebels. Fixed a missing parent trait for a General in Hunan. Fixed Ukraines starting infantry template missing support companies. AutDemTurkey now will not join the Reichspakt if the Weltkrieg is already over by the time they have the possibility to join. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. Fixed the main IEDC national spirit not being removed if the Entente collapses. Added an upgraded starting tank armour and light tank chassis technology to Russia. Added an event where Quentin Roosevelt may now be restored if MacArthur is arrested, and Olson was previously the President. Fixed Centroamerica democratic tree annexation of Panama. Increased the chance for Russia to take the Don-Kuban Union. Fixed Greece stopping the Weltkrieg by causing an immediate peace between the Internationale and Reichspakt. Stay safe out there! Fixed Hungary not getting its archduke back when puppeted by Austria. Independent Belgium (foreign policy branch), French Republic (if Germany has fallen before they return to the Mtropole). Ukraine can now annex Transcarpathia without a penalty. Fixed Canadas missing description for King Edward and King Albert. Added Xing Shilian and Liu Zhenhua as generals for Qing. Fixed the Reichspakt getting its units stuck in Entente Britain. The Left Kuomintang now always changes its capital to Nanjing after winning the League War. Increased and clarified the requirements in Manchu Qing attempting to hold up a democracy. Fixed Sakhalin not going to Japan in its annexation event. Increased the starting stability for the Commune of France. Nerfed Polands Cooperative Subsidies decision. It has been an invaluable tool for us and we encourage modders from all Paradox games to make use of it. Carol II can now actually have a vacation in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Fixed the democrats in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies getting +40% production efficiency. Constantinople is now worth more victory points, Ankara less. Fixed Left Kuomintang being given the autonomy names of Hunan or Lianguang. Removed several broken decisions for Shandong. Improved the Dutch and German AI at defending against sea invasions from the Union of Britain. Siam can now fabricate a claim on the left bank of the Mekong under certain conditions. Fixed the Dutch East Indies keeping the altered version of the Colonial Government national spirit, when the mainland falls to revolution. Reworked the amount of World Tension that is gained or lost by countries joining different factions, now based on their strength relative to their proximity to Germany. Removed the A New 1066 event for the Union of Britain, which granted free spawned divisions. Fixed Ottoman unrest effects being triggered on non-core states. Yunnans Kuomintang national spirit has now grants an increased volunteer limit. Increased the research bonus that is given when giving an additional research slot to countries that already have five research slots. Fixed the layout of the Zimbabwe army tree. Fixed America not changing its flag to take account of new states. Fixed Lianguang not inheriting their enemies commanders and troops after their civil war. Increased the World Tension generated by the Zhili/Fengtian war. Fixed several national spirit icons not displaying. Replaced Belgians Joint Doctrine Research with Germany, with a flat research bonus. Removed Transylvanian resistance from Serbian-controlled West Banat. Fixed Dutch East Indies getting two versions of the Army national spirit. Fixed the leader of the United Provinces of China faction not properly being selected in events. Both National France and the United Kingdom have separate events dealing with colonial territories when/if they reclaim their homelands anyhow. Hundreds of localisation fixes and standardisations. Poland now uses the Eastern European tank icons. Greece no longer included in the Ottoman peace deal with the Cairo Pact if its a subject or part of a faction, Ottomans can only give the Aegean Islands to Greece during their population exchange if they own them, Greece can no longer take co-operation focus with Ottomans if the Ottomans have already taken their population exchange focus. The Philippines will no longer join the Entente or Reichspakt, unless set to do so in the game rules. Fixed the capital relocation decisions for the Left Kuomintang. If Greece joins the general anti-Ottoman war, they now get all their non-Megali Idea claims in the peace deal, as opposed to nothing. Gave Montenegro a base attack and defense idea, reminiscent of Sisu. Canadas Establish the Special Branch national spirit now gives the Form Department upgrade. Fixed Lithuanias Wilhelm von Urach not showing up in Lithuania. Tennessee and North Carolina are now more likely to stay with MacArthur. We hope you enjoy it all the same! Minor tweaks to the Central East Africa events. Democratic CEN has also gotten extra XP to edit their units more. Tweaked the province and state layout in Mozambique. Updated Boris Annenkovs general description for Shandong. Two additional paths for Lithuania did not make it to this release. Fixed Union of Britain starting an early WK2 by attacking Ireland. Siam now temporarily loses control of its ships during the Siamese Civil War. Fixed the bar relating to Nuclear Weapons on the interface, blocking the bar regarding air warfare. Fixed Patagonias infrastructure decisions requesting more factories than were actually used. Buffed the building slots that Venezuela gets from national spirits. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, lose, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Fort, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Heres 0.14 The Duke and the Hertzog, less than a month after our last release! For Syria, the Aleppen wing of People's Party now increases SocLib popularity in other countries, rather than SocCon. Fixed the releasing of Siberia ending up with the Russian Far East being granted to European Russia. While were still hard at work on the next version of Kaiserreich, we also didnt wish to leave you unable to play it, so heres a quick compatibility patch for 0.10.1. Yan Xishan and Wu Peifu can now sign a non-aggression pact, putting Shanxi in the Zhili sphere. Added new national spirits to the Argentine army tree. Fixed New England not having any cores in the western Mac route. Monarchist Burma is now actually referred to as a Kingdom, and has the correct flag. Tweaked the effect of the Three Principles national spirit for Tibet. Countries will no longer release a puppet Don Kuban Union unless they have no other choice. Fixed gaining claims on its cores, and not coring Abu Dhabi. The Treaty of Budapest chain has been expanded. Fixed Ukraine not being made back into an Ostwall country after getting re-puppeted. Slightly adjusted state and province borders in the Caucasus. Fixed Guatemala spawning factories in states that they dont have cores on. Syndicalist-aligned Social Democrats have been removed. Fixed the Shan annexation insta-cancelling. Added Teng Daiyuan as a general for Hunan. Added "Ei Tu, Mergyte (Hey, Girl)", "Maryte Melynake (Marie Blue Eyes)", "Palangos Jurjo (Palanga Sea)" and "Paskutini Sekmadieni (Last Sunday)" for Lithuania. Hundreds of typos fixed National France, Ottoman Empire, South Africa. Yunnans Right and Left Kuomintang are now PatAut and RadSoc, respectively. Germanys modern Battleships in the starting naval production, now start with more progress. Fixed Korean army national spirits giving ten times their intended effect. Fixed Trubetskoy forming Dmitry's senatorial republic in Russia. Improved the logic for the unit limit calculations. The Left Kuomintang can no longer turn SocDem, as Song Qinglings ideology has been changed to RadSoc, with her content remaining otherwise unchanged. Fixed Brazilian generals missing their character descriptions. Germanys allies are now also prompted to return lands if the Halifax Conference was successful. Fixed being able to choose Status Quo in the Austrian secret deal path. Fixed Sun Qichang being classified as Zhang Clique instead of Concordia, in Fengtians Reforming Manchurian Finance event. Fixed Romanias Great Game decision screen being available, despite Michael taking over. Fixed the Bharatiya Commune being released with the incorrect name. Fixed a bug with the Slovenian annexation decision. Added description for Austrian tanks and armored cars, Persias 70 day focus tree times reduced to 56 days. A Mongolia that is a puppet will no longer try to guarantee Tibet. Songs added: Ey, Ukhnem!, Ochi chernye, Iz-za Ostrova Na Strezhen, Soldatushki, bravo rebyatushki, Kalinka, Vragu ne sdayetsa nash gordy 'Varyag', Patrioticheskaya Pesnya, Davno my doma ne byli, V Put, Katyusha, Tri Tankista, Kazachya Pesnya, Chernoglazaya Kazachka, Ty Kuban, ty nasha Rodina, Po Dikim Stepyam Zabaykalya, Kol slaven nash Gospod v Sione, Slavsya!, Marsh Preobrazhenskogo Polka, Polyushko-pole, Dalnevostochnaya, Orlyenok, Po dolinam i po vzgoryam, Kazaki-Kazachenki, Pesnya Cavaleriyskogo Patrulya and Pesnya 27 Divizii, Added song for Romania: Lelita Saftita, alongside translation fixes for their songs, Added song for China: The Love of the White Jade Orchid, Added songs for Puerto Rico: Lamento Borincano and Preciosa, The strikes/mutiny/draft dodging ideas from vanilla (that get added when youre at war and either War Support or Stability is too low) which were added a couple of patches ago has now been removed, Increased suppression value of cavalry units. Switzerland has a less punishing ideology drift with the Memory of Geneva national spirit. Added a description for "Resistance to Andesia" spirit for Patagonia. Removed the World Tension gain from CNT-FAIs victory in the Spanish Civil War. Fixed Cuba supporting the opposition in the West Indies Federation benefiting the ruling party instead. Decreased the frequency of SocCon Poland. Serbia will now wait for the WK to attack Austria. Fixed the Commune of France getting locked out of the Liberate Iberia national focus. Added a description for Canadas Prince Albert. Fixed the Serbian plane purchasing events, where you didn't get the promised planes if the Commune of France or Russia hadn't research the tech for them yet. Clarified the requirements for some of Qings advisors. Fixed Qing Rebuild from the flood damage' and 'Domestic Projects' decisions missing AI factors. Slightly adjusted the starting values for Polands influence groups. Edward's wedding now takes place in the proper capital. Fixed Anqing not getting the decision to attack Qing despite doing the prerequisite focus. South Africa's armoured production bonus now applies to heavy tanks as well. NatPop Brazil can no longer prevent Rondon's revolt. Fixed AuthDem Shandong being unable to remove the revolt national spirits. Carlist Spain now starts with three more divisions. Fixed the naval variant errors in the log. NFA's revolter missions now cancel if it collapses. Fixed Bulgaria being unable to join the Moscow Accord. An 'ideology' within EoaNB, or HOI4 in general is the smallest unit of ideas that can be distinguished as a single 'party'. Fixed the Latium state breaking Italian unification, if it was previously taken from the Papal States and cored by the Socialist Republic of Italy, before being conquered by the Italian Republic. Fixed Socialist Russia losing half of Russia's factories when spawning. Decreased the length of Mussolinis leader description, so that it is not cut off. Tweaked Greeces AI to declare war more often, if it is on the Expansionist path. Bhutans AI will now actually use its decisions. Serbia can no longer receive volunteers during the IMRO war. Japan will now only declare on the Legation Cities once the Weltkrieg has started. Fixed Portugal demanding the subjugation of Congo when the latter is in a faction, and for not accounting for them already being at war. Mongolias AI has been tweaked so it makes better decisions in its first year and isnt so self-destructive. Fixed the US Progressives having no foreign minister. Ma Ji is no longer locked to only being an advisor to PatAuts, if he flees to the Zhili Republic. Fixed Georgia not leaving Mitteleuropa when cancelling the Treaty of Poti. Shortened the duration of a couple of South African national foci. Qing no longer starts with light tanks or motorized technology, but has received research bonuses for them in the German portion of its tree, and now starts with additional support equipment. Fixed the AI not increasing the conscription law if they have zero divisions. Fixed the United Kingdom being forced to return South Africa's lands to Canada. Reduced the exile population in Canada from 1.5 million to ~700 thousand. Banning the OHF in Turkey only changes the party names of the NatPops and Totalists, if they were previously changed in the Endeavour Front/Kadro path for the Ottomans. Removed the Lost Momentum national spirit from the Lianguang Civil War. Tweaked event pictures for the Third Weltkrieg and the Assyrian revolt. Fixed decision to puppet Paraguay when you claimed their territory being available. Austria will now join the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg, if it is bordered by a Russia-aligned Bulgaria. Japans AutDem Government of National Unity now actually forms a coalition with the SocCons and MarLibs. The Belgian king and prince no longer become generals for an Entente country releasing a united Belgium. Japan no longer keeps southern Manchuria when releasing MAN. Fixed Sweden not recognising Norway taking the Nordic Council focus. Tweaked the timing of MacArthur's Yorktown events. Tweaked the AI so that Germanys eastern Allies will focus on the eastern front until Russia is beaten. Increased the number of starting divisions for the Combined Syndicates. Added the ability for Austria to give core Serbia to Illyria (it cannot core it). Adjusted the country names for various Mittelafrikan splinter states, depending on ideology. Rebalanced the starting Union of Britains shipbuilding queue, carriers and battleships replaced with cruisers and destroyers. Serbia now loses French/Russian expertise, if at war with them. Fixed mentions of a Haitian civil war when one did not occur. Decreased the size of the starting navy for the French Republic, Germany and German East Asia. Fixed Russia being released always resulting in Kuban being retained. Fixed the Commune of France being able to use sabotage or development decisions on countries that dont exist. Fixed Austria not getting a core on Burgenland. The Savoyard Crisis will now not contribute to world tension if it never escalates. We've done our best to keep this hotfix save-compatible, though as usual we can't guarantee that due to the weird things HoI4 sometimes done when content gets changed mid-game - so we recommend starting a new game. Egypt can no longer invite socialist Iraq to the Pact. If Austria loses this war, it then seeks formal integration into the German Empire. Siam no longer gets its fifth research slot as quickly. Adjusted Bulgaria and Greeces starting navy and ship name lists. Updated the AI priorities in researching particular technologies. Greece now can continue the war with the Ottomans, if they are peaced out when the Megali War and War in the Desert coincide. Or Tsaritsyn, Antonov and Golovko will now defect as part of the Red Navy's formation, Austria and Poland will now guarantee each other if Karl Albrecht is elected, Players can no longer exploit the MacArthur's deadline event to get war economy faster, Manchu Qing can no longer get 5 research slots. Added unique Japanese names for territories in Africa and the Pacific Islands. Fixed Switzerland remaining at war with the Russian Socialists, after winning and peacing out against the Commune of France. Fixed Insulindia getting volunteers after their war with the Dutch East Indies is already over. The Zongshe Party is now PatAut (from SocCon), the Young China Party is now AutDem (from SocLib), while the NCERA is SocCon (from SocDem). The Phalanstere's assistance can now be refused. Your puppet will call you and your allies into the war against Free India. New England will now only get the civil war debuffs if they gained land in the civil war. Fixed the French Empire name not showing up on the map. Added a new victory point to Karelia, and adjusted its population. Added descriptions to the Yemeni states, for the Ottoman interface. Fixed Sweden annexing land that it isnt supposed to. Increased the infrastructure gain from Austrias Electrifying the Sdbahn national focus. Fixed opinion modifiers for the French Republic and Spain. Sichuan will now always become a puppet of Yunnan if it accepts their ultimatum. Renamed the Congo strategic region to Congo Basin. Now members of the faction can be invited to a research group, and once Brazil is taken down, Argentina can attack other countries in South America. AI France now no longer annexes the Rhineland, Westminster Declaration news event no longer overflows event response, New design companies for Bohemia and Chile, Added New Polish Endonyms and Renamed Existing ones, Fevzi organizing election will now set the junta popularity to 0, German East Asia AI will no longer attempt suicidal naval invasions on Saigon if it still own ports elsewhere in Vietnam, Major Nordic design companies can now be accessed by SCA as long as they own the capital of its constituent states. Twilight Struggle is now removed if the Internationale is defeated. Fixed Belgium not getting the Ardennes after beating back Germany. Fixed all of Galicia & Lodomeria not being claimed and annexed by Russia in the annexation event. Buffed the effects of some Sardinian national spirits. Instead, they will return all claimed states not also claimed by Canada, if the American faction joins the Entente. Mongolia no longer takes the form of the Left Kuomintang puppet, if puppeted by SocCon Ma Clique. Wilhelm III no longer starts as a Field Marshal for Germany, but can be made one at the onset of the Weltkrieg. what are the names of the parties if you use the command? Fixed Nehru taking over as leader of the RadSocs in the Dominion of India, before Gandhis death. Fixed Norway getting mountaineer units without the required tech. Fixed the United States being able to request the return of a capitulated Hawaii. Fengtians railway decisions now better incorporate mechanics from No Step Back. Latvia moving its capital to Riga is now automatic upon annexation. Added decisions to Carol's post-unification path, American Union State can now join the Entente, Venice now begins with a military malus for a couple of months, when it revolts, Russia no longer sends volunteers to Xinjiang, Reduced Kumul's out of supply boni and lowered their starting troop count by 2. Made the Commune of Frances AI more diligent at guarding against Germany, since the Weltkrieg can now start at more varied times. Isolationist Yunnan under Tang Jiyao gets 5% consumer good upkeep taken away and gets +5 max entrenchment instead in its national spirit. Added custom difficulty settings for most major conflicts and alliances, GRE - can now have the outcome of the Monarchy Referendum chosen. Increased the World Tension generated from shelling of Avricourt/Elfringen events. Three Principles focus for Tibet now brings it out of isolation, as intended. The Caspian Sea has been reverted to being treated as a lake rather than a sea, due to incompatibility with demanding navies in peace conferences. Fixed Germany being able to release an independent French Republic, just after beating them. New England now inherits USAs techs, rather than Canadas. Fixed Uruguay signing an anti-syndicalist pact with socialist Paraguay. Industry technologies values in KR are now in line with the vanilla ones, i.e. Electing RadSoc leader Jerzy Sochachki for Poland no longer adds Totalists to the coalition. Added German, Polish, Ukrainian and Romanian renaming for Slovakia and Hungary where appropriate. Fixed Centroamerica being unable to join the Internationale. Added descriptions to Siamese generals and admirals. Fixed Russian Socialist Republic liking Germany tag more than the German socialists, when sending volunteers. Tsarist Russia will now always be Expansionist. Fixed the Left Kuomintang having decisions to improve their support in places where their support is already at the maximum level. Added George Marshall and Henry Arnold to the American Civil War event choices for potential Chiefs of Staff. Fixed Romania's tree not checking for the correct government. Shanxis Fengs Bloodless Coup decision now includes a dynamic description telling the player whether they have enough military and governmental support. Players can now tell the AI not to send Intermarium equipment shipments. In all other cases theyll immediately declare war instead. Fixed the AI producing armoured cars instead of trucks.