More than this, they want to make new friends with every day that passes. All the articles are based on the information given by Ancient Sages as seen from various classical sources which are addressed to Vedic enthusiasts. With your South Node in Cancer, you have always been someone who placed value on your home life; someone who has no problem prioritizing family. Read an in-depth analysis of your Capricorn south node in this article. The framework I use for analysing your significant past life includes looking at: 1. Leo is the 5th zodiac sign which denotes vitality, courage, adventures, will-power, honor, dignity, fame, nobility, leadership, creativity, etc. So, naturally, we bring those challenges into the life we are living currently. North Node Aquarius in the 6th house pushes you to develop an . Those with a Pisces south node or a Piscesnorth nodemight naturally draw people to them that feel like or project that they need fixing. It also resulted in blessings, both materialistic and spiritual, in their current lives. Instead, our past lives indicate concepts we developed mastery over and those we did not. Unlike the . The moon rolls around the Earth on that smaller track. You can get enough information on the leftover karmic energy and the unresolved issues to work through in this life without knowing the specifics of the past life. Many people believe that the North and South nodes hold the key to understanding our karmic life lessons and discovering a sense of purpose in this earthly lifetime. On the contrary, an undignified Saturn indicates that they are inclined to isolate themselves from large groups of people because of weakened self-awareness. Select your name from your AstroData. North Node in Taurus. Imagine for a moment that the Earth is traveling around the sun rolling around on a big, circular racetrack. People with the South Node in Aquarius are preoccupied with what will happen with the planet in the future, not to mention theyre all the time thinking of some kind of utopia and can forget about the present. You could have been the captain of a world famous ship or a pilot for Pan Am. A Cancer South Node may suggest that in your past life, you dealt with a family crisis or have poor relationships with family members. Aquarius represents the air element which shows that they were socially outgoing and talkative which also helped them in various activities within groups of people. All Rights Reserved. Accordingly, this combination detaches these individuals from worldly desires which shows that their greatest motives which propel them into taking action and achieve great results in this life are selfless goals. The Leo north node/Aquarius south node person is a powerful changemaker, but in this lifetime, they can get lost in a crowd. AGemini south nodeandSagittarius north nodeperson will need to move from being the eternal student to being the eternal teacher in search of a deeper truth and wisdom to life. The axis of the lunar Nodes in the 5th and 11th houses can make its natives ask themselves questions about friendship and love, meaning these people need to have their priorities established, all the time. The Astrology of Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber Explains Because astrology can tell you so much about who you are, it comes as no surprise that it can also tell you who youve been. Any spotlight on you is meant to be shared with the masses. The North Node in Aquarius and the South Node in Leo encourage you to keep going on your spiritual development by setting yourself free from the shackles of egoism and self-importance. Ultimately, the South Node represents the karmic challenges or skills that you are given in this lifetime. A South Node in Taurus may indicate that your past was filled with material things and you put too much emphasis on them. Aquarius is rebellious, individualistic, unusual, free-thinking and humanitarian. There can be times when theyre outrageous on purpose, as well refusing to show how much theyre worth to those in higher positions. The south node: Your innate gifts and past life. Instead of focusing on external wealth, its time to focus on your inner wealth. Obviously, these natives shouldnt live after the same patterns all over again because this can have them stagnating and their soul is always looking to move in opposite directions or to pay more attention to their life at home. After all, youve been rich in many lifetimes, which is one reason why youre fully capable of being rich in this life. I can't read what mine would say, Please . So this distinction is important, our chart is not describing every past life we have ever had can you imagine trying to interpret that?! I can tend to escapism or to drink to excess to feel socially comfortable which also feels like this outsider energy coming through. With a North Node Leo in the 9th house of expansion and the higher mind, you are developing a personal philosophy of life. Our North Node then gives us the information on how we are meant to work through and overcome this karmic energy and pursue our purpose. With the south node in Aries, yournorth nodeis in Libra, the sign of partnership and harmony. This is because our south node governs in the realm of those lessons we have already mastered. The South Node in Aquarius in the natal chart indicates past life situations or current life circumstances in which you are overly attached to a rational thought process to the point of denying your own self expression. North Node: Leo. The North Node is the focal point of any astrological chart. Your South Node sits exactly 180 degrees opposite of your North Node on your birth chart.It represents where your karmic journey has begun and what gifts you're bringing into your present life from past experience. They can understand that the big picture is more important than anything else and can help many govern life itself, but they dont want to abandon their ways of expressing themselves. In addition to that, a dignified planet of discipline and hard work also supports them in current lives by making them extremely persistent. Instead of fussing over gossip and close friend groups, youre meant to travel far and open your mind to a whole new world. It means that most of them give high value to the resource of time and therefore spend it wisely by being alone mostly. Leo South Node. 3. These . Evolutionary Astrology of which I am a student and teacher believes that we have multiple lifetimes and that, as Steven Forrest states: The chart simply tells us what we need to know in order to effectively navigate the present life. In astrology, the lunar nodes . If you were born with your South Node in Libra, then youve spent many lifetimes in love. A south node in Pisces has spent many lifetimes being a psychic sponge for other peoples ailments and can fall ill easily if they do not take enough time to recharge alone and out in nature. You could have been a public relations agent, a socialite or even a political organizer. It also connotes good taste and a liking for the finer things in life. In past lives, you may have been a lawyer or a mediator. The South Node is trying to persuade you to change your life because you are different from the past, which is trying to cling to you. South Node Aquariuses can be playful and indulge in this attitude if theyre not seeing happiness as a way for them to make a fool out of themselves. You could also have been an artist who used creative mediums to explore the outer realms and express your imagination. There are two lunar nodes in astrology, the north node and the south node. Therefore, in current lives, the main emphasis is on working alone and isolating from large groups of people and friends in order to concentrate on realizing unique and creative ideas. Karmic Astrology seeks to clarify some of these issues, learning and drawing lessons from lived experiences. . Planets conjunct the South Node - Any planets within 10 degrees of your south node provide an additional layer to your past life and provide insight into your core past-life personality. It means that the generous, humble, wise, spiritual, righteous, philosophical, optimistic planet of abundance Jupiter combines with stable, persistent, down-to-earth, realistic, reliable, generous, loving, fixed earth sign Taurus. A Leo South Node can indicate that you were overly fond of having the spotlight shine on you. With that being said, they harnessed their inventive way of thinking towards producing frauds and other unethical methods that were meant to attain selfish goals. These become other major reasons why they are prone to detach themselves from specific groups, friends, or teams. The 8th/2nd House Axis North Node in 8th House There is a need for the person to accept the unorthodox, to actively seek the unknown and the means to impose your own power on life. Instead, we must incorporate and integrate the lessons that got us to where we are - comfortability in the south node realm - to leap forward and branch out into our north node destiny. Check out my Past Life Astrology Toolkit with detailed tables to interpret my framework using your natal chart just $29USD. . People with asouth nodein Aquarius are used to working towards better humanity for all while downplaying the needs of the self. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER. . Asouth nodein Capricorn denotes that you gain recognition from the public eye quickly, and anorth nodein Cancer suggests that you seek a more private life in this go-around. South Node in Aries. (Sunan an-Nasa'i 4047)There must be no racism, sects, tribes, or gangs amongst you, and take special care of women, and increased rewards get those who educate women especially who suffer in calamities. Because of their highly humanistic nature, they were competent guides and team-leaders who guided their people towards betterment. With that being said, they must apply extra effort to acquire information through various experiences before tasting the fruits of success. In Libra, the Element acts judgmentally, decisively, and neutrally. Yoursouth node in Geminiserves you well because theSagittarius north nodeperson needs this non-attachment mindset to fulfill the priorities that are a part of this persons path. More on Jupiter More on the 2nd house It is important to note that the positive placement of the 2nd house lord (in addition to Jupiter, the significator of 2nd Last updated on August 26th, 2021 at 11:05 pm What does Jupiter in Taurus mean? A Gemini South Node can indicate that you were overly talkative or too much of a gossip in your past life. Leo represents your karmic past. Youve spent many lifetimes seeing the world and trying new things. Allowing yourself to experience more unpredictability in your working life. Because your North Node is in Aquarius, youre meant to step out of the spotlight and learn how to share it with others. It reveals the gifts that you bring into this lifetime, your sweet spot, your comfort zone. Draconic Synastry ChartSynastry of birth and draconic charts. Religious truth & wisdom to bless your lifeKeep repenting and repeating secretly in mind: "God is enough for me and I bear witness that there is no other worthy of worship than the Almighty Creator alone" for the joy and abundance of God to flow in(Surat al-Baqarah 2:163)Whoever makes the Hereafter (aims for piety & righteousness) his/her goal, Allah (english: God) makes his/her heart rich, and organizes his/her affairs, and the world comes to him/her whether it wants to or not (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2465)And God is the most merciful and loving. Because of these mistakes done in past lives, these individuals are prompted to endure increased trials and challenges in current lives. As with anynorth nodeplacement, you will find that when you start making choices more in line with your north node, things will line up for you quite quickly, though it may not be in the ways you expect. In this current one, you are learning how to translate that knowledge into everyday life and 3-D reality. Those with Aquarius North Node (NN) often have dramatic life stories. Chances are, youve spend many lifetimes as a religious monk or maybe even a priestess for an ancient goddess. Therefore, South Node Aquariuses can try and make their life more livable by giving up on the dilemmas that are bothering them and making decisions with the collective. A South Node is an inherited part of your soul that now describes who you are. An Aries South Node may indicate that, in the past, you may have been a bit selfishand now, you need to learn how to share with others. They also experience events that shatter their dreams, hopes, and highest aspirations into a thousand pieces. People with the South Node in the 11th house are used to studying what seems gloomy when it comes to life and cant see their future if not having a vision. But is that truly what you need? It is a direct result of diligent, persistent, and hard work that was done in past lives. In this blog Im going to give you an overview of how you can explore this using your Natal Chart. In this lifetime, this person is meant to incorporate the Sagittarian qualities of seeking and knowing and realizing truth when they hear and see it and using that to propel their studies into different topics they are curious about but do not currently understand. You could have been the coach for a legendary sports team or even the president of the United States. The company is not responsible for your decisions or how you use this information for it is not advice. Lesson: Accepting and receiving the best life has to offer, especially material gifts. Advanced Business Astrology Certification. Having the tendency to rely on those who can still let them down in life, people with South Node in Aquarius can seem impersonal and cold when interacting with others. Being that your South Node is ruled by Venus . The North and South Nodes change signs every year and a half. If you have your South Node in Scorpio, you came to this life bearing a high level of psychic awareness and a deep connection with the spirit world. Youve wondered how theSouth Noderelates, what it signifies or how to find both your north and south node; we have the answers for you. The Leo/Aquarius axis represents the life purpose of self-expression, living from the heart, and developing self-identity. At the same time, they were irresponsible and were not inclined to fulfill their karmic duties with dignity which was a major cause of hindrances in their past lives. Wanting to be in large groups, they dont like being in the center of attention, however. The other assumption that I see about north node in . However, because Aries is also incredibly ambitious, you could also have been a politician, a government official or even a king! How Is the south and north node used in astrology? Thank You. North Node in Leo: South Node in Aquarius. Their ideas can be the best ones, not to mention they can live this lifetime to make the conditions better for the entire world. However, because your North Node is in Pisces, youre meant to leave behind your need for perfection and your desire to be an expert in everything. The South Node represents our knowledge from past lives and lessons we already learned. However, it is new and foreign to them to consider sticking it out and playing the cards they are dealt in this life. Developing self-concern. However, you may have instead spent your time searching for deeper truths through research and educational pursuits, which means you may have been a professor; someone who acquired many different university degrees. Thecultures from which astrologywas originally born are rich with themes and beliefs in such ideas as karma and reincarnation, but not in the ways you might think of these concepts. The South Node in Aquarius in the natal chart indicates past life situations or current life circumstances in which you are overly attached to a rational thought process to the point of denying your own self expression. Could you sell ice cubes during a snowstorm? Your discomfort is rewarded with fantastic fulfillment as you feel your lifes mission engaged. In this life, the challenge is to become selfless. The placement of the north node, in Aquarius, meanwhile, directs your attention not to the cultivation of fame and success, but to the construction of a real and equitable home in this life a . (For example, if your north node is in Aquarius, your south node is in Leo.