In fact in scripture the Lamb IS the Lion because of symbolism. NOBODY forget that because yes i kniw he did something bad but god doesnt deserve you walking away from him for a mans mistake. Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. [5] It is acclaimed as one of the great expressions of automotive customization. Andy, OK, you go with that but to hold your position you have to call Peter a liar in Acts 2. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. Really? It shows just how broken the Calvary System is. I dont like that at all. I have not been to this site in quite sometime (If anyone doubts that , Im sure Michael can verify that, right Michael?) Do you think God is happy with Newnham right now? Some of the biggest anti-Semites have been Jewish! It was not readily available. Coy is friendly and voluble, but his lively green eyes suddenly brim with tears when he's asked about the sexual assault claims. Then all were invited up to search their hearts. Deal with that and then come talk to me. Rest assured, God will not be mocked.". And, I dont see anyone coming to the defense of his co-sinners why not all since you defend one of the sinners so vigorously? View the profiles of people named Diane Coy. NONE. He would simply confessown it all publiclywrite a new book on his time offand marvel at Gods grace toward him. You my friend constantly bring him up. He was already richI. Its commanded in Scripture to do so. I think they had about 10 so far. Bummer. I still have the cassette tape. And then others might go in the other direction. But Newnham says the pastor still has more to answer for especially because his sources say Coy has been trying to mobilize investors to start a new church. As I said above, look how many men think that the light casual joking around is not harmful when they are actually sending out and allowing themselves to receive horny vibes. Hugh, Crap, another curse? Hes on the radio and all around the world. {P} , , , - , , , . What was Jesus thinking!? We are a body in need of healing, this should be a time for all those afflicted similarly to be provided with a vehicle to come forward and seek healing. Its as though the biblical gospel is not interesting or compelling enough; its as though the biblical gospel does not comport with increasingly American ideas of libertarianism, guns, stand your ground, etc. All materials are posted on the site strictly for informational and educational purposes! A woman told Coral Springs Police she had recently learned something terrible: A South Florida man had molested her daughter for years. Its actually a struggle for you to keep your commitment to your wife? Pray for Pastor Bob, his wife and family and the CC Ft. Lauderdale staff and congregation. All sin is equal. Thank God we are saved by grace through faith, I understand, my apologies once more to the forum and MLD, how each one wants to handle their feelings in this situation whether with condemnation or mercy is between them and God! He didnt go after anyone who left. Hes completely out of Calvary Chapel and is seemingly content as a regular guy although he seems to have realigned his doctrine to something more unorthodox and writes about it often. ALL in South Florida. Even worse, they said church officials knew full well he was a pedophile: He'd been kicked out of another Calvary youth ministry in California after being charged with sex crimes there. It would also give her the opportunity to stop worrying as much. When my wife and I first started attending CCFL in 93 he preached with humility and it was refreshing. As a pastor, I dont want people to blindly follow me. Hugh. Heres a couple of zoning maps for pompano which shows the boundaries going behind the church on Old Mcnab Road. I did. Let them tear eachother apart like wolves. Sin is sin. Dread/Alan, thank you for the way you express things. So when is literal? The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's resignation comes amid reports of an affair scandal and admitting tocheatingon his wife, Diane Coy. Genuine Christianity doesnt waste its time sin sniffing or telling others what to do or how to live. Very. As none of George's other relatives are available to help, Mandy Young Sheldon Season 6 Episode 15: In Young Sheldon, Georgie and Mandy were never seriously dating. Repeat. No one in the NT saying as was said by the prophet Isaiah, when the 1,000 yrs comes.. Where is this supposed 1,000 yr earthly reign. {} 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Lets see how many marriages this man has destroyed in his church. In my opinion, if he did this [to one victim], it's just a question of how many others are out there. is it possible you source could be wrong. Anyone can fall at anytime ! Coy and family have spent much of last few days with pastors and friends in prayer and counseling. Someone on the other blog I referenced wrote about the last few messages that BC preached. At the time, God was pretty much restricted to Israel and a few surrounding areas. The more I learn about the business of Christianity, the book deals, compensation, speaking fees, book reviews, book forwards, blogs about books (no offense Michael), radio and television shows, etc., the more I can empathize with people who have given up organized Christianity for house churches or other alternative church structures. So crazy that I became addicted to cocaine.". Loss of a job, insurance, future employment, loss of career. I pray Coy takes the time needed before he returns to the ministry. We gotta start getting this right. I had a CCer proclaim on the other blog one time, Chuck would NEVER lie!, and I commented, wow, thats amazingyou mean Chuck Smith is perfect now like Jesus and hes never lied since he became saved? I have a feeling there are many surrounding churches that are getting ready for the mass Exodus out of CCFL. But since the binding of Satan, the word has gone all over the word. Several people who witnessed the accident immediately ran to assist the victims. My point was that I do not put myself in a position to be tempted. Thanks. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great citywhich is figuratively called Sodom and Egyptwhere also their Lord was crucified. Now, tell me how you play around and allow yourself to be tempted. The Charisma article makes it sound like Coy will be back soon.A little rest, a little prayer, some CCFL counseling, a tweak here and a tweak there, problem all gone. Thats worse than not knowing you are doing wrong. Please remember there are family members who may well read the words you are writing one day. I love my husband and I dont want to be divorced, but when things have been unhappy between us, I have had to literally run away from sin because I was tempted to allow someone else to give me emotional support that should have come from my own husband, but wasnt at the time. Miserable, Hugh, You should listen to Michael when he says I did not make Bob Coy have sex with women other than his wife. It has been intense to say the least. Let this be a sign to you, that if by this time next year calamity has not befallen you, to teach you to not malign Gods work and kingdom! Your silence at the question presented to you is not a projection but a resounding answer to your hypocrisy, and the points I present are nowhere addressed, except to say Im an angry man, didnt Jesus speak of righteous indignation, but what did he say of cowards and hypocrites? Now how a man can be considered a great Bible expositor when he teaches that its OK to take the Mark? You are working hard to put people into a mold. All the CC folks on here are quick to point out that the CC leaders are sinners and flawed. Even some well known senior pastors have some unopened closets from the days of their youth. I have read here for many years, but only post occasionally. Imagine what all those kids at Liberty are thinking now. We must forgive himit could happen to anyone and remember to watch your words,,,,,,dont ever say you would never do itbecause those who say it..always seem to fall in the area they say they would never God Bless Diane.the children and Pastor Bob and all the Calvary Ft. Lauderdale Families and everyone he affected.. They did not need a transformation gospel to know right and wrong and to choose to do good things. Sorrow for anything done or said; the pain or grief which a person experiences in consequence of the injury or inconvenience produced by his own conduct. Thanks for sharing that Laura. Moe #470, where was the church leadership teaching the women to dress modestly for church? Fact. His name was Bob Coy, and until the previous year, he'd been the most famous Evangelical pastor in Florida. The best counsel I received was to keep my eyes on Jesus and off of man. He will heal it. Coy, who was never charged with a crime, lay low after leaving Calvary but recently turned up at Boca Raton's Funky Biscuit, where he helps manage the club. Also, your link article suggests that we ought not make a big deal out of it cause he stepped down. The Asst Pastors are not as annointed or equiped imho- and frankly I cant deal with Chets over the top, Broadwayesque mannerisms read: distraction. Thats fair right? Lets you and I join in prayer along with all the others that are doing the same thing for Pastor Bob and pray that The Lord will deliver him from this horrible thing. Pride is something that could be seen from his pulpit for many years now. Michael, come on now. Martin Luthers Disciple says: So Gary, why do you bring up the Lutheran thing. Join Facebook to connect with Diane Coy and others you may know. When did I ever mention Bob Coy? Thanks for enriching us. The only point is the one they refuse to acknowledge. (All about keeping that large congregation I guess). At that time the services were also being displayed live. 13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and they that harass Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. is the 7 associated with Daniel? When you knowingly sin then, post-saved, you are willfully being an enemy of God and we all do it b/c we are all aware of our sin and we sin anyway. To all the negative comments He is a man. For the mature in Christit shows how the solid food does you well.please pray for all involved as you are doing. Let this be a sign to youif your backside rebels you must repent. Bob did it. I guess the scars remain although toughened with time. Most of us did that in the earliest days of the blog. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they teach., And also with Paul who said in Phil 1:15-18. It's still not clear how Coy's sexual indiscretions came to light in 2014. 18 But what does it matter? I listened to the message at calvary today. 2016) Family; Parents: Not Available: Wife: Diane Coy (m. 1984, div. And I pick up the pieces of sins wake daily. Sounds like the sin isnt what concerns you but its about the money. If it continues and endures it is Gods church and bigger than any one man to the consternation of the circling vultures of which this website is replete with! Dispensationalism was unheard of until the 1800s. All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. When someone calls a corporation for a reference most will only speak to whether the person is eligible to rehire or not. Michael, they always try to make you the bad guybut we know you are clean. <3. Im still waiting to see if you disagree with Luther on anything. The woman got away without a scratch. Resigned or fired? Daughter- Interesting because I understood that BC did not write his own sermons. A man has been overcome in a trespass, perhaps a series of trespasses. The next level of givers got to have a dinner with them with more people, the next level got a buffet dinner> The next got a lunch buffet and then some got nothing.. You may act almost Muslim like around women like you say but there are a lot of ways the devil can knock you on your can too. Calvary Chapel is notorious for their cover ups. 8. Why else would Mrs. Coy leave? The church was more concerned with non-believers.. come as you are to meet Jesus than protecting their own sheep. This blog has been around for many years, and many of the screen names you read are actually people well known to one another in the regular community here. On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, after admitting to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. I am a crazy renewal charismatic and a covenant theologian but NOT a Calvinist. This becomes a learning lesson that the bigger the church the more safeguards it has to have and the less pastor-centric it has to become. Because of this, I am no longer listening to Reach FM. Andrew, Michale requested that theological debates cease immediately, to let people here grieve if they so choose. Huge crowds hung on his every word. Oh, Florida of little faith! When that sold well, on the spur of the moment they added another day. It is my hope and prayer that you find healing and peace. How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. MLD, I didnt realize you were mathematically challenged, and unable to compare scripture with scripture, He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven. In the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; AND THEY LIVED AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND YEARS. I cant believe that CCCM has changed that much since Chuck went Dodo bird. He teaches clearly that one can take the Mark of the beast and still be redeemed. All over FB all the loyal supporters from his church are posting what I view as self-righteous comments. Which one of these statements do you not agree with Flynn? Most of us live in glass houses anyway. More people should resign. Another explosive comment on the other blog about Coy. I just came across this blog and it appears to be hosted by a CCFL attendee. Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh through His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His virgin birth. That may sound petty, but really, your comment is, well, naive. Whats the rationale for removing all of a guys teaching from the internet when he fails morally. His programs were included on Trinity Broadcasting Network, a network that hosts several televangelists. We are all vulnerable. No one even asked. "The law enforcement agency makes [its] decision on whether to bring the case to us," says Ron Ishoy, a spokesman for Satz. why did your wife divorce you, were you unfaithful? Do you care about anyone but yourself? Tell me why you need to be the first w news rather than respecting the church body and unity of faith and respecting that as a congregation, we need to be together to receive our family update. Want me to tell you the amount of their FPL bill? If I was a new believer ( and Im not, its been 40 years) I would run fast, away from this apparent hate tank if I thought this was the body because thats what this has become- a hate tank. Check out any of the Reformers on the anti-Christ, Michael wrote: Dispensationalism was unheard of until the 1800s. Explain to me how you could take communion at 3 services and then go bang someone else?? This is the book advertised by EricL on the side bar. We are told 20,000 attend the church. Because this is a personal matter, any further questions would be best addressed to Bob Coy himself.". And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! No, there are 2 parts to this Gods and mans. I know nothing more then that he got caught. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. In fact, the concept of an earthly reign of Christ,of any length of time is foreign to the NT. For me involves simply the interest in private conversation with people outside my circle. True spirituality is to be able to live with unanswered questions, dear Lorenzo. My first teaching exposure at CCFtl was about Hosea and Gomer. He got the idea from Andy Stanley to do satellite churches. Moniker perversion sorry for the T trouble. Youre not speaking Gods words, youre talking out your sanctimonious backside and youre in sin. I ran my story Saturday afternoon. Well I thought perhaps you had grown conveniently deaf at the question and needed me to shout it out so you could hear it clearly and answer it! Jesus,Jesus, everything Ive read, not one has acknowledged that He died for this very reasonEVERYONE OF US IS GUILTY. Do those people have a right to know?. Lets give him room to breathe and an opportunity to make things right with God, then his family before we are so quick to cast stones. Coy certainly paid a heavy price for his infidelity: His family has broken to pieces, and his chapels packed with thousands of adoring fans have been replaced with a half-full nightclub in Boca. Youve met your match WIKI article is pretty good. If he had been going around dipping his quill in several other inkwells and coming back to sis for access you get the picture, I would personally go over to him and beat him up and help toss his butt out of the house. The church only loses if they go to the punishment and exposure message without hope of recovering a brother. Did you commit adultery with them? Baptized ! I think that is the only thing I have understood you say in days. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. In this blog, I want to share with you my thoughts on how the Catholic faith affects our lives. IMO, in many ways, this is a good thing. Did God ask you to do this? Some knew that the building that was built for the H.S. Sure would make the shame easier to bear. The woman told him "she had an experience with God and has found forgiveness" for Coy over his abuse. The ads were not provocative- no Victorias secret..women did not wear undergarments in ads.. Thats how these things tend to go, much harder to hide the stuff in this day and age. If Bob leaves satan wins. But just as a reminder, within that 2000 years is some good, and some very bad. Why was he bound and have we seen the results of that binding? But, if he is restored he will be like Jacob who limped for the rest of his life after he finally won Gods blessing over his life. The strange thing is that Mark was with Bob for almost the entire 30 years as his #1 right hand man and Mark was a brilliant businessman. I just want to be clear to many of the old timers here. If I had to choose between a repentant Bob Coy or even a Moses model pastor teaching correct doctrine or someone who is morally correct under a board that makes the decisions for the church, and yet teaching false doctrine like that Jesus only died for the Christians and not for the whole world, that there is no free will involved in salvation, when the Bible continually tells us that there is, and when part of their foundation is replacement theology, that is, that the church has replaced Israel and that the tribulation has already happened, then give me the Moses model pastor, sometimes and in many cases we have to choose the lesser of the two evils, as Jesus said, The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; 3therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. He didnt say stop hearing them. I have documentation. Stop this! The consequences suffered by the fallen leader will be very instrumental to how the sheep, who are in this flock, respond when faced with their own similar temptations. When we objectify we act as gods. It also took us all years to get over it mentally and spiritually. And if you read June one of the comments I believe she really got it right. 2.) Bob chose to do that.. So pray for those left in the wake that HE made. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. So, when they said, clean out your desk, he did.. he could always go back to Vegas as a comedy act. When Smith burnt people down like this they never came back. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. Lots of questions now. Scott I have had personal conversations with Tullian. So, in this regard bravo to this church. It is never healthy. I may have forgotten the exact amount but it was somewhere between 3,500.00 and 5,000.00. There are 476 comments so far as I write this. They had the opportunity to speak clearly to this before anyone else. You, however, are Martin Luthers disciple, so we know where to find the beliefs you swiped. Were there other abuse claims against Coy during the nearly three decades he controlled Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale? He calls it sin, we call it sin. Bob deserves what ever happens to him and has others said that does not include returning to his post as pastor. Young women begged for photos. Its as consistent as the law of gravitythe CC senior pastor marching up the sinner in front of the church to confess their sin publiclythen when its their turnthey want maximum grace and privacy and its a different standard. I know God is not surprised by all this but we all need to get a grip! Really? 2Cor. I hear bible preaching and teaching being translated into military and sports metaphors all the time. My prayers are with Pastor Bob, Diane, and the kids. If the congregation projects their own meaning onto what moral failure meanswellthere are as many meanings as congregants and not a one really knows what happened. Im asking sincere questions. The Bible, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks. Time for restoration. The case was assigned to a detective and although police advised the victim that there does not seem to be a statute of limitations concerning the alleged crime, the girl reportedly did not cooperate in terms of pursuing the matter further. I have been stating 61 million. Praying for all involved and also praying for those casting stones and pointing fingers. So that Until the Whole World fund raiser was never used for a new sanctuary as planned. Im not giving him a pass, not at all, hes absolutely called to a higher standard. We love you pastor bob..u r man and we failbut God forgiveswho knows that better than u. Its pretty common knowledge. We who are conservative Christians love to lecture the world about their sins. ?..he was a FRAUD. I also pray he has the right people alongside him-people that truly care about him-like we did. In time. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. We all make mistakes and we must pray for him. I still love pastor Bob. Seven times seven. Please, keep the balance and consider your own sins and the grace that is undeserving, (undeserved favor) has been extended to all of us. MLD, satan is bound? Bob wrote: Now how a man can be considered a great Bible expositor when he teaches that its OK to take the Mark?. There are many Christian men who would not trade their happy monogamous marriages for the most beautiful women in the world. Long before his epic fall from grace, the pastor used his own struggles with sex and drugs to preach that anyone could find redemption in Jesus. Michael says: February 9, 2020 at 7:20 am. It appears that the fate of mega church superstars happens eventually when they start believing their own press.If it had been me I would probably never have lasted as long. I still attend CCFL because I believe that I can help some of the younger members. Its not pretty but I love them all because my eyes are not on man they are on The Man. It hasnt and will never happen. , ; , . In 2003, John Flores, a pastor at Smith's flagship in Costa Mesa, was arrested for having sex with the 15-year-old daughter of another pastor.