They claimed to preach the message of God, but in his hour of need, while he struggled with substance abuse and depression, they kicked him out of the school. Carson outlines ten items that can be used to determine what constitutes a theologically disputable matterwhich Cedarville claims includes use of alcohol. We just simply believe the policy is archaic, not biblically based, and should be changed. Participating in dance that is sexually provocative, occurs in unhealthy environments, or accompanies lyrics that do not reflect a pure and godly lifestyle is prohibited. Tons of guys here have Call of Duty and Halo, Skyrim and Gears of War, heck, many have Mortal Kombat and Devil May Cry. Every college and university around the world expects its students to uphold certain standards. such as premarital sex, pornography, etc. That seems a tiny bit stricter than telling Christians to come to church once or twice a week. "Clothing should not be excessively short or revealing," the handbook reads. But most, if not all, of these schools require their faculty to live up to the same or stricter standards standards that the faculty and the school believe are right. I do not see why people judge these schools so harshly as a non-christian I still think that these colleges are not wrong. If students go from a strict household (as I suppose most of these students do) to a strict school, they will have no chance to learn true self-control. What if the rule was actually because the majority of other schools have Title IX sexual assault cases involving the influence of alcohol? Cedarvilles prohibition of alcohol simply diversifies students tactics to engage in the habits they will inevitably choose to form. Behavior that would cause property damage or directly impedes or disrupts the lawful activity of others. They offer many different styles and levels of dance. Cedarville University - RationalWiki She would not entertain any of our children going to Asbury. Lets hope your RA didnt pursue a career in counseling. America as a whole is definitely not a good indicator of Gods standards as displayed in the nature of his Son and set forth in his commands. The college actually will accept you no matter whatever religion you are, even if you are atheist. Cedarville justifies their policy by referencing the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act, which requires universities to provide, Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school property or as part of any school activities foremployees (Policy)orstudents (Code of Conduct) and a statement of disciplinary actions associated with those violations. All resident and commuter students at Oral Roberts University are required to attend church at least twice a week and find themselves to a highly restrictive dress code. The handbook gives the wrong message in this part; dancing is not allowed in groups if it is /suggestive or sultry./ They try to limit large dancing gatherings because they, of course, cannot monitor everyone to make sure they are following that rule. The best approach is to research the college yourself and make your decsision. Rather, they will be dependant on their belief in God to serve as a sort of eternal chaperone, which I think is unhealthy. I dont even go to church anywhere around campus. Cedarville University - Niche It is not discouraged at all! Political or social demonstrations including harmless picketing are completely banned on campus, and the University heavily discourages participating in any held off-campus as well. 8; Gal. All appeals for Involuntary AdministrativeWithdrawal should be addressed to the Vice President for Student Life and Christian Ministries within 48 hours of the decision. While this article certainly peers into their doings from the perspective of an outsider, it admits that the real answers remain entirely subjective and highly nebulous. These risks include, but are not limited to, physical and mental dependency, damage to the heart and lungs, and, in some cases, death. I read the qualifications for these schools and got to thinking about it seriously. I attended Asbury for my first 2 years of college and met my wife there. Keep up the good work! These are CHRISTIAN colleges: did you expect them to accept homosexuality, occultism, and premarital sex? Good for them, I applaud them. I wonder if its the product of a fundamentalist Christian school (mine was formed at Catholic schools and cheering the murder of alleged gay people was never on the syllabus). Additionally, using any source (such as D.A. She told me that I was uncapable of loving because i had not experienced Gods Love. How rude of her to think she knows my life and that I had not experienced Gods love! They are christain schools and everybody there must not only act like one but be one. She worked a part time job, attended church, volunteered at a local organization, was on a school team and carried a course load of 15 to 19 hours while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. Your email address will not be published. Attending chapel is mandatory, and it is heavily suggested that not participating in other Christian ceremonies or functions is highly frowned upon. For these students, drinking is not only unwise, it is also illegal." McKendree. The bible is the guideline to these rules. I went to the definitely not religious university of Iowa State University years ago. There are many things that are legal that are morally wrong, and For example, skirts/dresses should fall mid-thigh, midriff and underwear should not show, leggings/tights should have a skirt, dress, or shirt over top that falls mid-thigh (except during exercise), and shirts should not be low-cut and should have modest straps. And finally You sure do sound like the typical judgemental fundamentalist type that writes these student handbook! The year I spent attending Pensacola Christian College was the worse year of my life. Ive been asked so many times why I kept returning to such an oppressive environment. Minor infractions include borrowing and not attending chapel and group devotions on a regular basis. Hey Amos, youve got a very urgent meeting with Dr. Wood tomorrow. Honestly, this is lazy journalism. If the truth is found in the Bible, abide in it, and depart not from it. Yet, somehow, Cedarville still fostered open discourse. I had said I love you. and we hung up the phone. However, I dont think its quite as strict as some of the other colleges on this list, notably 1 3. Like, in this example, students deciding its very unlikely that Oral Roberts raised the dead during his ministry, which would make their college named after a liar. I Attended LMU in Los Angeles we do to have strict rules about clothes we can wear pants So nyah nyah yah. The last one about Liberty isnt even true. I believe the answer lies with how students (like me) were raised. Neither dancing nor tattoos are forbidden, although some forms of dancing would be inappropriate. Believers should also take 1 Corinthians 8-10 to heart and be sensitive to the struggles of our fellow believers. The place else may just I am getting that kind of information written in such an ideal manner? Admissions is fairly competitive as the Cedarville acceptance rate is 59%. I go to Oral Roberts University. 10 Strictest College Campuses: 10 Unbelievably Strict College Campuses That's right, an MBA degree. INVOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWAL This is a special, non-disciplinary process used when a student appears to pose a significant risk to self or to others, or when that students behavior infringes on the rights or educational process of others. you people that are hatin on the Christian colleges are so corrupted by the devil that you think goin out drinkin, havin a good time, aborting babies, sex outside of marriage, and the overall stupidity that youre involved in is what really makes you happy. No college is perfect, Second, since only very strict Christians will be attending these schools, students wont have as much exposure to other points of view unless they actively seek them out. Tara, Im sorry to hear you had such a negative experience at Asbury. But some schools, most especially those affiliated with the evangelical Christian movement in the United States, raise a number of extremely difficult questions with their adherence to a highly restrictive code of values. I was kicked out of BJU twice and finally asked to not come back to finish my JR semester. Cedarville University is intentional about creating a Christ-centered community, rigorous in our pursuit of scholarship, and balanced in our approach to Christian lifestyle. myCU - Cedarville University Dallas Christian College directly addresses individuals who feel their extremely staunch policies are either too slack or too restrictive, stating that such measures strike a balance between freedom and Christian piety. Other academic levels are not stringently held to these policies, but they must sign out if they want to return after curfew. Im bruised by the experience yet my wife was forever changed. Public displays of affection beyond handholding are highly discouraged, as is fraternizing with those of the opposite sex on co-ed camping trips. I barely made it through a semester. Mixed groups of males and females must agree to confer in the presence of a chaperone. And obviously the floor leader used her positions power to sexually abuse you. The former may not wear makeup, because breaking archaic gender tropes will rip the very foundations of society asunder. All serious and dastardly crimes against the institution. and the campus is primarily pro-life, yes. Access Canvas. Part-timers or those with special circumstances must do so on days when their classes do not begin until after noon. Emergency personnel respond to a shooting at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, U.S., February 13, 2023. An act isnt good because God does it a being can only be God if it only does good acts. So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Woah this blog is great i really like reading your posts. What do you think they do? However, I dont think its wrong for students to want change and to disagree with them, especially when it comes to injustices such as in the mental health article. Then in a moment of disturbingyet not uncommonhypocrisy and contradiction, the next sentence reads, All students are expected to live independently and are responsible for their own personal care. Unless, apparently, you violate a non-Biblically based rule and are expelled from the University. All colleges, whether religious or secular, conservative or liberal, have written codes of conduct for their students and faculty. While most schools understandably discourage nationally illegal activities involving drugs or underage drinking, Pensacola Christian College outlaws perfectly legal ones such as gambling, possession of pornography, dancing, swearing, smoking tobacco, and even patronizing movie theatres. He transferred to public school where he had no friends and even less support and encouragement from faculty/students, and two months later he shot himself. If your happy with your life, enjoy it your clearly not hurting anyone and therefore absolutely entitled to that choice; and for many that way of life makes people better. hahaha what a joke, and you call yourselves civilized. when they prohibit homosexuality while prohibiting interaction with the opposite sex. because I have met people that go to PCC and they have all said only good things about it. Yes, the limitations on personal freedoms were sometimes onerous, but the tradeoffs, IMO, make the typical American college experience pale in comparison. Ten. Those who attend any religious school, on their own desire, will attend one in line with their personal religious beliefs. Its similarly interesting how people choose which laws & pieces of the Bible they will follow. The first is that prohibition does not equip students for the reality of the world after they leave the campus of Cedarville University. Adding onto my last post you must have been reading a 40 year old manual when you wrote this stuff about Asbury. and everyone is a sinner, but it is much better to have standards (standing for something morally Welcome to a nation who makes each individual feel entitled to make his own god based on his opinion. But premarital sex, homosexuality, aligning oneself with occult religions (though the handbook never actually specifies which belief systems they consider occult), using expletives, tobacco possession or use, dancing, and working at any establishment that encourages or involves any such things apparently constitute impropriety and stand as offenses worthy of expulsion. I wonder how they deal with Darwins theory? For one year, I attended a college that was, easily, as strict as any of the above. They try to teach young adults how to dress in the business world when I went. According to the student handbook, Nearly 70% of our undergraduates are under the legal drinking age. Geez. YAAAY ORU and all the others. In addition, all students enrolled in 12 or more hours are required to attend at least one chapel event a week. Therefore, students are encouraged to portray servant attitudes toward Christ and other people in their dress and appearance. Seeing (or participating in) vigorous debates where practically nothing is held as a common assumption between the opposing debaters is a great way to develop someones intellectual capabilities, especially critical thinking skills. -Using Profanity, really, it isnt allowed in any K-12 school, and they dont want people cussing their heads off here. There is no doubt in my mind that students who wish to drink will find a way to do so, just like students who struggle with sexual temptation will find a way to engage in such activities if that is truly the desire of their hearts. Youre not supposed to be having sex in the first place, for one. and I would rather put up with some questionably strict rules if that meant that Or would he rather you come to him of your own free will and respect him because you want to not because you have to. Also, Dami, Sodom and Gamorah was only said to be evil because they tried to A) rape two visitor (angels mind you) 2) they were gluttonous in their behavior 3) I am pretty darn sure that a gay man was NOT on the committee for writing the Bible 4) the bible also condemns women for having a period.. (I did study the Bible), strict rules can actually push one from God. My mothers beliefs were disliked, so when I became an orphan I was put into foster care by my family and forbidden to speak with my cousins or brother; I was a gateway for satan to taint them.. at 12 years old. It really sucks that you went to such an awful college. Thats how many of those regulations mentioned in the synopsis I broke while attending the sixth college on this list. Quite honestly, speaking as a Christian myself, attending a private Christian college is not always the best choice depending on your career path. Center for Teaching and Learning. -Engaging in or Supporting Homosexuality, this one is tricky. that these colleges should countenance clearly un-Biblical behaviors, NOT even accurate. No one is forcing anyone to attend those colleges/universities. I love the Godly atmosphere it gives, and completely disagree with you. Because the nude human body is just as detrimental to society as a sawed-off shotgun. But you cant get upset and blame teh school if you enroll and dont check out the requirements first..BYU is a great school.not a fan of mormonism, but the students that are there are great kids for the most part. A student may be subject to involuntary withdrawal from the University or from University housing if the student engages or threatens to engage in the following: Behavior that poses a danger of causing physical harm to self or others. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. Just like if we do a 270 double front flip on our jet ski, we are no better or worse off. I wish that I could say that Asbury was an inspiration for my ethics and for the transformation in lifes journey but I have to say that came from my church experience, my family, UK, and other experience. Cedarville University is a Christian university located in Cedarville, Ohio. Go figure. Social and dance clubs as well face quite a bit of consternation. It was absolute bullshit, but because I had short hair( girl) I guess I wasnt godly enough They are doing more damage to the kids that have no idea what theyre getting into. In fact, they DID say, students should not drink too much alcohol, thereby maintaining self-control over their bodies. The point of this article was not to condone drunkenness, but to challenge Cedarvilles policy against responsible alcohol consumption for adults. I cant believe you missed out on Bob Jones U finally lifting their ban on interracial dating JUST ten years ago. People who attend strict colleges probably do so because they prefer a stricter environment. First, living under such strict rules has detrimental consequences. They are private institutions and can set their own policies. And of course, students can meet ANYWHERE else on or off campus whenever they want. Either way, check your facts before you publish. Stephen, I think the writers point about The Passion of the Christ is that we werent supposed to watch any R-rated movies, yet we were heavily encouraged to watch The Passion of the Christ. And we can definitely dance. they as adults need freedom to make own choices. Also, the writer makes it sound as if the faculty of these schools were placing the students under arbitrary rules that go beyond reason. You might want to take a closer look at everything that was going on at the time. The articles goal is to make you think some of these colleges are creating robots and the students walk around with bibles in one arm and a notebook in the other. The official Honor Code of BYU strictly outlaws camping trips with members of the opposite sex, though instances with separate accommodations for males and females will at least receive a modicum of consideration and reduced discipline if unauthorized. Shorts, sweatpants, and pajama pants should not be worn to class or chapel. Its obviously not an awesome college to go to if you dont want rules, but its not NEARLY as strict as 90 percent of the christian colleges out there. We call our student handbook The Cedarville Experience because it includes many of the guidelines and principles that will shape your time at Cedarville. My e-mail address is Bob Jones University requires all students to attend regular church, Sunday school, society, Bible conferences, artist series programs, and vespers services on campus, though not necessarily in a single week. Sure, we get frustrated with the rules, but the vast majority of the time, we are too busy to really notice or care. Please, be wise! Oh, Im sorry, you must know so much more than the current students and those who have graduated and are leading great lives. I had to quit dressing slovenly and learned to dress well. They are advertised as Christian schools so it would be assumed that it would be mainly Christian people would be attending them. program doesnt work for precisely this reason it doesnt teach kids that cocaine is worse than beer. They make you go to chapel church services every single day, and some days you have to go to church more than once, the only exception is if you are sick enough to be in the infirmary. Probably just pray around the clock and go to church (:::sarcasm face::: so fun!!! A Christian "University" Has Instituted an - Friendly Atheist After dusk, mixed groups are not allowed to fraternize without chaperones because having a group of friends including males and females alike is not normal psychosocial behavior it is improper and apparently leads to premarital sex and dancing and other alleged affronts to Jesus. No one is going to forbid interracial or homosexual relationships, no one is going to forbid occult religions, no one is going to forbid fornication, and you wont be able to handle that. Information Technology. Dry Town: Why Cedarville Township exists as one of only hundreds of dry towns in the U.S. I can understand dancing in a lewd manner in clubs being prohibited (not really, actually I cant understand most of these being prohibited even when it comes to upholding an image of morality) but what about ballet? Some of the dating offenses include displays of affection beyond hand-holding both on- and off-campus, seeing one another in swimming or sunbathing attire, not exiting a car at the same time immediately upon turning off the engine, being caught alone together while at school, and going on single dates while a freshman. Listed below are several principles that support and guide our approach to alcohol and are informed by the following Scripture texts: Prov. Case in point: I had been dating the same guy for over three years. There are as many answers as there are people to consider the questions, because the world exists in shades of grey. College is not supposed to be your babysitter, it is a learning experience meant to prepare you for the way the world is. 6:910; 1 Cor. Even if this situation only befalls a small proportion of the students who attend, it is bad enough that it is a significant threat. Its that simple. -Sex (do I really need to explain?) So next time you choose to attack our schools (speaking more to some of the comments than the actual article), check your sources.