So, if they KNOW Jesus and Jesus is the TRUTH and knowing the TRUTH makes them free, where is the freedom? The fundamental Baptist, KJV sites on this list have received 9,422,343 visitors FREE, just because they are listed here. The documentary celebrates historical laws that criminalized homosexuality and criticizes more recent laws that expanded LGBTQ rights. scary list. Sounds like a dang-blasted socialist liberal fake Christian. That quote I began with was his response to me. Greg Locke timeline: From independent Baptist pastor to right-wing Does their hate for us go up with more of those items pertaining to us? So why should we believe that were supposed to just help Israel militarily, no matter what?, Adam Fannin, Law of Liberty Baptist Church (Jacksonville, FL), September 2020: There is a group that claims to be Jewish today. As Smith noted in his article in May, incidents of alleged moral turpitude span Christian traditions. Pastor Bro. Islam is satanic. Controversy erupted in 2019 surrounding Grayson Fritts, the New IFB pastor of All Scripture Baptist Church in Knoxville and a 20-year employee of the Knox County (TN) Sheriffs Office, after local media reported on a sermon in which Fritts called for the government to execute members of the LGBTQ community. Im so glad that my brain found the IFB philosophy so repugnant and crazy that I never even got close to that rabbit hole. To which I would probably roll my eyes and yeahjust a fancy way to rationalize your hatred for the very people your Jesus died to save. Thats why so many fags kill themselves, thats why so many of these trannies kill themselves. The Crowne Center at Pensacola Christian College in Pensacola, Florida, an Independent Baptist institution Independent Baptist churches (some also called Independent Fundamental Baptist or IFB) are Christian congregations, generally holding to conservative (primarily fundamentalist) Baptist beliefs. Baptist Preaching - Independent Fundamental Baptist Preaching Independent Baptist churches are generally fond of sermons on the threat of hell. In such instances, we are reminded of the need for an awakening of conscience as to how these issues are dealt withboth in the removal of those who no longer meet biblical qualifications for ministry and in the aid, counsel, and comfort of those who have been taken advantage of. Theres quite a lot of silent desperation out there. Theres nothing more frustrating than seeing a Christian drool over a Christ-rejecting, God-hating, Judaising, pervert, who calls himself a Jew, the DVD description reads. In Their Own Words - Bigoted comments from pastors affiliated with the New IFB movement, video clip of him verbally attacking comedian Sarah Silverman, law enforcement said there was no indication, Andersons primary sanderson1611 channel, separated in 2018 over religious differences, antisemitic documentary released by Anderson and Wittenberger in 2015. Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding. And in fact, women in these positions of leadership and authority are actually a curse upon our nation and theyre a curse upon any nation., Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church (Tempe, AZ), June 2015: Heres the thing about the Quran: its not a magnificent book at all. Yet there is also remarkable consistency among independent Baptists. I am referring to the hate list, the Eastern Orthodox churches arent on the IFB hate list. Churches in USA; Churches in Canada; Churches in Australia; Churches in the UK; Churches Worldwide . I believe that the reasons that people dont like Baptist are because generally Baptist try to stick as close to what the Bible teaches, well people dont like that because they want to find every generally Baptist try to stick as close to what the Bible teaches, well people dont like that because they want to find every excuse that they can to sin, they dont want to serve God, being a Christian is very hard no one is denying that, there are so many temptations, its very hard. All I asked for was some of the treasure I had in laid up in Heaven. Sign up for our newsletter: New IFB churches are not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denomination, and in fact regularly level strong criticisms at certain Christian beliefs and denominations. New IFB churches present themselves as autonomous entities and do not consider New IFB to be an official denomination or designation, but use the label to informally indicate their shared values and distinguish themselves from traditional old IFB churches. Its righteous. Virtually every fallen thought that comes into your head is another nail through Jesus! A review of sermons and other church materials demonstrates this shared ideology. Judaism., Tommy McMurtry, Liberty Baptist Church (Rock Falls, IL), May 2020: The Jews have been doing this forever. Independent Baptist Churches believe the following "Independent Baptist Distinctives": 1. They are predators. The Senior Pastor is to serve as the primary teacher/preacher for the . From Connecticut to California, the stories are tragically similar: A music minister molested a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina and moved to another church in Florida, the Star-Telegram wrote. The New IFB movement is not affiliated with any mainstream Baptist denominations. Today, theyre the most racist people on the planet. In the film, Shelley advocates for the death penalty to be used on the LGBTQ community and uses anti-LGBTQ slurs. Thats just one worm whos eaten to his satisfaction and then here comes the next worm and here comes the next one until you and I are no longer part of society. if (window.addEventListener){ window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if(, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); } else if (window.attachEvent){ window.attachEvent("message", function(event) { if( >= 22) { if (, 22) == "__MM-LOCATION.REDIRECT") location =; } }, false); }, All purchases through OUR BOOKSTORE & RESOURCES TAB cover the cost of operating the KJV church directory thereby making the site totally FREE and never asking for donation help. I find this list quite embarrassing, but it is what it is. Pastor Search Network An Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Hate List I wouldn't walk across the street to hear Jack Shaap preach. My guess is that as smoking is now more generally associated with those at the less fortunate end of the social scale, which is where, presumably, most evangelicals and Baptists are (Im guessing) that many fundamentalists must have this conflict. Leave them alone! "What We Are About! So forget about Baptist beliefs being hateful. 1. And why should that surprise you when Jesus said to the Jews: ye are of your father the Devil. I mean, he says youre of your father the Devil, then he says, youre worshiping in the Synagogue of Satan. So, hes talking about their enemies and again this is all connectedhes bringing all these things up for a reason., Joe Major, Faith Baptist Church (Violet, LA), September 2019: That star is not the Star of David. Destructive Behaviors - Church Destroyers Part 2 (Lesson #28) 3 John 1:9-12 00:00 00:00 Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on March 21, 2018 ( Wednesday Evening ). Sometimes no argument is warranted because nothing can penetrate the different mindset. First of all, they reject the Lord Jesus Christ. Best Independent Baptist Podcasts (2023) - Player Mark Chappell did not comment for the Texas papers story. (And we were Pentecostals, with our own long list.) Absolute facts that shoot down everything, prophecy included, like those prophetic verses. Because my daughters gonna be weak. That star is the image of their false god. Independent Fundamental Baptist Preachers | Baptist Christian Forums 1 / 20 Forums > Baptist Board Archives (read only) > Free-For-All Archives > 2006 Archive > Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding. Why? Preach the Bible: Classics - Sermons from the Past from Mighty Men of God Anderson claims that his materials have been translated into over 100 languages. Human beings, according to the Bible, are wicked, vile, evil, depraved sinners. Self! Prior to starting the New IFB movement, Anderson was involved in the Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) movement (which he now sometimes refers to as the old IFB), including traveling to Europe as a young adult to proselytize. The Independent Fundamental Baptist church could be defined as a cult given the multiple definitions of a cult and the characteristics of the IFB. They do real, measurable damage to real people in the real world. An Independent Baptist church is a Baptist church that is not affiliated with denominational structures such as the Southern Baptist Convention, the American Baptist Church, and the General Association of Regular Baptists. Speakers included pastors Anderson, Jimenez, Mejia, Thompson, Patrick Boyle, and Tommy McMurtry. Its wonderful. Ha! Yet independent Baptists, by design, are less familiar to outsiders than other Christian traditions. These Are the 12 Pastors Who Are 'Most Effective' Preachers Soul-winning is not limited to the regions surrounding a New IFB church location. 20 Well-known Pastors or Preachers of Today - GodTube The Farmer's Plan Luke 13 The farmer didn't plant the tree to block his view of I-95. Manor Baptist Church Size: Medium church 1845 Lewelling Blvd Its all evil and fallen and under the hand of Satan. Sermons are not owned or copyrighted by NVBC. He was 63. Independent Baptist Churches in Jacksonville, FL - Yellow Pages Its the same Devil thats behind Roman Catholicism and Eastern mysticismThese are seducing spirits. This list evolved over time, hitting its peak in the early 1990s and it slowly shrank after that. Catholics and Fundamentalists need to clean their house. The AFBF is a loosely organized group of Baptist preachers contributing into a monthly fund that is used to support new church planting in Arkansas. Well, theres one thing church members can take credit for. Being a good member of the church family requires conformity to the pastors (I mean Gods) dictates. Our Mission Is to help you find a bible believing church, an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, that seeks to serve and honor the Lord Jesus Christ. You live in black and white as if the human condition was not as colorful and varied as it is. The Texas newspaper reported that at least 45 pastors who faced allegations remain in leadership. Independent Baptist Churches Baptist Churches Churches & Places of Worship. Though 21 cases were made public for the first time through the recent Star-Telegram investigation, several influential independent fundamental Baptist church leaders have been accused of abusing young women in their flocks over the years. He outlined his goal of having 54 affiliated churches in major cities across the United States by 2026 and reaching every home in the country through soul-winning by 2041. Its full of sodomites and filthIts a queer sanctuary., Roger Jimenez, Verity Baptist Church (Sacramento, CA), February 2020: How does God feel about this religion? Why? You go on to mention a list of things that you told people to hate, well I know that you very well know that most of the things on that list our sins, drinking alcohol is wrong, taking drugs inappropriately is wrong, the Bible teaches modesty, therefore nakedness is wrong, the Bible also teaches that homosexuality and the abuse of natural affection, as well as premarital sex is wrong. When the apostles, the first members of the first church, and others went out preaching the Gospel and establishing other churches, this authority was transferred to them. Enter keyword. People are filth. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. - King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources By 2017, the congregation included over 300 people. Yeah, I never understood why god got the glory on good stuff happening but not the blame for the bad stuff (I mean, after all, isnt god in control of everything???). So, one either becomes resigned or walks off. I hate those that blaspheme his name., Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church (Tempe, AZ), February 2013: Today we have womens rightsWhat do you think they mean when they say womens rights?The right to rebel and disobey your husband, the right to divorce him, the right to go out and get a job and make your own money, the right to tell him what to do, the right to go vote for our leadersas if women should have any say in how our country is run., Grayson Fritts, All Scripture Baptist Church (Knoxville, TN), April 2018: Very early on it is drilled in little girls heads that theyre equal with boys: you can do anything that you want to do, youre just as good as a boy, you can do things better than a boy. They have their gender identity blurred from birthGod wants women to get married, to have children, and to guide the house. They want the old Bruce back. People go to Christian bookstores or go online reading Christian blogs to get the answers to their questions or problems solved, only to find no solution. Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Heaven! Jonathan Shelley, a Texas-based New IFB pastor who is regularly promoted by Anderson and others within the movement, exemplified some of these anti-LGBTQ beliefs in a 2020 sermon: I wish every fag and tranny would kill themselves right now. Lets tell them we hate all those things, too. Thats quite a hate list there. I now say I left it all for a higher moral ethic than my faith ever provided. Many New IFB pastors do not make any effort to hide their bigotry. ", The Christian/Conservative The Bible calls the Synagogue of Satan. Parkside Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, Baptist church located in Mesquite, Texas (a suburb of Dallas). DO NOT DIVORCE YOUR FATHER WHO YOU ARE MARRIED TO! List your KJV Bible Believing Church for FREE! Bringing you Independent Fundamental Baptist Sermons Great Preaching from Yesterday and Today! Church Directory Sub-pages Share this: More Reformed Baptists grew out of the English Reformation, emerging from Independent paedobaptist churches in the 1640's for some very specific theological reasons, and they held to a particular kind of theology. This year brought a reckoning over harassment and sexism in the Southern Baptist Convention that led to the ousting of one of its most influential denominational leaders, Paige Patterson. We encourage you to watch these and learn why its important to find a bible believing church. These videos include excerpts from previous sermons, as well as new content, and regularly rack up significant view counts on social media. I should have paid attention to what post you commented on. And I will never grieve over a sodomite that is killed, or that is put to death, or any other way that they die. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I have spent the last twelve years trying to find myself. religion is all about control.. The conspicuously named Pastor Anderson Sermons channel, for example, in apparent anticipation of potential deplatforming, instructs followers to backup, save & re-upload all videos from the channel. Reaching Your Full Potential Matthew 13:8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. Ever. Meetings, forums, retreats, dinners and conferences gather together pastors and people from around the state of Indiana in order to share . Total Downloads and counting: Although there are multiple sites providing sermons of Dr. Hyles, this site offers podcast and is easily searchable based on sermon title, date, service, preacher and scripture reference. Independent Baptist Churches is a subsite of I recently read an article essentially asking this same question, What's Wrong With the Independent Fundamental Baptists? Other New IFB-affiliated conferences include annual Red Hot Preaching Conferences featuring anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic seminars, a Post-Trib Bible Prophecy Conference in 2017 promoting deeply antisemitic and anti-Zionist views related to the New IFB belief in a post-tribulation pre-wrath rapture, and a 2018 New IFB Soul-Winning Conference organized by Wittenberger that was attended by a dozen New IFB pastors. Dr. Raymond Hancock preached a message entitled "The Lifting.". Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Fritts, who had already requested early retirement from the Sheriffs Office shortly before delivering the sermon, was placed on paid sick leave and officially retired at the end of July 2019. I consider it a great honor to share some of my own material. The majority of churches which are currently affiliated with the New IFB movement were founded in the last five years. Our government should take them out and stone them to death.. Radio Tuner, SOJMinistries.COM I remember another man who claimed to be saved, and yet was apostate and bitter at God, basically a rebel resigned to hate God because of what He allowed into this mans life. Dont be misled by Satanic list writers who stop adding to the list and make excuses! They stir up the multitudes, they get people going crazy. We live in a time when evil people are trying to prevent the gospel from being spread under the guise of labeling biblical preaching as hate speech, Anderson cautioned in 2016. It is not always pretty, but it is honest and authentic. Absolute facts. Visit for more gospel messages. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement (New IFB) was spearheaded in part by Steven Anderson, another well-known anti-LGBTQ pastor. They give heed to doctrines of demons and put away the truth of God for a lie. Current Job Listings - Senior Pastor Baptist Bible Fellowship One brother who was helping me grow as I was relatively young in the faith, asked this other brother to look after me when he was rotating back to the states. Please take time to browse around the In the Midst of Infighting, Anti-LGBTQ Church Network's Website and Sermons are not owned or copyrighted by NVBC. From Business: Rev. It tried to explain and figure out why IFB churches seem to be drying up and closing their doors. Radio Broadcasts, The Christian Sermon Outlines - The Bible-Believing Fundamentalist Member churches are forbidden to affiliate with any denomination, and the fellowship . Please understand that I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist myself. Sincerely, ` Pastor Bissol Visit for more gospel messages. If you disagree with my view on the nature of the . Funny how people mistake the pastor for God. He is also the Bible teacher on the radio and online program "Truth For Life." A member of the council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Begg has written numerous books. Theyre of the Devil. Theyre not done. In their sermons, various New IFB pastors often openly state that they hate Judaism. Preach the Bible is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church. Independent Fundamental Baptist Sermons (IFB Sermons) mp3 Audio Is the IFB a cult? - Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) Deception Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. New IFB adherents believe in evangelism and share a sense of obligation to draw other people to their faith. Open Door Baptist Church in Nashville AR. Unlike many traditional evangelical Christian churches, the New IFB is staunchly anti-Zionist. Just curious if you considered Pensacola Christian College too liberal back in the day. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist network, most prominently associated with anti-LGBTQ pastor Steven Anderson, appears to be in turmoil as infighting again erupts, this time between Anderson . Because if you try to believe both, youre either going to have to perform major mental gymnastics to find those parts of the world that God loved and separate them from what John said you must not love, or your head is going to explode. of countries, for his hate-spreading. I believe that HE is still looking for you. Independent Fundamentalist Baptists are a creepy, creepy bunch Pastors (L-R) Tommy McMurtry, Patrick Boyle, Bruce Mejia, Steven Anderson, Roger Jimenez, and Aaron Thompson participate in a session during the 2019 Make America Straight Again conference at Revival Baptist Church in Orlando, FL. We believe they should be put to death. We developed long lists of churches we possibly wanted to visit. To propagate filth., Jonathan Shelley, Pure Words Baptist Church (Houston, TX), October 2018: Zionists are racist. John Piper is a very well-known preacher for his style (straight forward/not passive) and knowledge of the Bible. The Apostle Paul taught me torun the race that is before me, and that is what I am doing. CT previously covered the scandal involving Jack Schaapformer pastor of the largest independent Baptist congregation, First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indianawho was fired in 2012 and sentenced to prison for his inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old.