Perhaps your cat is defecating on your neighbors garden? All of this may sound tough, even impractical, perhaps, but the first call upon a cat caretaker is the cat's safety and if your cat is unsafe wandering around outside because of threats to his health and welfare something has to be done, proactively. If you approach your neighbor with fire in your eyes, he will go on the defensive. 8 Ways To Deal With The Neighbor From Hell | HuffPost Post 50 No, it wouldn't for obvious reasons. But below I recommend an alternative way to deal with the matter which may help to keep on reasonable terms with your neighbour if this is possible. Did the neighbor do it is a different matter entirely. They will probably warn him. Or they might put down poison. Youll just have to prove it and that might be tricky. Also getting police involved in general is not a good idea, neither is antagonizing your neighbor even more. The cat was ultimately killed by the dogs, and as could be expected, the cat's owner was not pleased. How to apologize to my neighbour who threatened to kill my cat without annoying him and ending up with him hurting my pets? And yes, cats can and do crap on top of lawns. A. EDIT this is North Carolina law though as I can recall, and may be, and probably is different from state to state, so I would immediately check with your local law enforcement. HOA Responsibility for Neighbor-to-Neighbor Disputes & Harassment Many people use death threat as a general insult (even at their own children), without even the slightest intent to actually do it. Neighbors often poison pets in order to quiet a noisy dog or stop a cat from digging up the rose garden or stalking the birds. Can Martian regolith be easily melted with microwaves? That ignorant idiot is saying that our cats shouldnt even be allowed in our own garden! If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. It creates a more human and friendly feel to the neighbourhood. They were literally threatened with death by chocolate. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I dont know whether they do go on to his property but there has to be some sort of visible guaranteed barrier preventing them which will satisfy him. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. My neighbor threatens to hurt my cat. If one of my neighbours told me they was putting down a deliberate poison because of my cat I would report it to the police and the RSPCA. I personally wouldn't report him because if he found out I'd have to worry about bricks through the windows etc as well as the danger to my cat. If not, the neighbor is blowing smoke. Simply astounding. In the end we gave in, gave up the home that we had bought and paid for and moved away to where we are now where people seem more inclined to live and let live, and thankfully weve never had any troubles over the boys we have now going out and about. I don't want to talk to him in person because honestly he seems a bit unbalanced. Pets belong at home in the house and walked on a regular basis or in a secure fence or enclosure. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. A lot of people hate that. A neighbor may make a valid complaint for an animal running free on their property. However, it would obviously be a crime to hurt or kill your cat in all countries in the West. I know what I feel like doing to someone like this jerk who hates cats and probably poisoned cats but being a neighbour you will probably agree that you have to keep the peace as best we can because youre living next to him and if you are engaged in warfare with your next-door neighbour youre going to be miserable and so will he although he wouldnt admit it. Your neighbor should not be cursing at you or threatening the life of your dog. All Rights Reserved. I would be calling the Police. Come closer and find out." Your experience sounds horrible. That's also why I wondered if this answer is actually a frame challange. rev2023.3.3.43278. Your Neighborhood Pet Poisoner | WIRED See our information on what to do if neighbors complain. I did record the interaction after the fact where she admitted to the the threat but maintaining "It was just a joke." This applies even if the gun is unloaded and no physical contact occurs. Thanks everyone, i will speak to the SSPCA tomorrow and see what they recomment with the police etc. Your comments disturb the peace, and I won't stand for it. British citizens and citizens of other countries may have recognised the latest developments in the woke movement. What kind of psycho would hurt an animal like that? One of the first double murders of parents by their child in the U. S. involved 11-year-old Wesley Elkins in Iowa. Enough Astonished. And you end up with a hostile neighbor which is not good for long term health, welfare and ambience. Addressing Violent Threats Against Cats | Alley Cat Allies Be extremely careful not to get bitten or scratched, especially if you are trapping stray or feral cats, because they may carry rabies and other diseases. I finally followed the cat home after chasing it out of my yard and tried to have a chat with the owner who completely came unhinged and out of control threatening me with bodily harm. @DavidK, I'm in Canada. Well I think it's my cats right to be free and roam, is it legal for her to shoot my cat if it's in her yard? Sounds like a nice man. An Australian family is on high alert after an anonymous neighbor threatened to poison their dogs with chocolate. It isn't right. This summer we ended up having to eat a 500 dollar deductible on my car when some idiot was letting his dog run loose on the frontage road. Consider this your one, and only one warning. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Woman Threatens To Kill Neighbor's Dog Over Stolen WiFi Password In We discussed his options. This can help prosecute them. If someone threatens the cats you care for, you should take it very seriously. There are some horrible people in this world. Apparently he has managed to scale a 6ft fence and go into the neighbours yard, because I had a fairly unpleasant encounter with my neighbour today. Editor, Marcus Herbert. Saying he is a very impulsive person, He is very likely to just curse around when seeing something like this, confronting him with that, will most likely not come over like a real excuse, but rather like criticism and no matter if he really would go to do any harm to your cat or not, that would just make the tension between you and him worse. Our cats had never bothered them, like we have here we had an earth patch dug in our own garden for the cats to use. But these two entities are at each other's throats. I hope you paid them a visit once you left..Im going through this just cats dont defecate in their garden as its stone chipped..but use the fence to reach softer ground..theyve stoned my cats a few times. Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people looking to improve their interpersonal communication skills. I have no idea what the point of your comment is. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. I just dont like them using my garden beds as toilets, stalking native birds that are attracted by the scrap seed my chickens toss around and killing them. The Twisted Reasons People Poison Pets (And why a defense up so high if your cats dont climb fences?) However, it will all depend on the crime's circumstances. I am struggling with this very thing as we speak. Any suggestions I can do to get this jerk off my back? My Neighbor Killed My Cat! (Do This to Get Justice ASAP) Fed-up neighbor threatens to poison noisy dogs with chocolate If you were threatened you should file a complaint with the local police and let them follow up. Neighbor unhappy with the fact I asked his kids to return our toys. Lawsuits are now being settled by the use of cheap and easily set up recording devices. Goodbye from me too Woody and dont come back,you are a disgrace to the name of manhood,a bigoted self centred cruel bully. Alley Cat Allies has protected and improved the lives of cats for 32 years. Most lawsuits or legal action happen after the damage is done in a case like this no matter the outcome your pet is still injured or dead. Yesterday was literally the first time he has spoken to me (although sorta indirectly). I would come personally to the neighbour and apologise, saying something like "It seems that my cat accidentally went into your yard. I asked him to cite which laws he thought i was violating, and the best he said was, "Well on NextDoor they said " Am I really facing legal liability for animal abuse for a cat that gets out? Am I missing something there? Hi, I'm a 74-year-old retired solicitor (attorney in the US). Goodbye you mean minded lonely freak. This particular neighbor never liked the cat because the cat would get in her yard and allegedly kill the birds at her bird feeder. You need to get help for yourself, quickly. I also leash him now when he goes out for the most part. So YOU think its OK to try to entice cats to a bird feeder deliberately put there to cut themselves to shreds on barbed wire, do you? She told me she will spray him with a water bottle or hose if she sees him in her yard. If your cat is on her property, it may be fair game. I think he would have a difficult time proving the suit, and if he had damages to show, I don't know exactly how far he could stretch a Small Claims suit. Yes dogs roaming are far more of a threat than cats and cause road accidents too. 2023 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. Also, it is more socially responsible to pick up feces if he defecates in a public place, although I understand the difficulties of doing that. It's almost like a reflex, done automatically without thought. When we accidently went from a modest 2 cats to 4 We realized we couldnt make the house bigger but we could add space by going vertical for our cats. st rose perrysburg live stream. Neighbor Tried to Poison My Dog (You Should Do This ASAP!) - Yard Blogger Camera shows cat trying to 'murder' its owner while he sleeps By Dennis Romero. My neighbor threatens to hurt my cat. How can I stop him? Type 3: Exceptionally Annoying Neighbors. Still others chose to poison pets for the heck of. Texas Laws Regarding Threats | The Law Office of Matt Sharp Hi I have indoor cats and I have strays in the back 2 to be exact who where born in my yard and bother no one. Also it is important to try and keep on good terms with your neighbors. Those people probably knew the thing to drive us out was to target our cats. Please comment here using either Facebook or WordPress (when available). But if you let this go in hand by hand with any form of criticism, they most likely just go defensive and are not even receptive for anything being said aside the criticism. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Someone who is such a 'punk dude' they'd threaten a cat, is probably a punk dude in a lot of other ways. A more realistic scenario might be them going to court and getting a restraining order, which could have significant consequences for you if you violate it by letting your cat out. I dont understand the concept of calling my pet a family member and then letting it wander all over creation where just natural dangers can take its life of cause great injury or illness not even taking into account the sick animal haters who will dispose of your pet without a second thought. I saw my cat pop up (from what I thought was behind the shed) and heard my neighbour mutter through the fence "I'm gonna kill that cat, stay out of my yard". Especially if it comes to a situation like this. Yes they were an anti social family of parents and 4 teenage sons and a huge noisy dog in a two up two down terraced house. If it was me and he said the same thing, I would warn him that he will be reported. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? You would have looked at that act as being a complete waste of their time and money, not a threat to your cats, and it wouldnt have bothered you one little bit. But I am not going to ask for any more details, I heard all that I needed yesterday.Yesterday was a personal interaction (he was talking to a human wasn't he?) For instance, a California statute says that people have the right to kill any animals "known as dangerous to life, limb, or property" (Cal. People like that you just cant reason with, I asked them nicely to stop their harrassment of us and our cats, that only made it worse. He is a much older jerk who wants to grow all of this stuff in his yard and just blames the cats for everything. I do not understand the entitlement of some pet owners who think everyone should tolerate their dog or cat running loose or in the case of dogs yowling all night. Step 1: Conciliation No matter how doomed it might seem, start with the charm offensive. No, it wouldn't for obvious reasons. They might have a cat of their own that feels intimidated by other cats in the area. If your neighbor has taken the time to ask you in the most nice non confrontational way possible assume they are probably at the seething point already as most of us are loath to say anything hoping the situation resolves itself. I don't know if you were joking or not, I don't care. 2 What to Do About Unwanted Cats in Your Yard your neighbor right away. 3 Steps for Dealing With Crazy Dog-Hating Neighbors - Dogster Press J to jump to the feed. To shoot a neighbors cat is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in prison , and both domestic and feral cats are protected by the animal welfare act of 2006. They shouldnt be allowed to procreate. In some states, this crime might be referred to as terroristic threats, threats of violence, malicious harassment, menacing, or another term. Im sure by now you realize I was addressing the two self-victimizing women who always blame everyone else to control and manipulate everyone. Here's an article with some more information. Second, your neighbor could be charged for intentionally killing a domestic animal under Minnesota Statutes 343.21. We endured loud drumming music day and night, the street blocked off with the yobs and their pals vehicles, rubbish thrown into our garden, footballs bounced off our car and dont even ask about New Years Eve, that was so bad we had to take our cats and go elsewhere overnight. Be less worried about the person who confronts you than the ones that never say a word. You need a few lessons from Micheal who is the very essence of a kind and compassionate gentleman,something you will never be if you lived a hundred years. If you want to keep your cats safe from this sicko neighbor then the cats have to kept inside. If a dispute is just that, try to stay out of it as much as you can. I've kept a closer eye on him, but he still goes outside. My article is saying what I think you are saying that people should be responsible cat caretakers, yet you seem to be criticising me. And you are claiming that you dont even respect your neighbors enough that they have the perfect RIGHT to put up a bird-feeder anywhere they so desire on their OWN property? However, if then the neighbour threatens with the killing again, I would mention that this would be a criminal act (but would hope it didn't come to that). Please, if it bothers you, I will make sure it won't happen again." How to apologize and make sure he doesn't hurt my pets? Wow. Its ALWAYS something or someone elses fault. Puzzled, I asked her, "Where will you take him?" Play it safe. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I'd rather you play it safe and have a pissed off cat than have a dead cat. Just like you, because they hate cats they hate the people who love cats too. Just a quick apology for an accident. If you dont know who is making the threats, post signs or flyers to alert your community that threats have been made against the cats, that the threatened actions are a crime, and that someone is looking out for the cats well-being. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, she might have reasons for her behavior, even if it seems irrational to you. Never abandon the cat or harm it in any way. I got a cat and my neighbor threatened to shoot it if it - Quora By Jerry Davich. "Life is difficult. Guess what? If Cats You Care for Have Been Harmed or Killed, Working with Law Enforcement to Protect Cats, Animal Cruelty: Understanding Laws and Taking Action webinar. My old cat goes into the yard with me while I water (I don't leave him outside otherwise). Well about a year ago, I got my own cat. Woody hates cats and cat lovers so much he didnt even bother to wonder why we were so traumatised by those people and I think he is one of the very same ilk who bullies his way through life and tries to convince others that he is always right. A little while after she left, things got better with this neighbor. You explicitly show AND prove to the whole world that you had and have ZERO respect for your neighbors lives. But I'd like to reach an understanding here. Threats To Kill - Charges, Penalties and Sentencing - Armstrong Legal I read an article once saying how badly cats have hurt bird populations. Random cruelty. The speaker communicates the threat either verbally, in writing, or . Being not only worried sick about our own cats but the other cats in the neighbourhood too we felt we had no choice but to move house quickly. If you're making "mistakes" in letting him out to roam more often than once a month, get your act together. If someone is threatening cats: Notify the police. Okay!? So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? I am familiar with the use of that expression in frustration, but he sounded really mad. Who started this whole mess? That way, the neighbors are happy and your cat isn't crapping in their yard or killing any critters. There are things you can do to prevent threats from escalating, especially because the law is on your side. Aggression between cats - The Humane Society of the United States| End But if you want to keep your cat alive, you may have to keep her inside for now. What to Do if Your Dog Kills a Cat - I Dream of Doggies Or in both cases, if and when your cat goes out, supervise the trip or put your cat on a leash. NEVER your own. Now. Why should someone be able to choose to hurt or destroy an animal that isnt causing any harm? This sounds like your neighbor. Your email address will not be published. Can you request in your will that your companion animal must be killed on your death? We have 2 ginger cats and they often interact with outdoor cats. I would recommend that you invest in a security camera system. Great Pyrenees Rescue OregonBeavercreek, Oregon. Expect to pay less for I told her I have a legal right to live here as much as anyone else. (Edit) Like many pet owners, I've been in a similar situation (just with dogs). My evil neighbor says crap like they kill the native birds in her yard, doesn't want on her property etc. There are no winners. Can my neighbor kill my cats? | TheCatSite Exposing Cruelty at Berkeley County Animal Control in West Virginia, Cat-alyst Society Monthly Giving Program, Forget-Me-Not Legacy Society: Planned Giving, Tribute Cards and Plaques to Support Feline Rescue. You must also document future threats in case something does happen. Is there anyone I can contact that goes after animal abusers, I am devastated by what he did to this poor cat, this person is obviously a psychopath! By now it was open warfare and there wasnt a civil word between us. Nail on the head there. Please? Help us continue our work for cats: Join our online community and become part of the movement to save cats lives! My neighbor poisoned my cat. Can I sue him if I don't have - Quora My neighbor threatened to kill my cats. : r/verdun - reddit If so, how close was it? I saw my cat pop up (from what I thought was behind the shed) and heard my neighbour mutter through the fence "I'm gonna kill that cat, stay out of my yard". Clearly your cats were a threat to what they valued, and they tried to protect it by any means necessary after asking you to keep your cats on your own property was a total waste of their time. @yetanothercoder, I talked to him yesterday (brought the card). I'm not defending your neighbor here, but have you put yourself in his shoes? Report this nasty bully before its too late. I will obviously go to their house and say I'm sorry and hand them the card. Our cats do no harm just go out for a wander and then come back to their own home. My insistence on personal apology/communication is based on two observations: first, it carries much more weight, and second (which is related in fact) is that people behave more civil in personal interactions. also wants to mention that he shouldn't kill my cat if he sees it again. When they put up the barbed wire I actually phoned the police and the RSPCA and was told nothing could be done until a cat was injured! That is more of less how I visualise him . When Can Verbal Threats Considered a Crime? - Attorney Search - LegalMatch Photo of angry man by Jan Tik (great photo, well done). We lost a lot of money on our house having to almost give it away to be rid of it, we still heard from time to time the misery those people were inflicting on their neighbours. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. No, it's not legal for them to shoot trespassing cats. Despite the fact that the number of domestic cats and dogs in America has doubled since the 1970s, the number Best Friends Animal Society reported a 44.5% drop between 2019 and 2020 of euthanized shelter cats and dogs from 625,000 Somebody asked the question whether animal shelters can refuse animals. At least if a cat roams (not that I support that practice in urban or heavily populated areas) no one is going to get attacked. Posted January 11, 2010. norsewoman said: There is a simple solution to all this. My only advice to anyone in the same position would be to do as we did and move, if at all possible! Thanks for commenting Debra. It is almost impossible to catch people poisoning cats or prevent people from hurting a companion animal. YOU are responsible for your cat at all times- -period. Your stuff is so fun and I am really enjoying it! Spay and neuter your cats. The neighbor also continues to attach complaint notes to my front door almost every week. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. She escalated to saying, "I will trap him and take him in if I see him again." r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. :rolleyes: Whilst I dont agree with his poisoning cats..I do sympathise with people whose gardens are soiled and invaded by cats..cats are not wild animals they are pets and should be taken care I am sorry but if your cat came into my garden you should expect it to come home having been chased or possibly soaked by my hosepipe..sorry but sick of them spraying,peeing and shitting in my garden..I wouldnt hurt any animal but I certainly deter them coming again..however many times to scare or wet them it takes..would you like it if I sent my 5 year old son to shit in your garden? Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? Sorry, YOU are a a deceptive a manipulative LIAR. What do you do when someone threatens to kill your cat? - HubPages Tevin Williams, 31, allegedly beat the animal and shot it with a BB gun on Dec. 14, moments . Thats downright nasty. I would let the RSPCA know about these threats before any animals come to any harm. There are way to many wild cats out there. It's not a malicious or even intentional type of aggression. The underlying problem that you have here is that your neighbor is a pain in the bum and no good even though he or she likes cats.