His face shone in majesty like the sun. Pontius Pilate's wife (Latin: uxor Pilati; Greek: , gun Piltou; fl. Jesus reveals Gods greatest commandment(s) (Matthew 22:34 22:40). In a desperate mood Pilate bowed his head. Oh, beyond any doubt, He suffered, but He suffered gladly, and His soul seemed to me to be carried to invisible heights as a consuming pure ame. It was the promised reinforcement, consisting of two thousand able troops, who, in order to speed up their arrival had marched the whole night. And when he was brought to the city of the Romans, and Csar heard that he was come, he sat in the temple of the gods, above all the senate, and with all the army, and with all the multitude of his power, and commanded that Pilate should stand in the entrance. He tried to reconcile lawlessness with righteousness, and evil with truth. Shaking His head in sadness and with a divine grateful smile, Jesus replied: When that day shall arrived, there will be no escape for the Son of Man, even under the earth. He started by proving that the court, at the time, when Jesus was judge, tried to proceed lawfully, for at the period mentioned nobody, except His disciples, could see in Christ the Son of God He was a conspirator, who gathered people round Him to inuence them against the authorities, and who preached a non-existing religion, and as such he was a danger to the community. Any manuscripts of them which do exist are forgeries or much later copies. The apocryphal writings describe only the reaction of the first priests to this message: See, have not we told you before that He is a seducer? He judged mankind, who trembled before Him, and among those unhappy ones who had been thrown into the re of hell I noticed the faces of these who exacted His death. No, said she, but with a pious sentiment of devotion. Josephus saith: Agrippa, the king, was clothed in a robe woven with silver, and saw the spectacle in the theatre of Csarea. Christ in History - Letter's About Jesus including Pontius Pilate's In His rosy-coloured face neither a spot nor a wrinkle appears. Moreover, He had preached such a religion as would lead to salvation, but which the human egoism of His time refused to accept. Then I rose as from a dream, and went home, leaving a happy family in their joy ; in such a joy as it is impossible to describe. Thereafter the echo of their fury was again to be heard. But, O Fulvia, on the third day He showed Himself in this town, victorious and surrounded with majesty and radiance. I did not want to disturb Him by my presence, so I contained on my way. My only consolation consists in reading them again and again. The hangmen, like butchers, caught Him. Soon the noise came nearer and nearer, and the stairs which led up to the law courts were beset with an innumerable crowd. The whole indomitable sea of heads stretched from the gates of the Practoriun to Mount Zion; such shouting and whistling as had never been heard in Roman history. For I, when I heard of the man Jesus, wished to come to thee, that I might see him alone, and hear his word, whether it was like that of the sons of men. Should Your Majesty desire to talk with Him, as you recently wrote to me, than inform me to talk with Him, as you recently wrote me, then inform me of this and I shell send Him to you immediately, as I am ready to execute obediently and obsequiously whatever order Your Majesty will give me. the righteous, were raised by Him to the great eternity of divine salvation, but the second (the wicked) were thrown in a ery sea; in comparison with which the res of Erebus and Phlegethon are nothing. . And when I was going in the way I testified these things; that Herod did these things by me, that he took counsel with me, and constrained me to arm my hands against him, and to judge him that judgeth all, and to scourge the Just One, Lord of the just. The veneration of these two individuals is an ancient tradition in these churches. He was surrounded with divine majesty. I order my first centurion (captain), Conutus Cornelius, to keep him bound in public in the Jerusalem district and to seize what is his : to coat him with a purple cloak and put a crown of thorns upon his head, and to force him to carry the cross of his own shoulders, so that he be an example to others and especially conspirators. Click here for a printable copy of our Sabbath School Lessons for the 1st half of the year 2023: Lessons on the Day of the Lord. And I too am in affliction and great trial, because I have the dropsy; and am in great distress, because I persecuted the introducer of baptism by water, which was John. He was said to be in His thirtieth year. When you are able to appreciate the Holy Scriptures and Gods Law, than you can follow them as they direct you. What a dream, or better, what a revelation! Forgive me, Fulvial Bewail me and pray for me! Her letter mentioned also the resurrection of the saints on the occasion of Christs death on the cross. Continually He is calling to your heart and appealing to your ear to return in peace to Jesus Christ and to give Him all your future, all your heart and life. And he did another yet more mighty work, which had been strange even among our gods, he raised from the dead one Lazarus, who had been dead four days, commanding by a word alone that the dead man should be raised, when his body was already corrupted by worms which bred in his wounds. But in this time he was overwhelmed, wearied by witnessing sufferings, and repentant. My husband, weary and under compulsion, was forced at last to yield. Therefore gird up thy loins, and receive righteousness, thou with thy wife remembering Jesus night and day; and the kingdom shall belong to you Gentiles, for we the (chosen) people have mocked the Righteous One. This With the justification that Pilate was never at peace with the crucifixion of Jesus. What a dream, or better, what a revelation! I also noticed among the ranks of my soldiers, some passing by in sadness; and the ensign-bearer had hidden his head in the flag as a sign of morning. So that this great injustice could be done, and yesterdays uproar pass unsubdued, the detachment of soldiers came only today. His peacefulness struck me with terror, for in my ears still sounded the words I had heard in my dream: Give me back My blood which I have spilt for you. At the actual meeting the bench consisted only of celebrities of the Jewish race who, from the outset, had promised and declared that they would hear the case according to its merits and with complete justice, and correct any mistake made in the judgment of olden times. Here and there groups of men and women who had climbed up to Golgotha stood motionless, as if they expected another wonder of nature to happen., I returned to the Practorium, overwhelmed and tortured by my thoughts. Because He shows up their morals and hypocrisy. Claudia came from the Flavius family, related to emperors Wespacian and Dominican. How cruel and despotic appears the prejudice against the Son of God I Christ was ready to suffer death for the redemption of mankind, but the fact that the religious leaders of His own nation thirsted to spill His blood filled to overowing the cup of his suffering. The gods protect us, if that which so far is only an assumption. I did not dare answer him. At this time the marble steps nearly collapsed under the load of the crowd, and the Nazarene had again been brought to me. Manlius is of a old Judaic family, and therefore speaks Hebrew language perfectly. Her eyes opened, a tender expression of life returned again to her lips and, stretching out her hands, she called, ,, Mother! I remember-you with tears in my eyes. lled His prophecy and victoriously overcame death; rst He showed Himself to His disciples and friends, and then to the people. But is it possible that truth and right are dependent upon the consent of the people? Listen to your own conscience. NOW when the letters came to the city of the Romans, and were read to Csar with no few standing there, they were all terrified, because, through the transgression of Pilate, the darkness and the earthquake had happened to all the world. And Pilate said, Their nation is seditious and insubordinate, and not submissive to thy power. But you still need to be informed about events around you. uence them against the authorities, and who preached a non-existing religion, and as such he was a danger to the community. At last, it is proved that Roman justice is also guilty in no less a degree. Subscribe for our weekly newsletter not to miss the most interesting articles on our blog. This man has been neither a rebel nor an agitator, and although He might not have been aware of it, I tried to give Him my protection. The rebels laid hand on Jesus and in addition, feeling that they had of their leaders so that, on principle, I would agree with them in this matter, they all continually shouted: Crucify Him! I ordered Him to be flogged and, using a basin, I washed my hands before the crowd, thus showing my disagreement with this deed. Even in this wild country surrounded by the shores of the sea, and full of stoop rocks-where we sought protection, even here we can hear the indignation with which people mention the name of my husband. At last, after a sign given by my husband, silence was restored. It appeared that He was ready to judge the people assembled before Him. The original of this letter it to be found among old manuscripts in one of the vast libraries in Italy. And behold, heaven and earth rejoice; and behold, Procla my wife is believing in the visions which appeared unto her, when thou sentest that I should deliver Jesus to the people of Israel, because of the ill-will they had. His golden shining hair and beard gave Him a heavenly appearance. He was a good friends of the Pharisees and had, in Jerusalem, a large political party called Herodeans. Many paintings make references to it. What Roman laws had provided that an innocent man should be scourged? And the stars also, and Orion, made a lament about the Jews, on account of the wickedness that had been done by them. May God help that these words and these documents may arouse in us a true and sincere desire to seek Jesus and to follow Him through all suffering, thus fulfilling the will of God! Oh, believe me, that a single drop of this blood may be your damnation for all eternity. Csar, hearing that Pilate had come to Rome, was filled with exceeding wrath against him, and caused him to be brought to him. Pontius Pilate | Biography, Facts, Religion, Jesus, & Death but he passed by, saying, He whom we killed was really the Son of God. How rightly shouted the Nazarene on the cross: It is fulfilled! These are the contents of my report! 3 It was located by a researcher named . In the foremost row I recognised Semidas father; but instead of the depression I expected him to wear on his face, he showed a denite expression of hope, which I could not understand. The Gospel says nothing about this incident. He had the power to lay down his life when he chose and power to take it up again ( John 10:15,17 ). This document was translated from Greek into other European languages, and now-herewith- into the English language :-. Please provide sources and justification for your answer. Please support your answer with sources. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. oor. The hall was in deep silence when he turned to the audience. Salome stood by her side, benumbed and almost without any feeling. The second reason was the dissatisfaction they bore in their hearts because I decreed that a part of the treasure belonging to the temple should be used for the creation of public works. Which was sent to Tiberius Csar in Rome. This Gospel spread over the whole empire. Deliver Him to us I Crucify Him l sounded the furious voices of the people. 3. The prosecutor continued grimly to accuse the martyr, basing his arguments on the documents he had brought with him. We have challenges here in Africa to find such information for, So glorious+++ Most Holy Theotokos save us, Pectoral Cross The details of this terribly unjust act increased the suffering and tortures which. Do not harm others; this I order you. I shared with him my leisure hours, my sorrows and my joys. It was reported that all Judea had come together in Jerusalem. . 10 Significant Biblical Archaeology Discoveries - Listverse Oh, what great salvation is promised to us, it wo follow God! The gospel speaks of his teaching and wisdom, and how people were amazed when they heard His word. According to what history shows us, the ruling religion has not always had pure truth as a foundation, and in all times it was subject to errors. And I saw through him the image and the cross, stained with the blood of Him whom he, as an unhappy and lawless judge, had sentenced to death. And Csar said to him, Most impious one, when thou sawest so great signs done by that man, why didst thou dare to do thus? The latter were distinguished by parchment rolls containing various texts of the laws, which they had bound to their heads. 10, says of the causes of Pilates death. THE IMPERIAL ARCHIVES SPEAK! He has said: He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye.. t greatly by a study of the proceedings, trial and death-sentence of Jesus Christ, in which the Roman courts themselves committed the greatest wrong. It has been said that He never laughs, but that His eyes are always tearful. 1. I don't care how it physically describes Jesus, just want to know how it was found and why it's claimed authentic or not. Letter from Pontius Pilate's wife Catherine Van Dyke Letter from Pontius Pilate's wife Close An edition of Letter from Pontius Pilate's wife(2008) Letter from Pontius Pilate's wife by Catherine Van Dyke 0Ratings 0 Want to read 0 Currently reading 0 Have read Donate this book to the Internet Archivelibrary. Why Pontius Pilate's Wife Tried to Save Christ and the Incredible Dream It seemed that she had not even seen me. rm the sentence issued so long ago, as this was their duty and in accordance with the sound principles of justice. The Hebrews, for instance, maintained that they had every right of religious liberty. The day of the Passover approached. 1st century) is unnamed in the New Testament, where she appears a single time in the Gospel of Matthew. Heavy dark and threatening clouds in various shapes scudded over the sky, and lightning came from the colliding clouds, followed by the unreal echo of deep thunder. And Csar was filled with anger, and held a council with all his senate and officers, and ordered a decree to be written against the Jews thus:. I, for my part am ready to say: Cursed be the day on which I succeeded Valerius Gracius in the administration of Judea! But I'm not sure it's more on topic on. Burleson, TX 76028. It seems, in Galilee there had appeared a young man who preaches to people if high and low standing another law in Gods name, praising Him. answered Pilate, speaking to the petitioner without even so much as raising his head. He flew on cherub wings and a fiery flame executed His orders, and He stopped on a cloud. Now, of all accusations brought against Jesus, not a single one could have been proved and documented, for Pilate himself, by using the words: He is innocent, and con, rming this statement by the washing of his hands, substantiated Jesus innocence. But it seemed to me that in the centre of the town sounds of shouting became audible, imprecations grew louder and louder, and this noise reached my ear like the roar of the waves of the sea. I said to Him: Because of your wisdom you are dearer to me than all these rebellious and bombastic Pharisees who abuse the liberty granted to them by the Roman they conspire against the Emperor and keep us in perfect fearthese dangerous rebels. Owing to this regulation they were full of anger. Dear and beloved reader, have you ever thought that you might be one of those on the path leading to Christ-the path of Golgotha? My husband, weary and under compulsion, was forced at last to yield. I was listening to this unintermitted uproar and my heart began to beat terribly and cold sweat streamed down my forehead. So that, I also was on the couch of my bed in affliction, and put on a garment of mourning, and took unto me fifty Romans with my wife and went into Galilee. With one gesture He separated the righteous from the wicked. Then the audience went quietly away.. In the foremost row I recognised Semidas father; but instead of the depression I expected him to wear on his face, he showed a de. There is no way for us to confirm the authenticity of the apocryphal accounts. As soon as the emperor saw him he laid aside all his wrath, and forthwith rose to him, and was unable to speak harshly to him in anything: and he who in his absence seemed so terrible and fierce now in his presence is found comparatively gentle. The latter were distinguished by parchment rolls containing various texts of the laws, which they had bound to their heads. And the Jews gave information that Jesus did these things on the Sabbath. And as many were exciting an insurrection against me, I ordered him to be crucified. Everywhere it is said, until now, such a man has never been seen in these places. The Pharisees were openly Jesus adversaries, and paid but little attention to our government. Close Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? 28th March. When we reached the inner door leading to the court hall, I heard a noise of louder voices; I had no courage to step in, but peeped through the purple curtains. Semidas father threw himself at the feet of the unknown man I have just described, who went nearer to the bed of the dead and showed Him his daughter, exclaiming: O my Lord, my daughter is in the arms of death, but if it is your will, she will arise. And many of the Jews died, and were engulfed and swallowed up in the chasms in that night, so that not even their bodies appeared.