I also loved the challenge activities, it really helped me learn! It was so helpful having learning activities right under the information to enforce it. zybooks is bad - maryspiresstudio.maryspiresart.com I like the idea of the labs. I had to mess up methods in my classes in order to get it to pass. The interactive portion of zybooks is incredibly useful in learning new material. Although sometimes you come across smoething in a lesson that has not been taught yet (until a later chapter). I think its a better alternative to online classes since it explains things relatively concisely however, i prefer actual classes. Pretty good learning platform, has been pretty useful. Zybook is amazing! It doesn't just expect you to know how to code a sudoku solver or a maze solver. So it's not even an issue with zyBooks at all. It was an effective way to learn the material. The content was clear, concise, and easy to understand with examples. i wish i could look back at old books and do some exercises to freshen up on things, without buying it again, like a real book, Some parts of zybooks were confusing and frustrating at times, but I worked around it, Helped me better understand data structure. I think all professors with flip classrooms should use zybooks. The headers for each section are really helpful in navigating through all of the material, or for navigating to a certain topic. However, this time around, I feel like I am actually learning because I am getting feedback on my programs from zyBooks and I am actually able to check my learning with the questions and activities in the course. Interactive assignments within the text, easy to understand instructions. However, I truly wish the book wouldn't disappear after the semester. ZyBooks makes it much easier to read textbooks, and much more fun and interactive. I dont love the format. I thought the videos were the best partipant activities because I had to watch those instead of skimming or skipping over the text. In comparison to other courses with traditional textbooks, zyBooks made it significantly easier to learn the material, practice and study. I enjoy the flow of the lessons. I think zybooks is pretty good. I like how it was organized and forced the student to read and understand the material. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. I'm ashamed to have done less than I wanted to, but the time I did put into the course I got a lot out of. Great extra resource to have, though would love for there to be a mobile version. zyBooks combine the power of interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to provide students with a rich learning experience. I feel that is a good resource that is organized well and it helped me to better understand the java language. Its easy to use and easy to learn with it. I like the combination of the participation activities along with the challenge questions. It provided an intuitive system for extended education beyond the traditional in-class lectures. Its interactive on learning basis and helps grasp the knowledge through animations and simulations. It really helped me to achieve that A+ I aimed for in this class. However in light of COVID-19 I have not found it as useful but that is partly my fault partly because zybook is not something that is tangible and in front of my face therefore I tend to forget about it. Wayyyyyyyyy too nitpicky about submissions. I have been having an enjoyable time learning the material the way zyBooks presents it. It's a good way to learn but discourages professors from teaching. I like how the material is followed by exercises to reinforce what was learned. I find the Participation Activities to be a great way to reinforce my learning as I read. And the challenges test your abilities in figuring out the solution. I love how ZyBooks performs the guided training, then the labs. Zybooks has helped me immensely to conceptualize matrices and linear algebra. Like the main class was in the. I think the one issue I have with it is just that occasionally the challenge sets feel much more complicated than is to be expected. I enjoyed using zyBooks. The approach zyBooks took me through to learn the same material was leagues ahead of my learning experience last year. Zybooks is interactive but it would be better if there is a lecture video before the topic and then the interactive section. Very thorough and interactive with its material. zyBooks seems like an improvement over most attempts by textbook companies to make me pay to submit my homework, but at the end of the day, that's still what it is. It was great since it had a bunch of examples and showed you different situations with every topic. Instructors can mix and match zyBooks and can combine multiple "catalog zyBooks into one zyBook." There were other areas too, this is just the one I can remember off the top of my head. Overall, I really enjoyed it. Zylabs is basically a testing suite: It has a set of inputs, and expected outputs for each input, it runs the code sent by the student, and checks if the output of that program matches the expected outputs. The material is concise and easy to follow. zyBooks is a lot better than other online textbooks I have used. I find the graphics to be extremely helpful in learning. The reading activities are really helpful. I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. But there's a solution to the problem: zyBooks. When I had strange questions / issues about the material and submitted feedback, zyBooks ALWAYS responded. I really enjoy zyBooks. Maybe the material isn't bad, and the culprit is something else (maybe the course feels rushed for those students for some other reason). It helps students with STEM courseware and improves their subject-matter concepts. Makes it a lot harder on the student to make sense of all of the material. I enjoy the progress bar and the participation question that allow multiple tries, It lessens the stress of getting it right the first time for a 100% grade. Zybooks is very tedious, but it really helped out with everything I saw in class. I miss one character in a challenge exercise and the whole thing goes down the tube. Very easy to use, extremely helpful when the material is difficult. I found it very helpful. Zybooks was the reason why I changed mi major to a computer related area. I thought zybooks is a wonderful way to learn python. I can't figure out where this extra whitespace is and how to get rid of it. Being able to refer back to Zybooks sections was really helpful for my understanding in class. I hope future online classes use zyBooks. One of my only requests would be to be able to purchase a book. I'd rather use zybooks than zoom lectures. I like it a lot! It gives you the hands on experience while also still talking through it thoroughly. I really do enjoy the interactivity. Then, the follow up questions were fair and relevant. Terms of Use Privacy DMCA Notification Policy 2021 zyBooks. zybooks is bad - theactiongrouphr.com zyBooks was a good introduction to learning python and made the learning process a lot smoother and easier. I wish the whole entire zybooks sections were graded. It's a nice, interactive tool to facilitate material. I've often found myself choosing to look back at zyBooks instead of googling a question I had. Trustworthy source. I think zyBooks made the information very digestible and interactive. Very in-depth and thorough explanations. It introduces material at a good pace and is a great companion to computer science classes. A good online textbook that helps you learn more than a physical one. Zybooks brings a different perspective and different approaches to learning the material outside the classroom. Often times could replace a whole class. It is a fun and interactive tool to help me study. With that said, a smartphone is quite small for the learning experience that zyBooks target. The participation activities actually encouraged me to look through the passages, because messing up on a question doesn't negatively affect you, I was able to learn in a comfortable environment. I wish there was some more help with labs but overall a great service. Zybooks is great because it does not expect you to know anything about programming. I think a little more help on challenge activities would be good. Zybooks is very clear and helpful with ever concept. ZyBooks helped me learn about coding since I struggled a lot in the lecture class. Also, the explanation of the concept is pretty clear. The zyBook was great IN ADDITION TO the professor's lecture. Zybooks has helpful interactive tools, such as simulations and step by step "videos", that aid in learning the material in class and gaining a deeper understanding of this material. Out of all the different online learning sources I've had to use over the past two years, Zybooks has always proven to be the most reliable and insightful option. Organized, repetitive, instills learning. I would say it is a great tool to expand beyond the scope of most courses, but not that helpful in directly assisting in the actual course. zyBook is really amazing and easy to use. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! However, the only drawback is the price since it's a bit expensive for the use of 1 school quarter only. zyBooks is freaking awesome. I would be happy to see other class in zybook. Though it was useful the challenges were very hard to read through and complete. This is fine, but there are tiny differences like how the newline is created in a windows notepad versus the zyBooks version (Unix I think). Learn The Ways to Get Best zyBooks Answers - TakeOnlineClassHelp Zybooks is really cool, is a smart guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. I can learn in my own time. I was very pleasantly surprised! This is supposed to be a pretty fast paced/ intense class though (from what I've heard), so I might not like it after seeing it 30-40 hours a week. It was a good tool that was paired with lectures and helped me learn the material. The interactive exercises helped alot. I am happy to be using zybooks however when it comes to the some of the participation activities i feel it would help students more if they gave a better detailed explanation when we get something incorrect. I really like it, the labs are very well explained, participation activities keep it dynamic. Try the first chapter free! Some stuff may be easier to find but other material can be hard to find. The challenge and participation activities we're useful to go back and look at previous examples but in the moment I would just speed through them for the grade as there was no proper incentive not to. I love this software because it teaches and helps when incorrect answers are input rather than just saying you are wrong. I would, however, recommend reviewing the order of information. The material was explained clearly, and the participation activities, challenge activities, and labs reinforced what I was learning. Super easy and quick to use. Also, a little more information in some areas of the text could have been more helpful. I believe that zyBooks is very essential to learning within a remote setting. It was an interesting way to learn the material. The zybooks allow the student an interactive way to complete homework assignments and learn the material. Overall, it is an easy and efficient implementation of an online textbook, especially compared to similar services. It was good for learning because i wasn't just reading, or just activities at the end. Although I am not a fan of computer science I believe that this was a great tool to use in practice to get better at computer science. I think that it would be helpful if the examples were laid out in a different way, such as the animations for participation activities. I also like how the program allows for my instructor to add notes and comments to helps us understand the material for each section. I wish the tasks were more creative and more challenging. I think it is a great way of learning code! ZyBooks is integrated with Canvas. I really enjoyed the fact that the zyBooks had the option to get the answers correct by attempting multiple times until I get it right. zybooks is bad. first experience was really positive. The platform offers interactive tools, responsive questions, and animations to improve the overall learning experience. Zybooks helps reinforce concepts taught in class without being overbearing. I do find it helpful however, I feel having some videos where someone is taking us through the algorithms will be better than us keep playing play. The website is useful with its interactive questions, i dont like it the assignments are too long. I love zybooks, I am so tired of using normal text books that take up space and get lost. From past experiences it always took me alot of time to go and look up the textbook from previous Math classes. Canvas integration is good and interactive activities are also nice. its pretty helpful. Availability Interface is really intuitive. It was a nice website to use to turn in the assignments and it was easy to find chapters and was really easy to participate in class with the assignments. When we encountered such issues our instructor was able to contact the author of the textbook had have them fix that. Looking to adopt a zyBook? It's a nice way to learn (especially during the pandemic) and is generally good at explaining concepts. Extremely helpful resource and easy to navigate. ZyBooks Status. Check if ZyBooks is down or having problems It requires "just right" code input which is absolutely not applicable in the real world, where there are many ways to solve the same problem. The price also was not too steep, which I appreciated, as some online programs I have used for other STEM classes were super expensive and glitchy. it presented everything in an organized way and provided interactive material which I believe is essential to learning computer science (as opposed to a normal textbook). There some issues on the CS courses when solving for problems. It was extremely helpful in providing structure to my studying and general learning practices. Much more user friendly then my experience with ____ and ____. I love using zyBooks. Our teacher didn't even know what the chapters were about. Its such a hassle to write the code in the website. It is a great way to prepare for tests or exams for the class. Useful to learn without having to use google. I think this is a wonderfully effective tool and am very excited to have been introduced to it. So, this would be great to use on the side, but wouldn't be helpful for the assignments. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sometimes I rent zyBooks for classes that don't even assign it. This does not feel to me to be a design error but mostly a technological limitation. I liked the interactive element of zyBooks, however for the assignments there were some elements that sometimes felt redundant or too time-consuming. It helps me learn the things that we don't go over or don't go in depth enough in class. You show so many complicated and confusing concepts to newer coders right off the bat and leave out so many basic principles at the same time. Having to pay full price for a text and still losing access to it after the semester ends is frustrating, especially if you have to retake a course - you have to buy the same book twice. We hear this from community colleges, 4-year teaching or research universities, top-10 schools, and more. I liked how the site was but some of the coding problems were really difficult and we should not have deadlines on the homeworks. Read aboutInstructor SuccessandStudent Success. I think the challenge problems are a bit confusing. View latest updates. I really like how the zybook has the participation activities. I love the zybook! zyBooks is terrible : r/learnprogramming - reddit Especially since we transitioned online. I lost a lot of points because of formatting errors. Honestly some of the explanations leaves me more confused, but other than that it's a good product. The best execution of an online textbook that I've seen. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. It was a good help for understanding new material further but now with quarantine it pretty much is fully teaching me and doing it well. The only thing I would like different is to have explanations for coding parts that are very confusing. Now that classes are taking place virtually, zyBooks has become even more important in my learning experience. Some of the graded code assigments were formatted poorly but otherwise not horrible. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The problems throughout the text are extremely helpful. Zybooks is a great intereactive textbook however it is easy to not learn much since most of the time the answers are either given or multiple choice. The interactive learning segments and in-text quizzes allowed me to really grasp a deeper understanding of the text I was reading. No real issues using it. I have access to zybooks anywhere as long as i have a decent connection to wifi. over simplifies the concepts and the graphic things are too slow, Easy to use learning platform, and the challenge activities can help students learn better. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. It is quick and to the point. I spent more time chasing down formatting errors in lab and challenge activities than I did actually learning. ZyBooks interactive features like animations to help visualize key concepts, learning questions which are presented in different formats, and the many tools with minimal text are very beneficial to build skill and intuition. It was extremely useful to learn from Zybooks. Zybook was SUPER helpful in learning the material and way better than reading normal textbook chapters. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It was much more engaging and I learned a lot faster with the zybooks this semester. I think it is an amazing platform, it helped me learn a lot! I really liked zyBooks. I love the search tool. I thought it was good for learning the material but sometimes the challenges needed stuff to be in a very specific format, which could be tricky. I also plan on recommend zyBooks to any one wishing to learn coding or other lessons that are available. It explains the material quite well. The interactivity and the sample questions makes the learning process much more engaging and efficient. Helpful for repeat practice. As a beginner, I have found it teaches me at a great pace and combines reading with practice well. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.