And if you answer yourself: "because of the cool hat! I'm not going to list any particular teams (although the Knight/Ninja combo I mentioned would be a good place to start), as that would be taking away from the fun of exploring. While it's always good to inflict a condition, it can be pretty inconsequential too. No resurrecting, interestingly, but then again Phoenix Feather. Were you to max it out, you would be nigh unkillable. If Critical and Initiative are what you're going for, ain't nothin' better. So, in theory, pretty great. So, in the supremely rare situation where you miss one or two encounters, this can be of use - otherwise it's just a very pretty table. But that's just for the Mage with Lightning. Well, not really. So really that part is mostly pointless unless you like Cheerleaders, in which case you get that nice little HP/MP regen bonus. So if you have another tank in the mix, you could let him take all the hits and focus on damage. This does have some practical applications, such as providing another victim for Cleave and Lightning, or just getting that back row caster up front so your Barbarian can properly pummel him. Still, the Warlock is worth bringing just for the damage this skill can inflict. You'll end up with the same XP and items, ultimately. Pair with any of the 5 straight up combat (fighter) classes. So again if you focus on weak opponents the conditions will likely stack, and that can add up to a lot. So if you have any of those skills on your team, you really need to use this item. Typically people . It still means that, other than Stun, they get to roll at the start of their turn, but it's better than nothing. The largest, only 3 at a time on the screen, though these are rare. Regular, only useless 14.29% useless. Soon enough this gelatinous cube shows up, literally sucks the weapons off of our Ranger and Fighter and starts digesting them (the weapons, not the warriors - yet), when I decide it's time to bring out the big guns. And it would be unwise not to put any points in this one at all. The Big Hands ability is the selling point here, as it lets you increase your damage by 50% or so. It's clearly the best rug as it'll help from dungeon fire traps to sewer poisoning to dragons confusing you. Knights of Pen & Paper 2 is a turn-based, retro style, pixel-art adventure full of danger, intrigue, death, and saving throws! So the first part of the formula is: follow the main quests, and avoid every single side quest. And if the second one ends up back where it started, that's 100% chance of complete worthlessness on the last monster. This gives a boost, a very substantial boost, to both the Knight's Heath and Energy, +112 each, which together adds up to 224. 1 Point in discipline, so damage is evenly split between HP and MP (So he's basically immortal). Remember that Paladin skill that causes Weakness? So a basic Two Handed Hammer gives you +5 Damage and Threat, where a +5 version of the same gives you +25 Damage and Threat. All of the fighter skills and many of the specialist skills are weapon based, so when your Barbarian or Ninja are dishing out 300-400% Weapon damage those bonuses are all similarly multiplied, and are again multiplied by another 100% on criticals. He's essentially a different kind of Mage, focusing largely on damage (but more ineffectually), with one protective skill just to mix it up and the super cool seeming ability to move monsters around the battlefield at will. Forums. He's kind of awesome. Level Power Lunge and Cleave evenly to keep the versatility going (and to mirror the Mage who's doing the same with his skills), and your low MP also won't matter as much as you won't be using max energy with your skills until the high levels where you'll have enough of it. You will, in effect, feel twice as powerful as they struggle to make a dent in your armor. Unlike the other two ways to get XP, what you get from mushrooms is precisely set - at 500XP (or 625XP, with the right Game Room choice). Knights of Pen & Paper 2 goes free-to-play and wipes everyone's save Nevertheless, the damage starts off pretty weak and only gets up to 128%. Click to install Knights of Pen & Paper 2 from the search results. He kinda likes to be the only bad boy (read: fighter type) on the team though, which is fine, but it does mean he's dictating who you're bringing along with you to slay those dragons. The only difference is Smite applies Weakness to almost all enemies and Guiding Strike gives Paladin extra threat. The Health is inconsequential, practically, but the Energy regen is only a third of what the Cleric provides, and if they're both on your team kiss your MP worries goodbye. This is those guys, all put together. And your base critical chance with all the perfect items, weapon, and a Rich Kid Elf is 22% (19% if you stick to Almighty Rings, but that's a whole other story - and 15% if you're hunting for Sudden Death and have all the condition trinkets). So a Paladin spamming this skill makes your fights pretty dang easy. The Ninja, what with all the stunning and/or criticals, is another one of those hard to leave behind classes. But the only advantage to this option is how it makes your Barbarian sip MP. It's at least better than the Warlock's Life Steal, but that's a pretty low bar. Being the Rocker will allow the Ninja to have enough energy to cast his maxed out stunning skill even at middle levels. Orders and payments. Play Knights of Pen and Paper 3 on PC - BlueStacks But really you only need to get this skill up to mid-level to take advantage of this magical healing loophole. So this page is about the party I used. By the end of the game, with better items, than can get up to about 90%. This, really, is the most innovative and exceptional skill he's got, allowing you to stun and hit, or hit and heal, or heal and stun in a single turn. This is the obvious active skill choice. Choose an Android Emulator for PC from the list we've given and install it. For the record that's the Paladin, Warrior, Barbarian, Monk and Knight. Also, make sure to give the Barbarian an Axe so that, combined with the Ninja who only needs Weakness to round out his Sudden Death approach, you have a reliable way to cause Sudden Death on anything you can get two criticals on, which will not be unlikely with 60% and 80% chances for each of these Critical monsters. That and, unlike for weapons, there aren't that many ways to up your spell damage in the game. You can also, perfectly validly, spread your skill points out evenly among all of the Mage's skills. So no matter what the enemy is throwing at you, so long as you have this at a high level and use it for 1-2 turns, you're back up close to full health and energy. And, remember, when you enrage your max HP goes up astronomically. At level 5, this is moderately important. You'll want to get that 1 point in Rampage ASAP so that the Critical magic happens from the get go, although it'll only be happening around 10% of the time at first. I might be wrong, maybe there's an equation that calculates positions all at once, but I don't think that any of us can escape time, including digital brains, so I'm gonna go ahead and be miffed about that. But what makes a Monk a Monk? Your standard Jock Dwarf Warrior starts out with 4 senses. But there's still some good here, and while his stats are mostly lackluster, he's fun to play and can do things no other class can. One good aspect though is that unlike any other skill but the Hunter's (and Burn from anyone), there is no resistance roll to what you inflict. And a host of other combinations. But if your team is focusing on group damage skills, bringing the Hunter with this is still a natural fit. Now, if you build your team around a Tank with 4 very low Threat companions, the difference the Kawaii Sofa makes is around 10% increased Threat Percentage for the tank. Any battle with a good XP and gold reward is gonna be very difficult to finish in one round. That said, you'll nearly always have enough gold just by playing the game normally (not hunting for gold or items or xp on the side) to fund the whole weaponized expedition. Will use the *20 or the now being default values. This is the "I like causing criticals" skill, shared in basic form with the Thief and Barbarian and Ninja. Option 2, the SAKA way, has you make your Barbarian a Surfer, ideally, or failing that invite that Cleric to purge purge purge, and also maybe be a Rocker or Hipster or something that'll bring that Mind up so he can shake off the Rage a little better. He can't take as much direct damage as the Warrior or (especially) Barbarian, and doesn't have a love affair with armor like the Knight does, but he doesn't have to because of his wily skills. Armor of Faith (passive) - good okay, sorry no, not that good. I don't know what it is, but Druids just have this thing with vines. Easily making first few levels a breeze, spells costing nearly no energy and restoring energy with some skill or another furniture. It'll make Sudden Death a real option on bosses, and that build is how you end up hitting that Dragon once and then watch the goat head swipe across it's face over and over until it's dead. In fact, this skill qualifies as SAKA as far as I'm concerned if (and only if) you pair with the Rocker. However, he has the slickest looking headgear in the game, I think, this sort of macho tiara. Which, especially as the game goes on and better unique items show up, is going to increasingly feel like a sacrifice. So if you were feeling insecure that your damage-dealing Thief came with only 4 Body - be not afraid. If not well, bet you're sorry you bothered reading this whole thing, aren't you? The Paladin is the synergistic glue here, and after maxing out Smite he kicks in with the game's best individual healing spell, which is what he'll be using to keep the Barbarian alive when they all face the dreaded Blue Dragon at the bottom of the Crystal Caverns. (or WITNOGS?! So, unlike the above opus to one skill, this will be brief. And for our final entry, a welcome third lady friend. I've played through with a Monk focusing on this skill and one focusing on Martial Arts for the bare-fisted awesomeness. Brink of Madness (Passive) - good okay, yeah, also not that good. It's more like a spell (although sadly not improved by spell damage boosters). Bring that Thief who's just been sliced in half back to life? Meaning there are better skills to invest in, or items to buy, or players to bring to deal with the whole back row/front row situation. The one weapon in the game that you'd think you'd want for this guy is the bow. He takes advantage of damage reduction in a way I didn't even know was possible before he showed up, he uses energy as health but intelligently for once, and he can build himself up to be the most threatening fighter on the field and take all the agro away from your casters and specialists. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. So this hits a single target for a little less than your average fighter's comparable skill (220% weapon damage at skill level 24), which is the same oomph as the Hunter's hat can muster. So if you do want a Paladin, you're not really going to want to bring him for this. Or level Backstab so your basic attack on new enemies will actually be pretty good and your high Initiative will have you going first most of the time. Thing is, both Fireball and Lightning are perfectly serviceable even against single targets, so if you're looking to be hyper efficient you'll likely invest in one of those and your boosting skill. They also steadily improve the value of your fighter skills, like Cleave, so that the improvement is at a faster rate than the other damage skills. So if everyone else takes cover, your Threat could be 5 but it would still be 100%. Combined with Ambush, in a perfect situation, you're doing 616 damage. And, by the way, do yourself a favor and buy the Monk's campaign, straight away preferably. If you max this skill you'll have a respectable Critical chance, but the Ninja, Barbarian and Knight are all better at it, and her other skills are definitely worth investing in. So, just to illustrate: You're in battle, your HP is down to 40/260, and your MP is down to 60/240. Which, to boil it down, means that quests give the same reward to your party no matter when you complete them, unlike both reaping death and eating 'shrooms. Before that end-game massive damage, the Hunter is just going to be looking over in envy at every other group damage skill his friends are dishing out. That said, most classes have a single target high damage attack, a group target lower damage attack, and then other stuff (that makes them unique). So the Hunter plops his hat on the table, gains up to 56 Threat (which is massive even at high levels), takes a hit for absolutely no damage, and then counter-attacks for up to 220% weapon damage. I would fix the stats back to the non *20 values, but, sadly i am stuck owning Knights of pen and paper +1 on pc and only owning Knights of pen and paper 2 on my mobile, so i can not confirm those numbers, if someone can i urge them to og through the article and change the numbers to a x/(x*20) format. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Optimal Team Composition - Prepare to inhabit a world of chivalry, class warfare and off-beat pop references. "Meh" items are the pretty pointless ones, and largely qualify as such because there is no scaling - like Damage Reduction +2, which is significant for your first 10 levels or so, and pretty meaningless after that - but still it's a bonus. So really, it's a waste, and the other two active skills are better options. Meaning you need to roll higher (well, lower technically) than your Senses. This also means you'll have less use of the Monk's crazy regenerating abilities. The Smoke Bomb is the focus here, as it'll cripple the opposing forces, often before they get their first hit off - if they even get a hit off. How is that badass? Max out Smoke Bomb first, then level Shadow Chain so the Ninja can contribute for late-game boss fights. Time for a little blurb about gold in this game. This is key to the strategy section coming up. Unlike the damage reduction, which is huge at level 1, pretty nice at level 8, and hardly noticeable at level 20 and beyond. So, first thing you'll be asking yourself is: "How can Backstab be passive?" So this one is just, well, absurd. That's the difference. If all three hits are criticals (which is less likely as you'll only have enough skill points for this and Shadow Chain, with little to nothing left for Vanish) and the condition isn't entirely purged at the start of the target's next turn - which mitigates the awesomeness level here. So this is that lime green mist skill I was talking about. Actually no, I lied. But you never want to block for the sake of blocking. So it's all about Barrage of Knives which, along with the Paladin's Weakness and Mage's Lightning, provides the group control half of this team. Steam Community :: Guide :: Strongest Team Build! Pathfinder (Rollenspiel) - Wikipedia The low damage is frustrating at low levels (starts at 54%), as yeah you'll hit the whole row but not very gloriously. It lets you use energy as health and, when that happens, makes you hurt enemies that attack you (for up to 80 damage, which is respectable, if you were foolish enough to max this skill out), and that as many times as you get hit in a turn (which, assuming you can survive it, can get up to 240-320 damage easy). Well, I'm happy to report, pretty much yes to all of the above. This is very significant, and applies to your Barbarian Jock with an axe Charmed against Weakness with a Paladin in the group laying on the Weakness all the time. So, really, I wouldn't invest in this skill unless you've got at least one dude supporting the Conditions situation (the Mage being the best as Fire is applied without a resistance roll). The reason you needed to replace my rating system was because you felt the need to update the data. Hard to resist, this one. But really that's just a gimmick that you won't be using, probably ever, as it would require everyone else to Take Cover in a turn (as if they were, like, sitting down by a tree as a group, pulling out a pipe and sharing it among the four of them while they lay out a picnic, at which point they glance over at the Knight facing 5 Ice Trolls, telling him: "You got this, man"). And here's the A-grade primo version of the Ninja, with a similar approach. "Spell Damage +5% per level" - up to +25%. So you haven't made yourself twice as tough, you've made yourself slightly (to significantly - if you're that Dwarf Jock) less tough (lower MP than HP max no matter what), and the stuff that's keeping you alive (your MP) is also what you need to use to effectively attack back. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. All the monsters (outside of bosses and certain special encounters - neither of which show up in the bestiary anyway). - Level up and get your hands on more gold to unlock epic items and . That and you can't not Escape, the roll just determines whether or not you get hit on the way out - and even then, you only get hit once (not once for every enemy left). Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition Walkthrough overview. But it's still mighty fine. Then made Rocker/Dwarf/Cleric, Goth,Elf,Thief, Rich Kid/Elf/Ninja. You really ought to read that if you haven't. If you commit fully to this idea, you can make all your other players low Threat casters and specialists and also give them weak non-Threatening weapons so that after casting this once the Knight's threat is at about 85%, and a second time brings it to 95%. This is rather difficult to asset, dealing 20% more damage with basic attacks for some classes who rely solely on their attack damage and not needing a lot of energy (or have ways to restore it really fast) can be devastating. I think I've already established the general superiority of Stun as a condition, and in addition to some very good damage (136 at max level), you'll stun your hapless victim as well. "Fine" ones are good choices that have a benefit for the length of the game, but it's not much of a bonus. And then there are the few beasts that you can't set up fights with, like Cave Bats that are only in the Nearby Cave, meaning you have to wander through that cave until you find enough of those bats - so that's a little annoying too. Will mark them with 1-5 score as 1 being least useful. And each attribute is (at least in theory) the core stat for the 3 types of player in this game: the fighters (Body), the casters (Mind), and the specialists (Senses). Knights of Pen and Paper 2 (Video Game) - TV Tropes Max out either Smite or Guiding Strike first. This is in many respects similar to the Ninja's Smoke Bomb. Explore your anger management issues! Control the dead? Knights of Pen and Paper 2. Which means, if you have seven opponents on the field, you can heal for 224 HP - which is a lot but still less than the Paladin or Cleric skills. Well, not exactly every time, not even close, hence the loss of awesome. So yeah, this is totally clutch if that's what you're going for. So Technically it's possible to Sudden Death with Ninja Alone. Mostly useless I find myself resting very rarely but even then a single specialist will save you the trouble, still can be used in some cases. Also, often your weakest players, who are normally protected by their low Threat, get that hit that was intended for your Barbarian. It's a have your cake and eat it too situation, where the Knight can wear crazy heavy armor and shield(s) but still have full energy which actually counts as health. Prepare to join Knights of Pen & Paper 2 in a turn-based, retro style, pixel-art adventure full of danger, intrigue, and semi-appropriate cultural references! Both the Warlock and Mage max out at 136 in the single damage category, and they all inflict Conditions in their own way so, really, I don't get it. For the latter, you're better off not getting too many Senses as really you'd rather be striking after your Mage or Paladin or (more likely) Ninja. Some synergies are obvious, like A requires B (Barrage of Knives requires Fireball or Smite to spread the conditions). It is, however, the most fun solution to that issue, which is why it's great for me. Join the team. (You could focus on Fireball here to help the Thief, but there's just no substitute for boosted Lightning). It does add a layer to your strategy, but a restrictive one (limiting who you should attack to those behind you in the turn order). Nothing. And seeing as you'll get hit more than once in almost any battle, this can be pretty handy. Which won't likely be an issue if that Cleric is at your back, and even if he isn't, one regular 75MP potion gets you back in the fight for a few turns. So there's nothing wrong with this skill, but you're most likely better off investing in something else. This game - is awesome! NFL rumors: Surprise team emerges as a threat to land Aaron Rodgers Prepare to join Knights of Pen & Paper 2 in a turn-based, retro style, pixel-art adventure full of danger, intrigue, and semi-appropriate cultural references! Three +9 fists! If only you could level up almost every couple quests instead of every five or six. At level 20 you really can't tell the difference. What about the Hunter's skill, that's the same and is only great? You have to buy new ones to use a new better scroll on it each time it becomes available, and you'll find that most of your money is going into crafting all these weapons and armor. But then there's Dragons, which must have a pet peeve about Warlocks, because you can't resurrect around them. Really the only class you can build in this relaxed kind of way. And those statistics, if you don't mind me being nerdy here, actually get worse, assuming the program works linearly in time. Cleave. Note - these tips are also applicable to the +1 Edition. You're going to want him for the next two skills. All Reviews: I have to go on a little rant now to explain why: The only way to get charms outside of this is to find them in dungeons (I've read, although I have not ever not once found one there in all my hours of gaming) and by combining 3 "Pound of Rock" items (pound of rocks can be brought at shops in certian places mostly getting lost but if you have no luck try investatgating outside of the castle DLC), which gives you a random charm. concentrated in Dragon Blood myself. Open the Google Play Store in the Emulator you just installed. Knights of Pen and . It's a little weaker well, sort of. But still, you can legitimately level this a little once you have Radiance and Purge up to a level you're happy with, this is then a good third skill to use when you want your MP but don't need no HP. I don't mean that they will necessarily blow your mind, but it's a very different and very difficult kind of fight. This team has 3 casters and 1 specialist with a caster-like build, so Mind points will be in short supply, and potions will abound. Valve Corporation. So many choices! Knights of Pen and Paper 2. . The runner ups in the critical category are the Barbarian, Thief and Monk (in that order), who all max out at about 45-50% (~65-70% with the Barbarian, if you know what you're doing), and don't have multiple hits (except the Barbarian, kind of, more on that later). But not this one. . You are for sure bringing this to the party if you brave the world of Paperos without a Cleric, and even if you have one, this is a great secondary skill to fill in the healing gap for the occasional high damage ur mewling little weak Mage gets. The Warrior or Barbarian are likely still going to get better single attack damage because of their high Body attribute, and this does also mean damage reduction applies to Shadow Chain three times instead of once, but this skill is easily on par with those. Then put remaining points into riposte. Lightning does more damage more consistently, but each hit with Cleave has your Warrior's base critical chance, and every once in a while (oh, like 10-20% depending) it'll cause 100% more damage (to an individual enemy, not the whole row). So, you know those weird guys sitting apart from the rest of the normal High School kids, usually the theater and/or goth and/or art class kids, hanging out and just feeling cool (or insecure - kind of a fine line there). If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Knights of Pen and Paper 2. As long as the Druid has the MP to keep it up, there's no appreciable difference though. Das Spiel basiert auf der Open Game License des Dungeons & Dragons-Regelwerks in Version 3.5.In deutscher Sprache wird das Rollenspiel seit 2009 von Ulisses Spiele vertrieben. Cowboys rumors: Ranking 5 'something big' moves the team could make This section is created by Ghost381 and includes various team builds for different types of battles. Once again, like the Thief, but worse. He's got like 4 extra skills your barbarian doesn't have and he gets 2 attacks each turn, for some reason. It hits any row, and the damage is equivalent to the Mage's Frostbite. Guys like that. Just point him in the right direction and SMASH. Either way, any team will be lucky to have you. KoPaP2 is quite fun little game but damn the speedrun can be frustrating. You're more like Thrud the Barbarian. "Solid" ones provide a good solid benefit. But they will sure as Ra's solar bathrobe look cool doing their inefficient thing. Don't skip this skill. More than most combat classes, the Thief will rely on the special qualities of her skills rather than direct attacks. So she belongs with the specialist classes. Knights of Pen and Paper 3 Review & How To Get For Mobile & PC