She then shows up at the Party explaining that as one of the participants got exposed to one of the chemicals dumped in the river, and the clean-up drive had to come to a halt, leaving her free to come. when he gets mad at him. Mordecai was incapable of communicating and Cj was prone to burst into flames over literally nothing. Together, Eileen and Rigby set up a table with candles, along with the two gifts. Even though he yells at Mordecai and Rigby a lot, it seems that Benson never gets angry at Mordecai on his own. However, her father shuts him down when he called him a "sensitive guy" and that the only trophy he probably won was for crying. Margaret, after falling out of the chopper and grabbing onto the landing grip, manages to calm CJ down by revealing that Del Hanlon of Sports TV Anchor is her boyfriend,as he comes to the party. Together, they had three children. While Mordecai and Rigby slowly try and take over the whole project, CJ reminds Eileen that since this is her video, she should make it the way she wants to. Diego Montez, Garrett Bobby Ferguson Jr. Also, Mordecai and the other park employees (except Benson) help Muscle Man in "The Longest Weekend" when they keep an eye on him to keep him from seeing Starla, so she will not break up with him to test their love after seeing a movie called The Longest Weekend. Did i miss a part of story. Lesson 38: Esther Saves Her People - The Church of Jesus Christ of Without further stalling, this. Mordecai tries to save Margaret, but she calms CJ when she reveals that she is in a relationship with news anchor, Del Hanlon, which stuns Mordecai and surprises her parents. In "Real Date", Eileen and CJ plan to surprise Mordecai with a cake. Rigby's Parents Rigby and Eileen team up, after finding out that Mordecai and CJ are planning to surprise each other. Mordecai was just not mature enough to have a serious relationship. Uncle Steve Mordecai tells Rigby there is a way to "un-jinx" himself (have someone say his name 3 times); infuriated, Rigby looks for a person to break the jinx. This interview also revealed that Matt Price thinks CJ went on to become a professional dodgeball player, and that she no longer speaks to Mordecai, Rigby, Eileen, or Margaret. Cool Cubed This is simply because the Halacha forbids engaging in idolatry even to save one's life. For more information, please see our .more .more 355 Dislike Share Save Team Toon Defenders 4.5K subscribers Comments 166 I am more. Did Mordecai and CJ break up? Why does CJ and Mordecai break up? - DVD In "Sad Sax", Mordecai tries to get CJ to forgive him but with listening to Sad Sax Guy horrible advices, they backfire and CJ would walk away in disgust and she hit Mordecai in the head with a sign when he faked his death from getting hit by a bus. Did regular show get censored? - [11], One night, Mordecai decided it was finally time to ask Margaret to be his girlfriend over a meal at Steak Me Amadeus. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Benny Harris In "Local News Legend" she is shown to maintain her dislike for Margaret as she quickly changes channel when Margaret's new segment airs with a bored look on her face. Mordecai still being nervous around her, accidentally causes a series of events to occur that act like a domino effect, which eventually causes Eileen's Mistletoe Disco Ball to fall into a bowl of punch. "And all the king's servants who were at the king's gate bowed down and paid homage to Haman, for the king had so commanded concerning him. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. He has been shown throughout the show to have knowledge of fighting, including a strategy of fighting called "Death Kwon Do", while you have to have a mullet and jean shorts in order to execute. During the game, you see Mordecai supporting her all the way; even when they hit the sudden death round. breaking things off with Mordecai); Muscle Man and Starla end up married after all. According to this Midrash, it is obvious why Mordechai refused to bow to Haman despite the danger. Unfortunately, this was at the expense of him sneaking out of work; leaving Rigby to cover for him. Upon finding his phone, he notices that all of Margaret's stuff is there and Eileen tells him she is staying as an intern. Cool Cubed Translator Upon going to a restaurant, a chef named Daisuke shows them their future using magical sauce. Kyle Garrity edward said definition of orientalism . CJ arranges a double date with Margaret and Del, to atone for wrecking her dad's party, and her attitude for her being with Mordecai. Mordecai also apologizes to Benson for punching him in the face and then tells him that he is a good friend. But Mordecai did not bow down or pay homage" (v. Others might imply that Mordecai refuses to bow before Haman because, as a God-fearing man, he seeks to worship God alone. Do cj and mordecai get back together? Explained by Sharing Culture By the end of the episode, they ended up kissing as the sun began to rise and officially become a couple. "I'LL KILL YOU!" In "Picking Up Margaret", Margaret says that Mordecai is always there for her, something she can't say about some people she knows. They instantly became great friends, with CJ developing a crush on him. Why did mordecai break up with CJ when he wanted to be just friend with Although almost every problem caused by the duo is Rigby's fault, Mordecai does cause problems at times, though they are unrelated to work. Although the date was partially ruined by the fact that they wanted to give each other gifts in the most perfect way possible, they still managed to have a good time. Mordecai breaks up with CJ 36,885 views Dec 30, 2020 Here is a clip from Regular show. CJ is Mordecai's seventh-known love interest. After they party for a while, CJ goes to the restroom and the others kiss their respective dates as part of the mistletoe tradition. He and Rigby greet him in a friendly manner and show concern for him when Muscle Man continuously pranks him, causing them both to go to Skips and Benson about it. Night Owl Mordecai is one of the seven main characters of Regular Show. Mordecai tends to be more sociable, friendly and serious than Rigby and has much more manageable relationships with others. God of Basketball He and his wife work in the same artist job. Many years later, he met a bat-woman named Stef at an art convention after accidentally bumping into her, who would eventually become his wife. Haman left the first banquet in high spirits, "joyful and merry of heart" that the king and queen favored him so. This enrages CJ so she signs the registration form and says that she would put her father in his place. [18], Mordecai's relationship was going strong with CJ until Margaret came back the following Christmas, sending Mordecai into shock and accidentally cheating on CJ with Margaret. Mordecai and CJ eventually start dating after they patch things up with Margaret gone. Skull Punch Why Mordecai and Margaret DIDN'T End Up Together in Regular Show Mordecai fails to calm her with various environmental triggers giving more of a wrong impression. At the end of the episode, after Mordecai does not take the chance to kiss her goodbye, she kisses him before she boards her flight. This is after Mordecai and CJ become good friends after Mordecai believes Margaret is engaged. He began online dating and found a girl called CJ, who he had a lot in common with. He is a serious person and wants people to do the right thing. "HOLY CRAP!! August 21, 2021. Hissy Fit Mordecai is frantic when he hears the news and didn't know what to say about Margaret staying with Eileen from now on. Gary Negative Rigby This damages the disco ball and it creates hundreds of holograms of Margaret who asks him the same question. Despite both of them being birds, Mordecai and Margaret sport a full set of teeth on their beaks and have two "toes" instead of the standard four. It is noted that his chest is sometimes light blue, but its main color is white, like all Blue Jays. As a little girl, as seen in "Daddy Issues", CJ wore her hair in pigtails and the fringe in it was worn lower. No Rules Man In "Portable Toilet", CJ causes Mordecai and Rigby to get locked in a portable toilet. Principal Dean This shows a little bit of support on her part, which is essential in a friendship. Stef is seen socializing with Eileen in the finale, indicating that she is friendly, and possibly befriends the whole Park crew. Heartbroken over what she had just witnessed, her eyes began to water as she ran outside to her car and drove away at the end of this episode. Mantis King So will they be intrested if it was a bad future and horrible story?! At the end of the episode, Mordecai texts her asking if she wants to go on a date with him, to which she replies with a wink and a confirmation, leaving Mordecai relieved and eager with anticipation. Drumatron VI After an initial situation where Mordecai was not ready to date her, they eventually became good friends and started officially dating. Who does Mordecai end up with? - However, they both run into a problem. Dave In "Skips in the Saddle", it is revealed that he and CJ are going to a Laser Show, hinting that their relationship is growing. - Mordecai in "Ello Gov'nor", Yeah, I/he/we did/do/does/is/am/was! - Mordecai, "Dude quit fooling around!" Since Margaret is Eileen's friend too, Eileen feels bad that she has to exclude Margaret when they hang out because CJ doesn't appreciate the kiss Margaret had with Mordecai. Hammer Mordecai is a 23-year-old anthropomorphic blue jay who works as a groundskeeper at The Park. Four-Armageddon At the beginning of "Laundry Woes", Mordecai is deeply depressed (similar depression in "Yes Dude Yes") and the guys do everything they can to cheer him up. CJ angrily turns into a massive storm-cloud, striking McIntyre's hot-air balloon with lightning, thus causing a fire; exploding the submarine he was in. In "Sad Sax", Mordecai apologizes to CJ with some lights he put on a soon-to-be-demolished house and got beaten up for that. Mordecai is first mentioned in Esther 2:5 as the son of Jair and a Benjamite. Carrey O'Key, Dave They also both went into a destructive rampage due to Mordecai in their debut episodes. Margaret finally reveals Del is not her boyfriend, and apologizes to CJ saying she was sick of feeling like a tourist around her own friends. It takes CJ and Mordecai being trapped in a cop car by a couple of Youth Topia members to make CJ put her resentment aside and contact Margaret so she could help save the turtles Eileen cares so much about. [27]. CJ and Eileen leap into another toilet being hauled away and manage to save the guys. Why didn't mordecai end up with margaret? - Mordecai punches Benson in the face after he scolds him over Rigby's coma. Why didn't mordecai end up with margaret? - Iacedrom and Ygbir This episode is also the last major appearance of CJ. In "Sad Sax", one of Sad Sax Guy's suggestions for Mordecai to win back CJ was to have Margaret to talk to CJ and straighten everything out. At the end of "Steak Me Amadeus", Mordecai asks Margaret to be his girlfriend, and she says she feels like they could be in a relationship that could actually go somewhere. When Margaret is notified of the issue at hand, Margaret immediately arrives to the beach in her father's helicopter, and reports the sea turtle abusers. Sensai Richard Buckner In "Daddy Issues", CJ's father is revealed to be Carl Putter, a cloud-person like her who is a champion miniature golfer. Bert Coleman Rigby even teases him the next day, saying: "Did you put your arm around CJ?". So after CJ hears that Eileen just wants them to be friends, she feels bad that Eileen is sad over this and decides to talk to Mordecai about this dilemma. It is difficult, though, to explain the position of the Dayanim according to this Midrash. After a few days of his favorite activities, Mordecai is back to his old self. It is revealed that Rigby and Eileen have been secretly dating for a . Mordecai and CJ finally break up in "Dumped at the Altar", and the former says they are "taking a break for a while.". [5] At some point, Mordecai and Rigby started to go a local Coffee Shop, where Mordecai began to fall in love with a waitress named Margaret. Unfortunately, Margaret had to move out of state as she had been accepted into university, meaning she couldn't be his girlfriend. Mordecai and C.J decide to break up for a bit because CJ still thinks Mordecai loves Margaret, but it's really because Mordecai is really bad at admitting his true feelings for C.J. [23] Living in Space and Post-Park Life Mordecai soon decided he was going to take a break from dating, [24] and ended up getting sent to space with the rest of the Park Members to prepare for an epic battle between Pops and Anti-Pops, who's real name is Malum Kranus. Stag-Man Yuji Whe he said that he and CJ are taking a break, it most likely meant that they officially broke up so they could feel free to spend time with whoever they want without any awkwardness and then see if they get back together or not. Mordecai doesnt make the same mistakes he made with Margaret - when he realizes he likes her he just goes for it and asks her out. It is also proven that CJ is adapting fast to the 'irregular' things that happen when she is with Mordecai. [20] The peace didn't last for long though, as CJ noticed Mordecai laughing with Margaret in her dad's chopper. why did mordecai and cj break up -